Want to gain as much muscle mass as possible? Then find out the scheme for taking short insulin in bodybuilding. From 10 kg of mass per month. Insulin is synthesized by the cells of the pancreas and acts as a transport for nutrients in the body. It drastically lowers blood sugar levels, which can be fatal.
Today insulin is actively used by pro-athletes due to its powerful anabolic effect on the body. At the same time, amateurs should not use it. It should be remembered that insulin contributes to the accumulation of body fat. To avoid this, you must strictly follow two basic rules:
- The diet should contain a lot of protein compounds and less carbohydrates.
- If you are prone to gaining fat mass, then it is better not to use insulin.
Insulin effects in bodybuilding

For bodybuilders, three effects of this drug are important, which we will now remember:
- Anabolic activity. Thanks to insulin, cells can consume more amino acid compounds. Insulin works best on the absorption of valine and leucine. In addition, the drug is able to restore DNA, accelerate the transport of magnesium and potassium, and accelerate the production of protein compounds. At a low concentration of insulin in the body, the lipolysis process is activated.
- Anti-catabolic activity. Insulin helps to slow down the destruction of protein structures and fats. Under its influence, the rate of delivery of fatty acids into the blood decreases.
- Metabolic activity. Under the influence of insulin, the cellular structures of the tissues begin to consume more glucose. In addition, there is an activation of some enzymes involved in the process of glycolysis. Thanks to insulin, the body's glycogen reserves are restored much faster.
How to use insulin in bodybuilding?

It is important to remember that bodybuilders should only use short-acting or ultra-short-acting drugs. Insulin should be used approximately 30 minutes before meals. The duration of the course, as a rule, does not exceed two months. If this period is increased, then the cessation of the production of natural hormone is possible. The drug should be used in minimal doses. This will allow you to determine your body's response to the exogenous hormone, and if problems arise, you can immediately stop the cycle. Most often, the starting dose is two units. Gradually, it should be increased to 20 and in no case should be consumed more. Also, you cannot abruptly go, say, from 6 units to 12. If you find in some source recommendations to take insulin in an amount of more than 20 units, then do not do it. The maximum dose for bodybuilders is 20 units.
You can take the drug at different intervals, and at the same time it should be remembered that if you use insulin several times a day, then the duration of the cycle should be reduced. A course lasting 60 days is possible with the introduction of insulin every second day.
Insulin should be administered after exercise and be sure to eat half an hour after the drug is administered. This is necessary not only in terms of safety, but also in terms of training. After exercise, the body actively synthesizes somatotropin, since insulin sharply reduces the concentration of glucose. On non-exercise days, insulin should be used before breakfast.
It is also necessary to say a few words about the use of insulin in combination with AAS. It is this use of insulin that can give the maximum effect in comparison with solo. Use anabolic steroids not only during the course of insulin, but continue to take them for a couple of weeks after you stop insulin. This will significantly reduce the rollback effect.
If you do not plan to perform and train for yourself, then you do not need insulin at all. This drug is necessary for pro athletes, but not for amateurs. The risk of using it is not justified by the results of the amateur course. Of course, now we are not talking about people with diabetes. The desire for quick results is understandable, but do not use insulin for this. If you have reached the genetic limit, then steroids will be enough for you.
Errors on the insulin course

- The use of large doses and the wrong timing of injections. Always start the course at the lowest dosage.
- The injection was made incorrectly - the drug must be injected subcutaneously.
- Using the drug before class and before going to bed is strictly forbidden to do so.
- Not eating enough food after injection.
- Use of the drug during the drying cycle.
Learn more about the use of insulin in bodybuilding in this video: