How to make a lotus from spoons, cloth, paper, dough

How to make a lotus from spoons, cloth, paper, dough
How to make a lotus from spoons, cloth, paper, dough

See how to make a lotus from paper using origami, from plastic spoons, a needle bed. Indulge homemade cookies shaped like this flower. The lotus is the sacred flower of Buddhism. This is an amazing plant, because the petals and leaves are not contaminated, they always remain clean. But the plant appears from muddy muddy water, so the lotus symbolizes the strength of the spirit. If you look at its surface through a microscope, it is rough, dirt flows from it without lingering.

The flower of amazing charm blooms only for 3 days, on the fourth it withers. But you can make it from various materials to admire this beauty for a long time.

Modular origami lotus

Paper lotus flower
Paper lotus flower

Folding a paper flower is very interesting. You will be convinced of this right now. To make a lotus with origami, take:

  • white and green paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • threads;
  • ruler.

From double-sided colored paper, cut 12 rectangles measuring 13.5 by 7.5 cm, 8 of white and 4 of green. Each workpiece must be bent in half lengthwise, then unfold.

Now fold two corners on one side and two on the other.

Folding paper corners
Folding paper corners

Place the workpiece horizontally, bend the top side slightly down to pull its edge to the center fold. On the other hand, arrange the workpiece exactly like this.

Paper blank design
Paper blank design

Then pull the bend up, fix this part in this position, you get the so-called "boat".

Thin paper boat
Thin paper boat

You need to make 4 of these green and 8 of white paper.

You can make a lotus not only white, but also pink, red, lilac. In this case, take paper of these colors.

Compose three blanks, placing the green one down and 2 white ones on top of it.

The order of placing three paper blanks
The order of placing three paper blanks

You will have 4 parts, each of which consists of three "boats". Now put them side by side with each other, wrap with thread of the same color as the petals. In this case, it is white.

Wrapping workpieces with thread
Wrapping workpieces with thread

Now put the future flower on the green side, spread the petals symmetrically.

Decoration of future lotus petals
Decoration of future lotus petals

Then bend every second petal to the center, in total you will get 4 pieces designed in this way at this stage.

Bending the petals to the center
Bending the petals to the center

Here's how to make modular origami lotus next. Bend to the middle 4 the next petals that you missed before.

Bending 4 petals to the center
Bending 4 petals to the center

Let's deal with medium blanks. They also need to be folded to the middle through one, in the same sequence.

Bending the petals through one
Bending the petals through one

As a result, you will see 8 green petals. They need to be bent towards the center of the flower in any order.

Arbitrary bending of paper lotus petals
Arbitrary bending of paper lotus petals

So we got a lotus made with origami that will never wither. It can be placed in a vase to admire such splendor.

Finished paper lotus design
Finished paper lotus design

But other, edible lotuses are unlikely to be in front of your eyes for a long time. After all, baked goods made in the shape of a flower are so delicious. She will decorate the table, perfectly diversify it, and will allow you to treat friends and family with an unusual dish.

How to bake lotus shaped cookies?

Lotus cookies
Lotus cookies

It looks amazing and delicious. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 450 g wheat flour;
  • 140 g butter;
  • 130 g cherry juice;
  • one egg white;
  • 4 tbsp. l brown sugar;
  • 150 g walnuts;
  • 5 g vanilla sugar.

This lotus cookie consists of white and pink dough, they are prepared separately. To make white, mix 100 g butter and 200 g sifted flour.

Squeeze the juice out of the cherries to make 130 g. If there is no fresh berry, use the frozen one, letting it settle. The juice needs to be poured into 250 g of sifted flour, send vanillin here, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, softened butter, knead the dough. Both pink and white need to be given a rest. To do this, they are covered with foil and left for 25 minutes.

Now you can roll each into a sausage, cut into identical pieces, from which balls are formed.

Pink and white dough rolled into balls
Pink and white dough rolled into balls

Here's how to make such biscuits flowers. Roll out the pink blank, use a rolling pin to flatten it into a circle, put a piece of white dough in the center.

A ball of white dough on a piece of pink dough
A ball of white dough on a piece of pink dough

To make the pastry look like puff, do the following manipulations with it. First pinch the edges of the pink dough cake, then roll into an oval, shape into a roll.

Shaping the pink dough into a roll
Shaping the pink dough into a roll

Each such workpiece must be covered with a film so that they do not dry out. Let the future cookies rest while you will make the filling.

Grind the nuts in a meat grinder or blender, pour three tablespoons of sugar into them, pour in one protein, mix the filling.

After the rolls have lain under the film for about 20 minutes, rested, roll them with a rolling pin in a circle, put the filling inside, connect the edges. Lay the blanks with the seam down, make three cross-shaped cuts on top with a sharp knife.

Cross cuts on the workpiece
Cross cuts on the workpiece

Cover a baking sheet with parchment, put cookies here, place for half an hour in the oven, which is heated to 170 degrees.

After this time, take out the pastries, it will decorate a holiday dedicated to this flower or become the main dish at a family tea party.

How to make a lotus needle cushion with your own hands?

Continuing the theme of the mysterious flower, you need to tell how to make a lotus-shaped needlework device.

Pin cushion in the form of a white lotus
Pin cushion in the form of a white lotus

This model is perfect for beginners, because you do not need a sewing machine and experience to create this needle bed. Here's what comes in handy:

  • CD disk;
  • white satin or silk fabric;
  • green canvas of the same shiny texture;
  • candle;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • a flap of white cloth;
  • glue gun.
Materials for creating a needle cushion
Materials for creating a needle cushion

Cut 18 petals from white satin. They should be different, the size of large 4 by 6 cm, small 3 by 4 cm.

Sliced white satin petals
Sliced white satin petals

Now you need to singe the edges of the petals over the flame. To do this, you need to quickly move the workpiece over the burner, stretch the singed edges so that the part gets a smooth bend. Decorate 10 x 70 cm green lotus leaves in the same way.

Satin white and green petals
Satin white and green petals

Place the disc on a white sheet, cut it out with a 3 cm margin on all sides.

Satin CD
Satin CD

Sew along the edge with a basting stitch, pull the thread. Here's how to make the needle bar next.

Wrapping the disc into an atlas
Wrapping the disc into an atlas

Sew three green petals along the inner edge, connecting these elements. Use a glue gun to glue them to the base of the white fabric needle bar.

Three stitched green petals
Three stitched green petals

On each petal, you need to lay a fold to fix it. Move this area over the flame, press for a few seconds with your finger.

To avoid scalding yourself by forming petals over the flame, wear gloves while performing these steps.

White satin petal
White satin petal

Now glue the 5 largest white petals on the green leaves, on them in a checkerboard pattern using hot silicone attach 5 more, but smaller ones. The smallest ones go upstairs.

Laying out a flower of white petals
Laying out a flower of white petals

To make a needle bed of this type, it is necessary to make a center for a flower. In this case, it must be cut out in the form of a circle of yellow fabric with a diameter of 6 cm.

Circle of yellow cloth
Circle of yellow cloth

Gather the edges of this blank on a thread, put a piece of padding polyester in it, tie the threads on the back side.

Glue this yellow center in the center of the flower to stick in the needles and always have such a beautiful thing in front of your eyes when you do your needlework.

Appearance of the finished lotus needle bed
Appearance of the finished lotus needle bed

How to draw a lotus?

Let's look at some examples of the image of this flower.

Painted lotus flower
Painted lotus flower

This is how such a lotus pattern is created. In the master class, the newly created features are shown in red, and in blue, drawn before. Draw two sheets perpendicular to each other.

Perpendicular petals
Perpendicular petals

Now draw one bud on top, 2 more on the side of it, to the right or to the left.

Drawing lotus buds
Drawing lotus buds

Draw two horizontal petals below, and below them a large water lily leaf.

Black and white version of the lotus flower
Black and white version of the lotus flower

It remains to decorate your masterpiece, make the flower itself pink, and the leaf green.

Here's another example of how to draw a lotus.

The second option for drawing a lotus flower
The second option for drawing a lotus flower

Start by drawing a horizontal oval with a circle in the center.

Start drawing
Start drawing

Draw a small oval center on the bottom of the circle. In different directions from it there are six flower petals.

Heart and petals of a flower
Heart and petals of a flower

Next, draw many more petals, three of them are located below the ones just created, the rest on different tiers of the circle and oval.

Adding new petals
Adding new petals

Place many stamens on the core, give the stem a thickening.

The final stage of creating a drawing
The final stage of creating a drawing

After that, it remains to color the drawing in the usual way for you. If you want to learn how to draw a lotus in another way, then check out other master classes in this section.

First, on a piece of paper, depict a round petal and two oval ones with pointed tips going in different directions from it.

Drawing the first lotus elements using another method
Drawing the first lotus elements using another method

Draw a few more petals, depict a small stalk.

Lotus petals and stem
Lotus petals and stem

If you want to draw a flower with acrylic paints, then first create a sketch of the future masterpiece.

Flower sketch
Flower sketch

Now remove the extra lines with the eraser, sketch in the background. Paint the leaf with a light green color, use a darker paint inside it, as for the stem.

Water lily stem and leaf
Water lily stem and leaf

Then make the leaf darker, and shade the flower with pink paint. Draw green blades of grass sticking out of the water.

Drawing of pink lotus petals
Drawing of pink lotus petals

DIY lotus card

In answering this question, let's not forget about the water flower. If you make such a voluminous lotus, stick it on a sheet of paper, you will get an amazing DIY gift.

Lotus flower pasted on a postcard
Lotus flower pasted on a postcard

For such needlework you will need:

  • green paper and double-sided pink;
  • blue cardboard;
  • glue;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • compass.

Cut 7 identical circles out of pink paper.

Pink blank mugs
Pink blank mugs

If you created them not according to a template, but with the help of a compass, then a point will already be put in the middle. If not, measure the two perpendicular diagonals, mark where they intersect.

In the center of the large circle, draw a small one. Using a ruler and pencil, divide the resulting ring into 12 sectors.

Marking on a pink mug
Marking on a pink mug

Along these strips, you need to cut the workpiece using scissors. Complete all other details in the same way.

Cutting workpieces by marking
Cutting workpieces by marking

Here's how to make a voluminous postcard next. The folded edges of the petals need to be glued together to fix them in this position.

Folded and glued edges of the workpiece
Folded and glued edges of the workpiece

Now you need to drop glue in the center of the first blank, put the second on it so that the petals are staggered. Glue other blanks here.

Gluing blanks on top of each other
Gluing blanks on top of each other

Attach a yellow round core in the center.

Attached yellow core
Attached yellow core

Glue a green leaf of a water lily on the blue cardboard, and a flower on top. Then you can give the card to the person for whom it was made.

Homemade water lilies made from spoons

If you want glowing flowers to decorate the summer cottage in the evenings, make them.

Homemade water lily design
Homemade water lily design


  • sharp stationery knife;
  • Styrofoam;
  • solar-powered flashlight;
  • scissors;
  • acrylic paint;
  • Super glue.

Using a knife, shape the foam blank as shown in the photo.

Processed foam blank
Processed foam blank

For disposable spoons, cut off the handles at an angle so that these blanks are conveniently sticking into the foam. In it, you will make a hole on top of the size of the flashlight, glue it here. Now stick the cut parts of the spoons in here to fix them better, drip a little glue.

Attaching spoons to styrofoam
Attaching spoons to styrofoam

Make several rows of spoons.

Making multiple rows of petals from spoons
Making multiple rows of petals from spoons

You can decorate a pond with a lily. If you want to make a lotus without a flashlight, then watch the next master class.


  • green plastic bottle;
  • disposable white spoons;
  • thermal gun;
  • acrylic art paint;
  • a yellow or clear plastic bottle;
  • scissors.

Cut off the handles of the plastic spoons. Glue two blanks with a heat gun, attach a third to them.

Blank of three spoons without handles
Blank of three spoons without handles

Then glue the rest of the blanks to this base.

Formed flowers from spoon heads
Formed flowers from spoon heads

To make a core for a lotus, cut a 2.5x12 cm strip from a yellow or transparent bottle. Without cutting to the end, chop the long edge into thin strips with scissors. Roll up the workpiece with a roll, gluing the turns with a heat gun.

If you are using a clear bottle, then cover it with yellow acrylic. Let the paint dry.

Lotus cores made from cut pieces of a plastic bottle
Lotus cores made from cut pieces of a plastic bottle

Glue the core into the center of the flower, after which you need to cut out the leaves from the green bottle. This is how you can make flowers from spoons.

Three ready-made lilies
Three ready-made lilies

Now you can make lotuses to decorate your summer cottage. If you want to see how others do it, then take a look at the process.
