Canary Shepherd Dogs: Care for the Garafiano and Labito Species

Canary Shepherd Dogs: Care for the Garafiano and Labito Species
Canary Shepherd Dogs: Care for the Garafiano and Labito Species

Data on the appearance of the Canary Shepherd Dogs, appearance, character and health, care criteria: walking the pet, its diet and training, interesting facts. Puppy cost. Almost no one has seen Garafi Shepherd Dogs and Labito Erenier outside the Canary Islands. The herding dogs of those island lands are unique in nature. They are very smart, balanced and kind. These are the main traits of their character. Since ancient times, it was impossible for shepherds to do without such helpers. These dogs are similar to the Canary. They are just as hardworking and sincere.

If you look into the eyes of the Canary Shepherd Dogs, you can travel far into the depths of time and the infinity of space, when there were no people, roads and cars in their homeland, but they already existed. A person cannot live in isolation from nature, and therefore without dogs. By responding to her, he ceases to be himself.

Canary Shepherd appearance data

Garafiano in dry grass
Garafiano in dry grass

Garafi Shepherd Dogs and Labito Erenia are two ancient dog breeds that are not similar to each other. But, animals do one job - they are shepherds.

The Garaphic Shepherd or Geraphic Shepherd here on the island is simply called Garafiano. There are two versions of the origin of this breed. According to one of them, dogs appeared on the island of La Palma. They say that they have lived here since time immemorial and were engaged in the fact that, first of all, they helped people to graze sheep.

According to the second version, when the first Europeans sailed to the Canary Islands, they brought their herding dogs with them. The Garafi Sheepdog was created by a complex crossing of European canines with local varieties of dogs. But to say exactly how exactly the Garafi Shepherd Dog was born, in all likelihood, we will no longer be able to.

For a long time, the Canaries did not look at these animals as a breed. They shook over the Canary Mastiffs, displayed them in battles, earned money on them. And garafiano, it was like that - a peasant misunderstanding. Because of this attitude, they were almost lost. There were some interested people who wanted to improve this breed.

In the mid-50s, they began to cross the Garafiano with the then popular German shepherds. Oddly enough, due to these experiments, the variety was practically lost. Mestizos from Garafi and German shepherds gave very vicious offspring. Such dogs showed aggression towards both livestock and people, and this behavior is unacceptable for a herding dog.

Labito Erenier or Eren Labit comes from one of the islands of the Canary archipelago. Labito - wolf dogs are completely unknown outside the Canary Islands. Perhaps that is why they have been preserved in their original form. In general, they are called simply "lobo", that is - a wolf. They are not yet recognized by the International Cynological Federation. But, the breeders of the breed are working in this direction and claim that soon this issue will be resolved and another official breed of Canary Shepherd will appear.

It is not known exactly where the labito-erenia came from, but they are very ancient. According to historians, Guanches lived on the island, before the arrival of the Spaniards. Their dwellings were caves, and they cultivated the land with primitive tools. But, interestingly, they had two varieties of lobo dogs - shepherd and mahareiro, which directly guarded these herds and dwellings of people. If these were such primitive people, then where did they get these dogs, and how did they manage to breed a breed with such excellent working qualities that were genetically transmitted? This is one of the signs that these canines can form a single species and be called a breed.

The Labito cannot be compared with other wolf breeds, German or Czech. They have a howling personality. Experts cannot say with certainty what they have left of their ancestors, but, apparently, many genes make themselves felt. Their homeland is a small island that has been isolated. The world ended in the west of these lands.

From time to time, white puppies appear in the litter. They are highly prized among herders, especially mixed herds of goats and sheep. Since they have a thicker coat and can be used on islands with lower temperatures. The color is rare, but acceptable - there are white wolves.

Parameters of the appearance of the Garafi Shepherd Dog

The appearance of the Garafi shepherd dog
The appearance of the Garafi shepherd dog

Garafiano has a medium size, muscular, elongated body. Height at withers in males from 60 cm to 65 cm, bitches from 53 cm to 59 cm. Weight 25-30 kg in males, 21-25 kg in bitches.

  • Head - wedge-shaped. The skull is flat, tapering smoothly from the sides to the nose. The frontal part is not wide. Cheekbones are flat. The brows are developed harmoniously.
  • Muzzle - long, but not narrow, slightly widened at the base. The stop is clear, but smooth.
  • Nose well developed, rounded, black.
  • Eyes Garafi Shepherd Dogs are located just above the foot, rounded in shape. Their color is light brown with an amber tint.
  • Ears located at the level of the occiput, triangular, erect, mobile.
  • Neck - medium, high, strong, dry, beautifully curved. The withers are well developed.
  • Frame - rectangular, strong, muscular. The chest is oval. The back is straight and long. The loin is strong. The croup is voluminous, slightly sloping. The bottom line is moderately tucked up.
  • Tail - located high. Natural size is long, curved in the shape of a sickle.
  • Front legs - firm and strong with prominent muscles. Hind legs - parallel to each other with strong bones. The thighs have voluminous muscles.
  • Paws - compact, fingers are tightly connected.
  • Coat Garafi Shepherd Dog is dense, fluffy, not uniform in length. The guard hair is even and slightly wavy in some areas, moderately coarse. The undercoat is dense and soft. Short hair on the muzzle, frontal part, back of the front legs, on the hind legs from thighs to feet. The coat is of medium length and grows along the top of the body and at the tips of the ears. Decorating fur on the underside of the ears, on the cheekbones, on the neck, on the lower abdomen, on the thighs, forelegs and on the tail.
  • Color - golden, deer, red, red-brown and other shades of orange-red.

Characteristic behavior of the Canary Shepherd

Canary shepherd dogs with people
Canary shepherd dogs with people

Garafi Shepherd Dogs are herding dogs, but they can not only graze sheep. When this breed was restored, then such a quality of a companion dog was laid in it. These dogs without fail had to be, firstly, kind, and secondly, easily manageable. But, most importantly, the dogs calmly and easily had to adapt to life in the house.

In principle, dogs can live both in the house and in the aviary, the most important thing is that they walk with them and pay as much attention as possible. Garafiano is also an excellent nanny. For children, this is probably also the most favorite toy. She loves them very much, and therefore, she is very calm and tolerant of them. Children can do everything with her that is perceived as mutually joyful.

The main advantage of labito-erenia is that they know how to love and be friends. When a bitch gives birth to puppies, she never gives up on them. Likewise, they are loyal to their masters. Perhaps this is their distinguishing feature.

Canary Shepherd Health

Two Canary Shepherd Dogs
Two Canary Shepherd Dogs

Garafi shepherd dogs and labito-erenia, canines with an ancient history behind them. They have been forming over the centuries, which has left their golden mark on their health. Therefore, these individuals have a strong immune system that copes with many diseases without problems. Animals did not inherit genetically transmitted diseases.

But for your dog to be healthy, you must properly monitor it. From an early age, the dog should receive a healthy diet according to age. A small puppy is fed five times a day, gradually switching to three meals a day for up to a year, and then two meals a day.

If puppies can be given milk, then it is categorically contraindicated for adults, since it is not absorbed by the body. Not only that, your dog may have diarrhea, which will completely upset the digestive tract. The body of adult dogs is being rebuilt, and they can only consume fermented milk products, such as, for example, kefir, serum (liquid left after pressing the cheese) or low-fat cottage cheese.

When there is an active growth, the dog needs vitamins and minerals to form bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and so on. If at this age the dog does not receive all the substances that work from the inside, then he may not only have the wrong breed exterior, but also health problems: the limbs develop incorrectly, there will be a small height at the withers and weight.

It is extremely important to carry out antihelminthic procedures regularly. These parasites, having settled in the dog's body, suck out everything useful from it and poison it with their waste products. Their presence is especially bad for the puppy's body. Therefore, do not ignore such important procedures.

Many owners say: "My dog does not eat raw meat and does not threaten her with worms." They are greatly mistaken. Please note that the dog licks its fur coat, genitals, sniffs and licks its fellows. Walking on the street, she can pick up and eat someone else's poop in a way that you will not see. Eggs of worms are also present on the grass, which dogs sometimes like to chew. And then, these parasites are transmitted to you when you interact with a dog. You don't need to kiss her for this. It will be enough for her to dust herself off or her breath.

To prevent the development of these pests, you only need to give the dog a pill once every three months. The medicine is given on an empty stomach, one hour before a meal. If you cannot fit the pill into the pet's mouth, then wrap it in a piece of food that the dog loves, such as meat, and the pet will eat it himself.

Canary Shepherd Care Criteria

Canary shepherd with puppy
Canary shepherd with puppy
  1. Wool garafiano is thick and therefore needs to be brushed every week, several times. When the pet changes its coat, the procedure is carried out every day until the end of the molt outside to avoid cleaning the house. This is done with a slicker or furminator, which works much more efficiently. Labitoes are combed out less often, since their coat is not so thick. "Bath" events are not often arranged for Canary Shepherd Dogs. The structure of their hair is hard and smooth enough, and therefore dirt easily leaves it. You need to bathe them no more than four times, monthly. Shampoos should be selected typified and of high quality. All concentrates are always diluted with water. For better application, you can do this with a spray bottle. Remember, rinsing your dog thoroughly will keep your dog free of dandruff and irritation. The pet should always dry warm.
  2. Teeth dogs are her health. Their condition is affected not only by what the pet eats, but also by how their owner watches them. To keep them always clean and stay healthy for a long time, they need to be cleaned. Train your dog to do this from an early age. To prevent plaque, feed him dry food or hard, pressed bones from the zoological store.
  3. Ears - Inspect in a timely manner and, if necessary, clean using special sulfur softening agents purchased from a veterinary pharmacy. Clean ears, leave alone, so as not to irritate them once again and make them worse.
  4. Eyes - do not require special attention. But, after walking or working the dogs, they are examined. If the mucous membrane of the eye is inflamed due to foreign particles, then wipe them with a swab soaked in an anti-irritant agent. When a more serious problem arises, take the dog to the veterinary clinic to an ophthalmologist.
  5. Claws cut as soon as the stratum corneum grows back. Long claws prevent the dog from moving normally. The excess stratum corneum is removed using special tools. When walking the pet on hard surfaces, the claws grind off themselves.
  6. Feeding working dogs implies a full range of substances for their complete saturation, and maintenance of energy. Natural food must be selected thoughtfully and carefully, but, nevertheless, its main composition is lean meat. Vitamins and minerals sold separately. Ready-made, professional food includes a full range of all substances that are needed for the dog's body. If the animal spends less energy on walks or work, then the portions of food should be slightly smaller.
  7. Walking these mobile, shepherd's shepherd dogs, long. If you do not want to deal with a dog or you do not have time for this, then it is better just not to have such a pet. Their nature requires the release of the energy donated by nature. If your beloved dog does not move and walk enough, he will simply wither away. This will affect not only his psyche, but also his health.

Canary Shepherd Training

Canary shepherd training
Canary shepherd training

The main task of a herding dog is to keep the herd together. That is, the dog must concentrate the cattle in one place or drive in a certain direction. When performing work, a four-legged shepherd makes a very loud, shrill sound. First, by voice, he notifies the shepherd that the task has been completed and this does not allow the cloven-hoofed ones to sleep. If any sheep or goat has strayed from the herd, then the dog drives the animal back with pinching movements.

In no case should she bite the cattle. In cynology, there is even a special concept - a pinch grip. It's hard for a herding dog to stay in one place. He reacts to any movement that occurs behind or next to him. Such dogs lead a very active lifestyle. On the one hand, he is good, but on the other, the animal is very tired.

Interesting facts about the Canary Shepherd

Canary shepherd dog with a puppy on the grass
Canary shepherd dog with a puppy on the grass

Puppies labito-erenie at twenty-eight days are already very independent. And this is natural, because they are the descendants of wolf-like dogs, and maybe directly the wolves themselves. This rapid maturation is likely because the predator must mature quickly.

The labito often gives birth to offspring with white hair. This is permissible in this breed. In many dog breeds, white is considered incorrect. If this is not a marriage, then a serious flaw. It is believed that in nature, dogs with such a color are not viable and are difficult to camouflage. But this is not the case. In many wolves, dogs of this color constantly appear in litters.

For example, a man who created a German shepherd dog named Von Stefanitz, when he was just starting breeding, received two lines of these dogs. Some were white, while others were zoner gray wolf. The dog handler decided to follow the path of wolf-colored dogs. But, from white individuals, another breed originated - the Swiss Shepherd Dog. So white is not only beautiful but also viable.

The Labito-Erenier canines always keep their tail between the limbs. An ignorant person may take this for fear. In fact, this is caution. This is explained by the fact that cautious individuals always survive in wildlife, and reckless ones die faster. Labito are accustomed to always assessing the situation and the person. Perhaps that is why they have been preserved in their original form.

Canary Shepherd puppies price

Canary shepherd puppies
Canary shepherd puppies

Garafiano and Labito breeds are rare. Such dogs are found only in the Canary Islands. You can go to this area on vacation and at the same time find breed kennels. If you do not yet have the opportunity to make such a trip, you can try to search for the breeders of these dogs on the Internet. After talking with these people and having made your choice, book a puppy by making an advance bank prepayment. Determine the delivery of the future four-legged friend with the breeder. For a surcharge, the dog will be delivered to your city. The price of a puppy is $ 1500-2000.

For more information on Canary Shepherds, see the video below:
