Description of the Bergamo Sheepdog

Description of the Bergamo Sheepdog
Description of the Bergamo Sheepdog

Historical data about the Bergamo Shepherd Dog, appearance, character and health, advice on care, nuances of training, interesting facts. Purchase of a puppy, price. Their number throughout the world is small. Representatives of this breed have helped farmers with farming for centuries. But since then, as they began to take part in exhibitions, it became clear that getting high marks in competitions and grazing sheep are incompatible concepts. It's all about their fur coat, it deteriorates during work. Combining both will not work.

Surprisingly, these are balanced and full of dignity dogs. They don't make unnecessary movements. At the same time, one dog can manage a huge herd of several hundred head of cattle. These animals are very attached to people, and they want to be around all the time. You cannot leave some pets for a long time.

To get a dog of a rare breed is an ambitious project. Observing the behavior of such a pet, it will not always be clear where the genetic characteristics are hidden, and where the traits of his character or just quirks appear.

Historical data on the breed Bergamo Shepherd

Bergamasco on a walk
Bergamasco on a walk

There are places on our planet that are associated with dog breeds, for example: in Germany, the city of Rottweil, where the famous Rottweilers appeared, in England, the town of York - Yorkshire terriers, well, and in Italy - Bergamo with its Bergaman shepherd dogs. According to one version, these dogs received their name in honor of this beautiful city, since it was here, for centuries, that their breeders met, rallying cattle to large fairs.

It was at such large gatherings that the shepherds looked at the working data of the dogs, and accordingly selected individuals worthy to continue the breed lines. Another theory, linguistic. It is based on the Italian noun birgamino, which means shepherd's helper. Which of the two hypotheses is more true is no longer clear. As a rule, the truth is somewhere in between.

It is believed that the ancestors of these dogs were huge Tibetan mastiffs. They say that they came to the Apennine Peninsula, along with nomads, long before the rise of the Roman Empire. There they interbred with local dogs until the Bergama Shepherd Dogs appeared - excellent shepherds, guards and man's best friends.

The Church of Santa Maria Maggiore is one of the most beautiful and significant sights of Bergam, it was built at the beginning of the 12th century, and then it was repeatedly improved. This temple is also notable for the fact that one of its entrances is called “the gate of the white lions”. Local breeders believe that the Bergama Shepherd Dogs became the prototypes of these animals. There is no evidence of this, but the legend itself sounds so beautiful that it is easy to believe in it.

The breed is very ancient, but since these shepherd dogs were bred by farmers, solely for their own needs, it is not possible to trace the family trees of modern champions. Purposeful selection of Bergamasco, began only at the end of the 19th century, but its results are amazing. They are very kind, quick-witted and courageous dogs.

Officially, the breed was only recognized in 1959. On the one hand, it is not forgivable late, but on the other hand, despite the work on the exterior of these dogs, the Bergamasco retained the best working qualities.

Description of the appearance of the Bergamo Shepherd Dog

Bergamasco external standard
Bergamasco external standard

The dog is of medium height, with abundant, long hair forming cords. An animal intended for grazing, with a stable nervous organization. The height at the withers in a dog is from 60 to 62 cm, in bitches from 54 to 56 cm. They weigh from 26 to 38 kg, depending on gender. Due to their lush hairline, they look heavier.

  1. Head must be of the correct shape and very proportional. Its length is equal to two-fifths of the height of the dog at the withers. The frontal part is flat. Cheekbones are not prominent.
  2. Muzzle and skull length in equal proportions. Has powerful jaws with a scissor bite. The transition from the muzzle to the forehead is not pronounced.
  3. Nose bergamasco large, well developed, with open nostrils. Only in black pigmentation.
  4. Eyes oval, medium-sized, covered with wool. The corneal color is brown in various shades, from dark to light.
  5. Ears medium length, triangular, hanging.
  6. Neck in the Bergamsk Shepherd Dog of medium length, powerful with a developed withers, thickens towards the body.
  7. Frame stretched format, with a strong, straight back. The developed croup is sloping. The belly is a little tucked up. Ribs do not bulge.
  8. Tail low rise, reaches the hocks. At the base it is thicker, towards the end it gradually becomes narrower. When moving, the dog lifts it up a little.
  9. Limbs erect, muscular, with strong bones. The thighs are well developed.
  10. Paws voluminous, with dense pads and strong nails.
  11. Coat Bergamasco with a dense double and dense undercoat. Long, heavy, hair forms flat dreadlocks characteristic of the breed - "boccoli" in the form of cords. The dog is completely, literally to the toes, covered with them, you can't even see the eyes.
  12. Color may include a variety of shades of gray. Individuals with white colors are discarded and not allowed for breeding.

Features of the character of the dog Bergamasco

Bergamasco muzzle
Bergamasco muzzle

The most striking feature of the Bergamo Shepherd's behavior is that it is very attached to its owners. Pets want to be inseparable with them - they are always there. They follow people on their heels literally everywhere. Even if a person is in an uncomfortable space for an animal, the dog tries to find a place nearby, and it will be better to endure the discomfort, but only so as not to be separated. So, if the shepherd dogs live in an urban environment, you cannot leave them alone for a long time. Provided that the dog is left to himself most of the time, he begins to yearn, lose weight, and depression appears.

For dogs in a metropolis, this is the cause of all problems. You need to find time for your four-legged friend. If he is with you, even a simple walk in the park area can make him happy. Because this is not the point … Such a feature of the character of Bergamasco was laid down at the genetic level back in the days when they worked with shepherds high in the mountains. A man, together with a flock, could go high into the Alps for long weeks. There he was surrounded only by sheep and a dog, which in fact was the only friend and helper. Her duty was to follow her master incessantly.

Although the situation has changed now, the genetics of these dogs reminds of what was expected of them for centuries, and they realize the aspiration to the best of their ability. Bergamasco just doesn't strain. For example, if you come to the park, the animal will study it, but will not run and jump. Ask to bring a ball, the pet will follow the command, but if this is not followed by some weighty encouragement, the dog will not repeat this action.

They just love herding classes. This time of passage is very helpful in establishing contact between the dog and its owner. During these "lessons", your pet and you will experience many vivid, lively, interactive moments that cannot be obtained from any other discipline. Bergamasco will be happy to apply his intelligence skills and realize instincts. This opportunity to express yourself is very important.

Bergamo Sheepdog Health

Bergamo Shepherd Dog Runs On The Beach
Bergamo Shepherd Dog Runs On The Beach

The state of the pet's body is the main issue that should be occupied by the owners. People often do not realize that their habits or lifestyle can harm the pet. At first glance, when you move Bergamasco from sunny Italy, to countries with a warm climate, the risk of earning heatstroke is almost zero. Alas, this is not the case.

A lot of dogs in the case of direct exposure to direct sunlight, when they are not open areas, or an overabundance of physical activity die. Any good owner should be able to protect his pet from overheating. Canines have a completely different thermoregulation than ours.

They have a high body temperature. Dark coat, more attracting ultraviolet rays. Thermoregulation in canines occurs at the expense of the nasal passages and paw pads. Therefore, never drive your pet on hot asphalt. Don't forget about water. It should always be at hand to give the animal a drink or to apply a cooling compress if necessary.

In this case, there are certain subtleties. There are risk areas: head and groin area. On these places you need to make a cold compress or just pour water. Move your pet to the shade and measure the temperature. If it is tall, then the four-legged friend may die. Accordingly, the age and health of the pet plays a role. This applies to all dogs, but corrections must be made for the breed characteristics of your animal.

The Bergamas Sheepdogs have an incredibly thick undercoat that protects the dog from rain and wind, allowing these shaggy giants to graze herds in any weather. However, what is good in highlands is not always good in plains. With this feature, it is very difficult to wet the dog. Therefore, the wool is carefully pushed apart so that there is a direct hit of water on the skin.

After the compress is made, it is early to relax, the dreadlocks and undercoat do not dry well, but they can be very good. In this context, any injury to the dog's skin can lead to extremely unpleasant consequences. Therefore, the skin of the "shaggy" is carefully examined. If you find any even minor damage, they need to be treated with antiseptics and applied healing ointments or sprays.

Be sure to treat your four-legged friend for fleas and ticks. After all, it will be difficult to disentangle or remove parasites from long cords.

Problems in an animal can be both psychological and physical. This should be distinguished. Do not hesitate to ask for advice from specialists who can identify the disease at an early stage. Owners of breeds such as the Bergamo Sheepdog need to be very careful with their pet.

They have a tendency to orthopedic diseases. For example, dogs are at risk for joint dysplasia. Radiography will help to verify the absence of this problem. There is also a tendency to gastroenteritis. To avoid this, you need to control the pet's nutrition.

Bergamo Sheepdog Care Tips

Bergamskaya Shepherd Dog with owner
Bergamskaya Shepherd Dog with owner
  1. Wool Bergama Shepherd Dogs require attention and patience. It is coated with a thin grease that has a protective function against external influences and moisture. Dogs are bathed no more than several times a year. Frequent washing with the wrong shampoo can break the protective layer when the puppy coat changes and the formation of dreadlocks peculiar to the breed, "boccoli" - long cords of wool occurs. This is the main decoration of the breed, so you need to care for them carefully. Their shape is very easy to damage and, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to correct such flaws. They are cut in the most extreme case, only at the time of the surgical operation. Wool grows very slowly and may not reach the same length. Tangled blades of grass or thorns should be picked carefully by hand, without unraveling the dreadlocks. If the dog is a show dog, then of course, the coat helps to correct the shortcomings of the exterior, but at the same time, it must look simply amazing. The hairstyle of the Bergama Shepherd Dogs is "informal". Dreadlocks should be well-groomed. This is not easy to achieve, since the undercoat of this breed is very different from the main hair. When grooming, it is important to make the transition from the roots of the strands as neat as possible.
  2. Ears must be inspected and cleaned regularly.
  3. Eyes do not require special care.
  4. Teeth teach to clean from puppyhood. It is better to prevent than to cure unpleasant diseases of the oral cavity.
  5. Claws be sure to cut, otherwise the bergamasco will be uncomfortable. There may even be a deformation of the fingers.
  6. Feeding should be balanced, taking into account the characteristics of the body and age. It is best to give ready-made feed from reputable manufacturers. It contains all the vitamins and minerals.
  7. Walking. Of course, the Bergama Shepherd Dog in the village lives more comfortably: there are fields, forests, fresh air and space. But they can feel great in the city if you create the necessary conditions for them: their own corner, daily walks and your boundless attention. This breed loves to be in the fresh air, but they will not arrange races in the bushes, or showdowns with their fellows. The dogs are calm, they like to take a leisurely walk in the shade.

Bergamsk Sheepdog training

Bergamo Sheepdog comes out of the water
Bergamo Sheepdog comes out of the water

Simple, kind, beautiful dogs who give their best. They work in rain, heat, snow, storm and without a whim they fulfill the requirements of the owner. Bergamasco are adapted to extreme conditions, because a fur coat like theirs will protect you from everything. You can rely on them. When grazing cattle, they are very active. As soon as the owner commanded to stop, they do not hesitate to follow the command. This speaks of a very good nervous organization. Excitation processes are balanced by inhibition processes. Sheepdogs are calm and manageable.

Interesting facts about the Bergamo Shepherd

They are born shepherds. Historically, the Bergamasco originated in the Alps, so their coat matches the local weather. Such a fur coat is very relevant, especially in the winter. In the summer, so that the dogs are not hot, they are cut. This type of wool was formed in them under the influence of the external environment. They have lived in the Alps for centuries, in conditions of constant sharp jumps in temperature. The presence of such a lush fur coat helped them easily endure wind, heat and cold.

Of course, mountain dogs are different from those beauties that can be found at the exhibition. In order for the coat to truly protect the dog, it must turn into one huge, monolithic ball, which is simply not acceptable for a show animal.

It is simply amazing in the 21st century, and during emergencies, no technique can replace a dog. There are specially trained dogs that look for people during avalanches. In order for a person to survey one square hectare, it takes four hours, but Bergamasco cope with a similar task in 30 minutes.

Purchase and price of puppies of the Bergamo Shepherd

Bergama Shepherd Dogs
Bergama Shepherd Dogs

For a breeder, the most important thing is the selection of a worthy pair for the pet. Puppies need good genetics, so you need to know everything about their future parents. What qualities did he inherit and from whom? Is there a vulnerability to disease? All of this is important. When the breeders are chosen correctly, the offspring are great.

The most famous breeders are located in Italy, the homeland of dogs, in the city of Bergamo. These pets are known all over the world. To get the right to mate a bitch from a kennel with a titled male, the owners must provide a letter of recommendation and sign up for the queue.

It is not easy for professional owners to part with puppies, because they are brought up with great care and love. It takes experience to do this. You must develop their intelligence from a very early age. The easiest way to do this is through games, each time different. Puppies, like children, are stubborn and will not do what they are not interested in.

Most people choose boys by color - this is a mistake. Coat color is the least significant characteristic. Three things are important in animals: quick wits, character, and health. If they are, everything else will follow. In fact, in the world, there are very few Bergamasco, so every strong puppy is worth its weight in gold. The price for them can only be found by contacting the breeders of the city of Italy.

For more information about the Bergamo Sheepdog, see this video:
