Description of the breed Neapolitano Mastino

Description of the breed Neapolitano Mastino
Description of the breed Neapolitano Mastino

About the origin of the breed, external data, the nature of the Neapolitano mastino, behavior and health, advice on care, training, interesting facts. Purchasing a puppy. Big dogs are a huge responsibility. When choosing such a puppy, you must weigh the pros and cons. You can watch them endlessly. Their strength and casual grace are simply mesmerizing. Many people think that such sluggish animals are not dangerous at all. Don't underestimate them. In a moment of danger, they show their characteristic swiftness. And their loyalty to the owner and extraordinary thinking are impressive.

About the origin of the Neapolitano Mastino breed

Mastino neapolitano with a puppy
Mastino neapolitano with a puppy

According to the ancient Roman historian Pliny the Elder, the ancestors of modern molossians appeared long before the she-wolf nursed two abandoned babies Romulus and Remus. These dogs were also used by the Greeks for military purposes, during the siege of Troy. The breed received its name in honor of the Achaean leader Malos Piraid, who liked them very much.

Mastinos have established themselves not only as watchmen and bodyguards, but also as excellent hunting dogs. They went with them to hunt wolves, bears and wild boars. Their folded skin protected the body from the claws and teeth of predators. In the troubled post-war Italy, and its environs, every inhabitant tried to get himself a dog of this breed. Then their working qualities were more appreciated, and not their appearance.

They are very different from modern mastinos of that time. This is due to the fact that they were kept for security purposes, mainly on a chain, and the animals had little opportunity to run. This was reflected in external data. They were smaller and differed from each other, since, as such, strict parameters were not imposed on the breed.

Subsequently, everything changed - a standard appeared. Now they look excellent: the head has become more massive, the skeleton has strengthened and the size of the individuals has increased. This became possible because the breed was no longer purely protective. Now they don't live on a leash. Basically, these are spacious aviaries and a courtyard.

The famous breeder Piedro Sconsani in 1946, presented to the court of dog handlers, eight dogs that had all the distinctive features of the Neapolitano mastino. Three years later, Don Piedro managed to breed an almost perfect male, whose appearance formed the basis of modern individuals.

In Italy, generational continuity is very strong. People here consider it a matter of honor to continue what their ancestors did. Likewise, breeders who breed Neapolitano Mastino raise these dogs in families. They direct all their efforts to improve the breed line of the family kennel. All representatives of this breed are distinguished by their fair weight. They are independent and decisive. Not everyone will be able to manage and raise such animals.

It is believed that all mastiff-like dogs descended from the Tibetan mastiffs, who, along with trade caravans, traveled around the world. Thus, they came first to Persia, Syria, Babylon, Egypt, later to Greece, and then Rome. Images of them can be found all over the place. For example, during excavations in Mesopotamia, a vase was discovered decorated with the image of a giant mastiff, chained in armor. Its origins date back to 612 BC.

In Naples, the breed has been bred for many years. It was used mainly for the protection of various enterprises and farms, where there are workshops with equipment, and animals that need to be protected. Unfortunately, for 30 years now, they have hardly been used as guards. When a breed departs in its development in the cultivation of a certain conformation, it is a sad tendency.

This happens often now. Times are changing, modern technologies are expanding, farms are shrinking, and manual labor is largely replaced by machines. Therefore, the working qualities of the mastino are no longer so in demand. A dog is a friend of man, and modern people try to treat our four-legged brothers as carefully as possible. Animals are increasingly taking on companion functions.

Once upon a time, these dogs were simply called mastino. All the ancestors of these dogs are from Rome. When the Neapolitans saw these animals, they fell in love and brought them to their homeland. There, they raised them, nurtured them, and at some point, the pets fit so well into this part of Italy, and the way of life of its inhabitants, that they began to be called Neapolitans. In 1947, this nickname was legalized, and the breed was named only with such a prefix. Today they are an object of pride for every true southerner.

At the current shows, the largest individuals with a large number of folds are appreciated. These dogs are clumsy. In the old days, they were not famous for their athletic qualities. Since the guard dog should not be too mobile and run far away about the territory entrusted to it. Now, this breed is getting harder and harder to run. The only thing that remains of the old days is a formidable look. They can inspire awe with only one of their guises.

In Russia, representatives of the Neapolitano mastino appeared at the very beginning of the 90s, when the Iron Curtain fell. The owners treated their pets very carefully, and tried to bring the breed to a new level. Despite its huge size, the variety is very popular all over the world.

Description of external data mastino neapolitano

Neapolitano mastino on a leash
Neapolitano mastino on a leash

Mastino Neapolitano is a huge, heavy, strong, watchdog, guard dog. Has a formidable appearance and balanced character. The height at the withers is from 65 to 70 cm. The weight is 50–70 kg, it can be heavier, but not lighter than the minimum. The parameters of bitches are 15% less than that of males. The gait is cheeky. Running is slow, but sweeping.

  1. Head - the main factor of its typicality. It is massive, large, short, covered with a large amount of skin, which forms wrinkles that fall from the temple to the dewlap. The frontal part is flat. The superciliary arches are pronounced. A furrow is visible between them.
  2. Muzzle - extended, rather deep. The lips are mature and well filled. Fold up in the shape of the letter V. The lower lip protrudes slightly forward. Powerful jaws with a full complement of teeth. Tick or scissor bite.
  3. Nose as if continuing the top of the muzzle. Her lobe is large, her nostrils are open. Does not protrude beyond the lip line. Pigmentation in color suit.
  4. Eyes - deep, round, wide set. Their color is slightly darker than the main coat color.
  5. Ears for a long time they were to be docked in the form of a triangle, so that they stood upright on the sides of the skull. Today they are left intact. They are triangular, not large in size, reaching to the cheekbones and adjacent to them.
  6. Neck the Neapolitano mastino is very powerful - bullish.
  7. Frame - powerful and stout, longer than the height at the withers of a dog. The rib cage is wide, well defined. The dorsal spine is straight. The croup is well developed, slightly sloping.
  8. Tail thick, docked by a third. Slightly raised when driving.
  9. Limbs mesomorphic muscles, strong bones. In good proportion to the body. The thigh is powerful, tilted slightly forward.
  10. Paws dense, voluminous, in a lump. Strong nails. The hind ones are slightly smaller than the front ones.
  11. Coat - smooth, dense, without fringes.
  12. Color in representatives of the breed, black, lead or gray. Red, brindle or red colors are allowed, but not motley. There may be individual spots on the chest and fingertips.

Features of the character and behavior of mastino neapolitano

Neapolitano mastino and child
Neapolitano mastino and child

Anyone who has become closely acquainted with these formidable dogs will not exchange them for any other breed of dogs. Although, these animals are not for an apartment. They need a private house and their own territory, since the dog was originally intended for protection. In their calling as a watchman, they reach the point of self-denial. As a result, they are wary of all strangers. If we are talking about a person who is familiar and pleasant, they will give him complete indifference.

Outside the house, problems do not arise, as long as strangers do not gesticulate too much. When someone else's guest appears in the house, the mastino is alarmed, but after making sure that he does not pose any danger, he ceases to pay attention to him. The visitor, in turn, should ignore the dog, and not pester her with affection. These pets cherish their affection for the owner and household members. They cannot stand it when someone interferes in his relationship with their own.

Dogs of powerful beauty, sociable and loyal. An obedient and intelligent breed, the main thing is to properly build a relationship with it. Such a dog should not get used to the fact that there is one owner. A pet can obey all family members, but only on condition that they all know how to show their concern.

Dogs are very affectionate towards children. There is a known case during archaeological excavations in Pompeii. Scientists have extracted from the layers of solidified lava and ash the remains of a dog very similar to the modern mastino. This dog at the moment of extreme danger with his body covered the little master.

Dog health mastino neapolitano

Neapolitano mastino runs
Neapolitano mastino runs

All large canines do not live long up to 8 years. Mastinos are very serious dogs. But their puppies require special care. Puppies' ligaments, due to the large weight gain, grow stronger slowly. They, in the truest sense of the word, must be carried on your hands. Providing this dog with adequate nutrition and optimal exercise will help your pet grow up healthy.

There should be no overfeeding or underfeeding. Mastino Neapolitano must receive all the necessary elements for the normal development of the musculoskeletal system. Excess weight also threatens a serious load on the limbs, and the animal can become disabled. Excessive activity is a threat to the heart.

We must not forget that vaccination will save your pet from many diseases. Therefore, the dog is vaccinated up to a year three times, and then for life, once a year. Also, do not need to ignore antiparasitic procedures.

Care tips for mastino neapolitano

Mastino neapolitano with owner
Mastino neapolitano with owner
  1. Wool. Not a lot of hassle. These dogs are bathed rarely, once a month or as they become soiled with typed means. It is imperative to wipe the folds of their skin in which dirt can accumulate. If this is not done, inflammatory processes can occur in them. Comb them out every two weeks. During the molting period, manipulation is carried out more often. This is done using a special rubber glove, which also massages the dog's body.
  2. Ears checked and cleaned if contaminated.
  3. Eyes mastino must be wiped once a week with a cotton cloth dipped in warm water.
  4. Teeth teach to clean from an early age. This will protect your pet from periodontal disease and dental plaque. Otherwise, the tartar will have to be removed by the veterinarian using ultrasound. You cannot do without anesthesia here. So evaluate all the pros and cons.
  5. Claws Neapolitano mastino, if necessary, must be cut.
  6. Feeding. Since they are direct descendants of the Molossians, their constitutions have certain characteristics. We must carefully monitor their nutrition. In no case should they be overfed. The diet should be balanced. Care must be taken to ensure that animals receive all the vitamins and minerals necessary for their development.
  7. Walking. First of all, they need space. Therefore, keeping such a dog in an apartment is unacceptable.

Training of mastino neapolitano

Two mastino neapolitano
Two mastino neapolitano

Mastino Neapolitano certainly needs to be trained. They are very serious and intelligent. At the same time, they create the impression of sluggish and poorly moving. But, at the slightest danger, which they suddenly notice, they make an instant jump, with a bite force in compression of 20 atmospheres. Naturally, control is needed over such power. The dog must understand what is threatening her and what is not, for the correct direction of his actions. She makes decisions herself - this is not a German shepherd. These are animal philosophies and reflections, not actions. In order to choose the right solution, the mastinos must be socialized in the environment.

From two to three months, they need to be taught to contact with their family. But by and large, everything depends on the owner's desire, on how he sees his future. If the dog was taken for protective functions and due time is not given to its socialization, then most likely, the animal will perceive only the person who feeds it. When he is started as a companion dog, he must know not only all family members, but also take commands from them. To do this, you need to spend as much time with him as possible: go for walks, comb, feed, teach. They are smart dogs and understand perfectly well who cares about them. If you show them your love, they will appreciate it and reciprocate and obey.

Exhibition training is also needed, because here the emphasis is on patience with the world around us. Each dog has its own circle of safety. She outlines about two meters around her, and everything that crosses this line invades her territory. In preparation for the competition, the trainer narrows this space and develops a tolerance for the events that occur. The pet must get used to this and understand that nothing threatens him or the owner. This is not easy to achieve. But with perseverance, anything is possible. Even a teenager can handle the wayward Neapolitans.

Interesting facts about the Neapolitano mastino breed

Mastino neapolitano on a walk
Mastino neapolitano on a walk

These are very unhurried dogs. This behavior is explained by the fact that in dealing with buffaloes everything should be slowly calm and smooth so that the cattle are not in any way frightened. Mastino Neapolitano fully meets these requirements. They are calm and treat their "wards" kindly.

An interesting fact, mastino puppies have a more fragile skeleton than miniature terrier puppies. This is primarily due to their size. If dogs of decorative breeds increase their weight from the moment of birth by only twenty times, then such giants as Mastino, at seventy. Naturally, with such an incredible rate of development, the musculoskeletal system needs more time to get stronger. These dogs love to lie down. Their skins are not matched. This is not just a flaw or a delicacy. The fact is that when these dogs protected herds and people from wolves, their skin served as protection for them. The predator, fighting with the mastino, could not bite through it.

Purchase and price of a mastino neapolitano puppy

Mastino neapolitano puppies
Mastino neapolitano puppies

If you want to have a servant, get a German shepherd, and if you need a full-fledged friend, get a mastino. If you want such a dog, you must have your own home, as it needs space and manifestation of its genetic qualities. You must remember that in order to raise her healthy, she needs careful consideration and care until she reaches adulthood.

Insane popularity is very harmful to all breeds. Then you have to disentangle and put them in order for a long time. Mastino breeders have their own philosophy. They will never give a puppy into the hands of a person in whom they are not sure. So, buy a puppy only from professional kennels. Having bought it from hands on spontaneous markets, you run the risk of acquiring an improperly grown sick animal from incomprehensible parents. So think you will reap the trouble later. And this can result not only in a pretty penny, but negative emotions can not be avoided.

Only responsible people approach dog breeding wisely and with all their hearts. You will be able to consult with them at any time throughout the life of Mastino Neapolitano. Which has its advantages. The prices for these dogs' puppies are not cheap. But the cost also depends on the gender and exterior of the animal. The approximate price can range from $ 500 to $ 2000.

For the content of the neapolitano mastino, see the following story: