Rapis - a palm tree for the home

Rapis - a palm tree for the home
Rapis - a palm tree for the home

Description and types of plants, advice on care, recommendations for fertilizing and watering, replanting and selection of soil, pest control. Rapis (Rapis) is a member of the large family of Palm or Arecaceae (Arecaceae), which includes 185 genera and 3400 species. The homeland of this palm tree is considered to be the Chinese and Japanese territories with the dominance of the subtropical climate. The plant got its name from the Greek derivative "Rapis", which literally can be translated as "stick, needle, rod". It is sometimes called "whipworm" because it corresponds to the external image of the plant. In some regions, this palm has several synonyms for its name - Bamboo, Papyrus, Ventilator. Based on this, even an uninformed person can imagine its appearance: stems similar to bamboo stems, leaf plates resembling fan blades. On the territory of Europe, the plant began to be cultivated almost two hundred years ago and it was mainly grown in greenhouse conditions. The stems, which are very similar in their properties to the reed, were used to make canes, handles and other parts for umbrellas. Therefore, in the territories of foggy Albion, this plant can be found under the name "Lady palm".

Rapis mainly grows in the form of a low palm or bush, with trunks, as mentioned earlier, very similar to bamboo. They are tubular and completely covered with mesh-felt fibers. The rhizome, in this representative of the palm, is quite powerful, and straight-growing "reed" shoots and lateral stems extend from it. In this case, over time, a whole grove of young palms is formed in the pot. It is recommended not to remove these "thickets". Since a plant that will grow with one single trunk is not so decorative. When grown at home, rapeseed is stretched to a height of 1–2 m.

Sheet plates can be solid or have cuts. They are painted in a rich emerald color. If the leaves are cut, these cuts are deep enough. The number of shares varies from 5 to 35 units. The edge of these leaves has a fine serrated edge.

Under sufficiently good conditions, rapeseed can bloom with snow-white or ivory buds. After the flowering process is completed, the palm tree begins to bear fruit with juicy thick-walled fruits, which are located on a short stalk and are painted in a whitish shade.

When the plant is still very young, its leaves have only a double dissection and growers who see this for the first time assume that the rapeseed growing in them is of a new variety. But with age, leaf plates become the usual multi-dissected form.

How not to confuse rapese with other representatives of the flora?

High rape leaves
High rape leaves

It happens that this type of palm can be mistakenly considered another domestic plant - papyrus (cyperus), which is a representative of sedges. But to prevent this from happening, there are some distinctive features of rapis:

  • the size of this palm is much larger than the plant mentioned above;
  • the leaves of the palm are denser, they are not as tender and much wider than those of Cyperus;
  • rapis is distinguished by rather powerful trunks (it is not for nothing that it is compared to bamboo), which become lignified over time, in papyrus they are fragile and not very thick;
  • Cyperus seedlings are always multiply dissected, while in rapese they are only divided into two parts at a young age.

This palm tree reacts extremely negatively to the neighborhood with other decorative flowerpots. If you need to decorate a room with a large area, then this palm tree is quite suitable and will beautifully fit into the interior.

Recommendations for growing rapeseed in the house

Two rapeseas in pots
Two rapeseas in pots

In relation to this plant, the opinions of flower growers were divided. Some argue that it is difficult to care for rapeseed, since it is exotic and requires specific growing conditions, but others are inclined to believe that this palm tree does not differ at all from many unpretentious green indoor inhabitants. Naturally, there are some peculiarities in the cultivation of rapeseed, but they are not something exceptional.

  • Lighting. Since this plant is still a palm tree, for its growth it is necessary to choose the most illuminated place in the room. The rape will normally tolerate some shading, but if there is not enough light, the plant will lose its lush beauty. Therefore, windows are best suited, in which the sun's rays fall only during sunrise and sunset, since the palm tree will not tolerate direct solar streams of light and will react with burns on the leaf plates. As soon as outside temperatures allow, it is recommended to expose the pot with the plant to the open air, but care must be taken that the midday sun does not shine on the plant. In order for the rapeseed leaf crown to grow evenly, it is worth periodically turning the pot with the plant along its axis. If the palm tree has been in a sufficiently shaded place for a long time or it has just been bought, then it is required to accustom it to light gradually in order to avoid shock to the plant.
  • Content temperature. Moderate heat is most suitable for this type of palm. For the spring-summer months, the range should be between 20-22 degrees. But at the same time, it is necessary for the plant to arrange frequent ventilation of the room, especially if the temperature indicators began to rise. With the arrival of autumn days, the thermometer can drop to 10-12 degrees. In general, it is desirable to arrange cold wintering for rapese at temperatures not lower than 8 degrees Celsius, but if this is not possible, then the plant can overwinter at room temperature (20-23 degrees). But following the recommendations of experienced florists, one should not go beyond the range of 10-16 degrees Celsius.
  • Air humidity during the care of rapeseed. This palm compares favorably with other members of its family in that it can perfectly tolerate low humidity levels in residential premises. And in the hot months of the year, it is recommended to spray the rapeseed with warm, settled water, you can wipe the leaf blades with a sponge or rag soaked in water. When winter comes and the temperature of the content drops significantly, the spraying stops, and the leaves are not washed.
  • Watering the palm tree. This is a condition that needs to be given sufficient attention, since the soil in the pot must be constantly moist. Neither overdrying of an earthen coma, nor swamping of rapeseed will be able to endure. In the summer, it is necessary to moisten the substrate abundantly and regularly, but it is important to ensure that excess water does not remain in the pot holder. If the plant is kept at low temperatures in winter, then watering is significantly reduced, but still the soil in the flowerpot should be moist all the time. Although, some growers argue that even a slight drying of the top layer of soil in a pot by 2-3 cm does not harm the bamboo palm. For irrigation, soft water at room temperature is taken. Rain or melt snow water may be best suited, but if there is none, then the tap water is settled for several days, filtered or boiled.
  • Application of dressings for rapeseed. In winter, if the temperatures dropped to 10 degrees or slightly higher, feeding is not required. Since rapeseed is considered an ornamental deciduous plant, appropriate fertilizers should be chosen. In the period from the beginning of spring days to the end of summer, it is necessary to apply fertilizers to the soil at monthly intervals.
  • Repotting and selection of soil for a bamboo palm. Rapis does not really like transplanting, so the pot or soil is changed to the plant using the transshipment method, that is, when the earthen lump is not destroyed, but is transferred to a new container and a new substrate is added. The period for this activity is chosen during the spring months, before the plant enters the phase of active growth of shoots. But, when the rapese is already old enough, you can simply change the top of the soil in the pot. For transplantation, the container is chosen wider than deep, since the root system of the palm is located superficially. The new pot must have a good drainage layer (any porous material - fine expanded clay or pebbles).

The soil in which the plant is planted must have a slightly acidic or neutral acid reaction. You can use the ready-made palm mix that is available at flower shops. It is recommended to add disintegrants to any ready-made substrate for greater air and water permeability (for example, chopped sphagnum moss or a handful of hydrogel). It is also possible to leave the soil mixture on its own from the following components:

  • turf, compost soil, peat soil, river sand (proportions are taken 2: 2: 2: 1);
  • sod land, leaf land, humus, coarse sand, peat land (in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1: 1).

Tips for breeding rapeseed indoors

Multi-cut rape
Multi-cut rape

The bamboo palm reproduces by dividing the root and planting seed or young shoots. This operation should take place no later than early summer.

The easiest way to achieve the appearance of a young specimen of rape is by dividing the rhizome during plant transplantation. When it is necessary to divide the root system, they try not to destroy the earthen lump. The detached part must have enough roots for successful growth. If it so happened that the plant has not enough roots, then you will have to plant it to grow the root system. For planting, you can use a peat-sand mixture. As soon as part of the rapeseed actively begins to develop, then it is transplanted into a substrate and a pot for constant growth.

Seed propagation requires sufficient experience in growing plants, for a beginner grower, this method is very laborious. The seeds are planted in peat mixed with sand, which is poured into a container. The substrate should be moistened and the seed is slightly buried in it. The container with seedlings must be covered with a glass or plastic bag and placed in a place with diffused light for germination. It is important to remember to regularly ventilate and moisturize the soil in the container. Only after two to three months will the seeds germinate. After they have hardened enough, young palms can be transplanted into small pots with a substrate suitable for adult specimens.

If the reproduction of rapeseed with the help of shoots is required, then when handling the palm, it is necessary to carefully separate the young shoots that have grown from the rhizome and immediately plant them in prepared pots with soil. Until they are fully rooted, these seedlings should be kept in partial shade, regularly sprayed and watered. To make the palm look more decorative, then several rapes are planted in one pot.

Potential rapeseed pests and home growing problems

Felt on a rapeseed stalk
Felt on a rapeseed stalk

Of all the troubles that can accompany the cultivation of a bamboo palm tree indoors, there are:

  • the air in the room is very dry and the temperature is elevated, then the tips of the leaf lobes begin to dry out in the rape, a brown spot appears;
  • sunburn on the leaves is manifested by their yellowing;
  • the leaf lobes have gone down, then it is urgent to moisten the substrate in the pot;
  • wilting of leaves, coupled with their darkening, indicate lowered ambient temperatures;
  • shoots are too short and the leaf plates do not fully open, this is evidence of waterlogging of the soil in the pot or damage to the root system of rapeseed.

Of the pests that infect the bamboo palm, spider mites, scale insects and felt insects can be noted. They are manifested by yellowing of the leaf plate and its drying (damage by the scabbard) and this harmful insect is clearly visible on the back of the leaf. To combat, you can use a soap or tobacco solution, when moistening a cotton swab with these means, pests are removed manually from the stems and leaf lobes. If the rapese is affected by a spider mite, then a thin cobweb will be visible on the palm tree. The above solutions are also used to combat this pest, while it is worth increasing the humidity indicators, since dry air contributed to the appearance of spider mites. If white lumpy fluffy formations are visible at the base of the leaf, then this is a sign of a felt infestation. It can be removed with a toothpick.

Rape should always be treated with insecticidal solutions to prevent new infestation by harmful insects.

Types of rape

Growing rapeseed in the office
Growing rapeseed in the office
  • Low rape (Rapis humilis). The homeland of growth is considered to be the southern Chinese subtropical forest areas. The palm tree grows in a bushy shape with a height of 1–1, 5 m. The diameter of the stems, which resemble reeds, does not exceed 1–2 cm and have a fibrous covering. The leaves are very deeply dissected, almost to their base, the number of lobes can be 7-8 units. They measure 20-25 cm in length, harsh and not strong, in contrast to the tall rapis, with a shiny surface, pointed at the top. The petiole also has a fibrous coating, measuring 20–35 cm in length. The inflorescences are located in the leaf axils and they are quite branched. The flowering process is very rare.
  • High rape (Rapis excelsa). It is also found in the literature under the names Rapis flabelliformis, Chamaerops excelsa and Trachycarpys excelsus. A palm tree that grows in the Chinese and Japanese forest areas, where the subtropical climate prevails. Taking the form of a bush and measuring 3 m in height. Shoots are few in number and can have a diameter of only 3-4 cm, thin bamboo-like shoots with a covering in the form of a felt net (these are the remains of leaf petioles). The leaves resemble a fan, have a very deep dissection at 2/3 of their length. Usually the number of beats is in the range of 5-10 units. The size of the lobes is 25-30 cm in length and 2-3 cm in width, but they can also hit 5 cm in width. Their color is richly emerald, there are teeth at the top, the surface is leathery and glossy. Two veins are clearly visible on this surface. The petiole is short, it can vary from 25 cm to 40 cm in length, its diameter is rather thin, and at the base it is fibrous. The inflorescence is located in the axils, it is quite branched and short (about 30 cm in length). In indoor growing conditions, it almost never blooms. This plant does not occur naturally, as it was bred by botanical breeders.
  • Rapeseed multifilament (Rapis multifida). Among all the rapis, this one is the most effective and decorative. A palm tree can grow up to one and a half meters. The leaf lobes are dense and shiny. The number of leaf lobes can be in the range of 15–35 units. The stems are quite smooth and have a centimeter diameter.

For more information on caring for rapeseed and which palm is best to grow at home, see here:
