Onion peel for hair

Onion peel for hair
Onion peel for hair

We don't even know about the benefits of onion peel. Do not rush to throw it in the trash can - use it for hair care is better! Today we will talk about the benefits of onion peels, which we recall once a year, when dyeing Easter eggs. Our ancestors, not knowing about modern masks and balms from tubes, have long appreciated and learned how to use it for hair care.

Also read about folk recipes for making masks from onions

Having prepared a natural decoction, women strengthened the structure of the strands and dyed them in a noble color. Many will say why all these folk remedies, because there are a lot of professional products on sale! Maybe they will be right, but wouldn't it be better to take advantage of the gifts of nature and exclude the harm of chemicals! Few people know that onion peel contains more nutrients than the onion itself. It includes B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine), E, PP, C, carotene, quercetin, phytoncides, calcium, potassium and iron salts.

Read about the health benefits of onions

If you are not lazy and regularly rinse the strands with a decoction, then after a while they will be filled with strength, shine, and become thick and silky.

We present you the best folk hair care recipes!

1. Onion peel to strengthen hair

Onion peels to strengthen hair
Onion peels to strengthen hair

To prepare a medicinal broth, you need to take the husk of 2-3 onions, pour boiling water over it, boil over low heat for 20 minutes. Leave the broth for 8 hours. Strain it, mix with cognac in equal proportions. Add finely chopped red pepper (1 pod). Rub into roots 3 times a week. Effect - the strands grow faster and become stronger.

2. Against hair loss

It happens that a lot of strands remain on the elastic band. They can fall out for various reasons, including a weakened immune system, during breastfeeding.

Read our article: "Hair Loss Causes"

To strengthen the roots, onion peels are taken in combination with oak leaves. Mix, pour a liter of boiling water, boil for an hour. Insist 2-3 hours in a warm place. Strain, rinse your head three times a week. Only the regularity of this procedure will help to avoid the problem of baldness.

Hair coloring with onion peel
Hair coloring with onion peel

3. Hair coloring with onion peel

Let's say right away that the result will differ significantly - it depends on the structure, initial color and concentration. Blondes can get a golden hue, brown-haired women - red, brunettes - from dark red to red-brown. For a pale golden hue, it is enough to pour a glass of boiling water over just 1 handful of husks, leave for 20-30 minutes.

For lovers of bright and saturated colors: a larger amount of the original product is taken for the decoction. Don't forget to add some glycerin. Blondes will give the strands a red tint, brunettes will give a chic copper sheen.

If you continue to use paint, this method will not work for you - natural dyeing only affects the natural color. Try the best root strengthening recipe for chic and thick curls.
