Have you also decided that sugar is harm? Find out why bodybuilders use sugar as an anabolic for muscle growth. Surely you are sure that sugar should be consumed as little as possible. This is constantly talked about on numerous specialized web resources. However, there is still no convincing evidence that sugar in any form contributes to obesity or diabetes.
Sugar, being one of the most accessible sources of energy for the body, cannot be called a mandatory food for humans, since it is devoid of nutritional value. If you need to reduce the calorie content of your diet, then giving up sugar seems to be a completely reasonable step.
Note that sucrose and fructose differ in the metabolic mechanism, but there are no big differences for the body between these substances. Although now, according to statistics, sugar consumption in the world has decreased, the problem of overweight has not disappeared, but rather worsened. More recently, a study was carried out, the purpose of which was to study the effect of equal-calorie substitution of sugar with other carbohydrates on body weight. As a result, scientists failed to find significant differences. If, when replacing sugar, the calorie content also decreased, then in this case a decrease in body weight was observed. This is what Richard Kahn is talking about in his research. He not only conducted his own experiments, but also generalized the results of a large number of other experiments. Thus, we can say that weight gain is influenced not by the fact of sugar consumption, but by the calorie content of the diet.
Effects of sugar on satiety and appetite

Researchers often argue that sugar (primarily found in various drinks) increases appetite and, as a result, reduces satiety. There have been a lot of studies on this topic and their results are very contradictory. An analysis of all these experiments was also carried out in order to generalize the available results. The main task of the researchers was to establish the relationship between the energy consumed before meals and the energy received during meals. As a result, we can say that overeating is more likely if liquid was consumed before eating. However, this effect of the liquid is not directly related to its calorie content. This fact again confirms the hypothesis that sugar has no effect on increasing appetite.
Influence of sugar on the development of diabetes

Today, it is generally accepted that increased body fat increases the risk of developing diabetes. Although sugar does not directly affect the accumulation of fat, it is possible that sugar metabolism is involved in this serious disease.
The results of these studies have yielded conflicting results. Summarizing them, we can conclude that sugar is not related to the development of diabetes. Thus, today it is impossible to say for sure that eliminating sugar from the diet reduces the risk of developing diabetes. At the moment, there is no evidence that sugar contributes to fat accumulation and diabetes.
Yuri Spasokukotsky tells about the benefits and dangers of table sugar in his video blog: