7 Tips for Developing a Bodybuilding Diet

7 Tips for Developing a Bodybuilding Diet
7 Tips for Developing a Bodybuilding Diet

Learn the 7 steps bodybuilders regularly follow to gain lean muscle mass and keep body fat low. Who can help a bodybuilder if not a professional athlete? They know almost all the secrets of success, and they often share their opinions on this or that occasion. Today you can find 7 tips for developing a diet in bodybuilding. You probably know how difficult it is to put together the right nutritional program. Professional advice should help you with this.

Tip # 1: Keep track of your carbohydrate intake

Sources of carbohydrates
Sources of carbohydrates

Today there are a huge number of opinions on the amount of carbohydrates consumed. However, most pro athletes are advised to cut back on their use. Most often this applies to evening meals, in which the number of carbohydrates should be minimal.

Let's say Eddie Robinson advises changing the amount of this nutrient in your diet. In his opinion, you should not consume 100 to 125 grams of carbohydrates for more than four days in a row. Its low to high carb cycles are 2 to 3 days.

At the same time, Mike Matarazzo has a slightly different opinion on this matter. He practically does not monitor the amount of carbohydrates during the off-season. But in preparation for tournaments, he consumes about 100 grams of the nutrient during the day.

Tip # 2: Eat Protein Compounds

Protein Sources
Protein Sources

Most famous athletes consume 3 to 4 grams of protein compounds during the day. However, for most athletes at the initial stage, 2–2, 3 grams of protein will be enough.

Each organism is unique, and it is not worth copying exactly the actions of another person. Start using protein compounds at the lowest dosages. If for a couple of months you do not see the result, then increase your protein intake.

Tip # 3: Keep Your Diet Fats Under Control

Sources of healthy fats
Sources of healthy fats

Often, athletes try to eliminate fats from their diet as much as possible. However, this is the wrong decision. Fats are necessary for the body, and you cannot completely eliminate them from your nutrition program.

During the off-season, consume about 20 percent of your total calories. In preparation for competitions, you can reduce their number to 15 percent.

Tip # 4: Drink Water

Girl drinking water
Girl drinking water

A person simply cannot live without water. About 70 percent of muscle mass is water. An ordinary person is recommended to drink at least two and a half liters of water during the day. For athletes, this figure will be much higher. For example, Dennis Newman drinks more than a dozen liters of water a day. Water in the body is practically not collected in reserve.

Tip # 5: Eat Less Processed Foods

Fresh vegetables on the table
Fresh vegetables on the table

The fewer foods you eat after processing, the more fat is burned in your body. It is necessary to give preference to products that are as close to their natural state as possible. They contain significantly more nutrients. On this issue, all pro-athletes are unanimous and recommend avoiding such foods, including sugar.

Tip # 6: cook your own food

Girl preparing food
Girl preparing food

Of course, it takes time to prepare food and it may be difficult for you to find it in your schedule. However, you should strive for this. When you prepare food yourself, you are confident in its quality, and you can accurately monitor the calorie content.

Tip # 7: Eat on a Schedule

Meal Schedule Drawing
Meal Schedule Drawing

During the day, you need to eat from five to six times and it is desirable to do this at regular intervals. Two or two and a half hours should pass between each meal. Always have a good breakfast and snack after class.

What should be the diet of a bodybuilder, see this video:
