Developing thigh muscles in bodybuilding

Developing thigh muscles in bodybuilding
Developing thigh muscles in bodybuilding

The secret technique for developing large, lean hips in bodybuilding that will conquer the people around you with their size. The muscles of the legs in general and the thighs in particular are quite difficult to train. However, the athlete needs to have harmoniously developed muscles and it is necessary to pay attention to this muscle group. Today we will talk about the correct development of the thigh muscles in bodybuilding.

Thigh muscle anatomy

Schematic representation of the thigh muscles
Schematic representation of the thigh muscles

All muscles of trouble are usually divided into three sections:

  • Anterior - includes the hip flexors;
  • Rear - hip extensors;
  • Medial - the muscles leading the thigh.

The hip flexors include several muscles. The first of these is the tailor's, which begins in the superior iliac region and is attached to the tibia and fascia of the tibia. This muscle crosses the front of the thigh diagonally from top to bottom. The main purpose of the sartorius muscle is to flex the thigh and lower leg, as well as abduct and rotate the thigh outward.

The quadriceps muscle of the thigh, which has the largest mass among all the muscles in this group and is able to develop the greatest effort. As can be understood from the name of this muscle, it is formed by four heads: lateral, straight, intermediate and medial.

They attach to the thighbone from almost all sides, and then merge into the common tendon, which connects to the tibia and patella. The task of the quadriceps muscle is to extend the lower leg at the knee joint.

The posterior thigh consists of the biceps, semitendinosus and semimembranous muscles. They begin at the ischial tuberosity, where the muscles of the buttocks cover them. Slightly lower, the semitendinosus and semimembranous muscles are located medially and are located near the adductor major muscle.

The task of this muscle group is to extend the thigh and lower leg at the knee. The last section, the medial, includes the following muscles: adductor, thin and comb. In humans, these muscles are developed quite well due to upright posture. They begin on the outer surface of the pubic and ischial bones in the region of the obturator foramen.

In the area of their origin, the muscles of this group take up a lot of space - from the pubic bone to the ischial tuberosity. However, they are even more massive at the point of attachment to the lesser trochanter and the medial epicondyle of the thigh. The muscle tufts run obliquely from front to back and from top to bottom towards the rough thigh line and this is where they attach to the bone structure. Their main function is to adduct the hip.

As you can see from the description of the thigh muscles, with their correct development, the entire figure of the athlete will acquire a more perfect appearance. For example, with the most developed medial region, the width of the pelvis visually significantly decreases. In this case, it is desirable that the anterior and posterior thighs are moderately developed, which will emphasize the development of the inner thigh.

Features of the development of the muscles of the thighs in bodybuilding

Schematic representation of the muscles involved in hyperextension
Schematic representation of the muscles involved in hyperextension

Practice has shown that the qualitatively developed internal muscles of the thigh are determined not by the development of the medial section, to a greater extent, by the posterior surface of the thigh. Since the muscles of the posterior-inner and antero-outer surfaces of the thigh compete with each other and most often this "rivalry" ends not in favor of the medial section.

At the initial stage of the development of the muscles of the thighs in bodybuilding, athletes should focus on the back with the involvement of internal muscles in the work. This is easily achieved with classic squats. Although this technique will not immediately give a significant increase in mass, it is most effective in terms of muscle loading and muscle development.

Of course, an athlete can make progress much faster when working on the antero-outer part of the muscle group. This progress is achieved with the help of all the same squats in a power mode with a forward bend of the body. But there is one problem, namely, in the future, with such an early development of the hip, the athlete will need to make a lot of efforts to correct the situation. Thus, we can safely say that novice athletes should pay special attention to training the back of the thigh, moreover, it is practically impossible to achieve excessive development of this muscle group.

The hamstring is one of those muscles that can be trained at any time and at any stage of development. To obtain a significant increase in the muscle mass of the hind thigh, it is necessary to introduce specialization into the training program, starting with an average degree of preparation. It is important to remember that this approach should not be applied to all muscles of the thigh, but only to the back surface.

It is also important to note the fact that this method of developing the muscles of the thigh is the least traumatic. As many athletes know, strength squats are the most dangerous for knee joints. If you use the method described above, then the athlete will perform this exercise, already having well-developed muscles of the thigh. During this time, he will already have time to complete a huge number of leg curls, pulling movements, scissor squats, etc. As a result, his body and muscles will already be well developed, which significantly reduces the risk of injury.

Probably, someone has already guessed that due to the specifics of the training discussed above, the load on the hips at the initial stage of training is significantly inferior to the load on the back. Gradually, these indicators are compared, and soon the load on the legs already exceeds that of the back muscles. Somewhere at the average level of an athlete's fitness, work on the muscles of the thigh in terms of load becomes the leading one throughout the further stage of training.

The technique of training the muscles of the hips in bodybuilding in this video:
