Herbal steroids are quite popular among athletes. One of these is Ekdisten. Learn about the properties and uses of the drug in bodybuilding. Ecdisten is a powerful herbal preparation with a steroid structure. It is produced from the roots of the Leuzea Safflower plant. The drug is characterized by high tonic and anabolic properties. It is produced in tablet form, and each tablet contains 0.005 milligrams of the active ingredient.
Today Ekdisten for mass gain in bodybuilding is used quite often and, importantly, is devoid of the side effects inherent in AAS. Even if the drug is used in large doses, from 8 to 10 tablets daily for a couple of months, which is a long period, it will still not have a negative effect on the body and the hormonal system will not suffer, just like the liver.
If the intake of the drug (from 2 to 4 tablets per day) is combined with a large amount of consumed protein compounds, then the effect will be about 40 percent of the use of a similar amount of methane.
Ekdisten properties

As we said above, the drug has a steroid structure and for this reason the mechanism of its effect on the body is similar to AAS. The active ingredient of the drug interacts with cell receptors and, after entering the cell, activates the production of nucleic acid, which is responsible for the synthesis of protein structures. This makes it possible to use Ekdisten for mass gain in bodybuilding.
Among the most significant properties of the drug, the following should be highlighted:
- Maintains a positive nitrogen balance;
- Increases the efficiency of the central nervous system;
- Increases the level of protein structures and glycogen in muscle tissues;
- Reduces sugar levels and, as a result, insulin, which prevents an increase in fat mass;
- Shifts the balance of cholesterol towards high density lipoproteins;
- Powerful antioxidant effect;
- Reduces the level of fatigue.
As you can see from the described properties of the drug, Ecdisten can be very useful for athletes. Also note that the drug is already well enough studied to be able to assert this.
In the course of the experiments, the effect of the drug on human performance, immunity, lipolysis and muscle mass was studied. Back in 1988, it was found that the drug increases the synthesis of protein structures in the liver and shifts the nitrogen balance in a positive direction. As you know, nitrogen directly affects the set of muscle mass. It is also known that Ecdysterone (Ecdisten) helps to reduce the concentration of urea and enhances erythropoiesis, which is the main reason for the increase in the anabolic background when using the drug. Quite interesting were the studies of the effect of the drug on the rate of gaining high-quality muscle mass. All subjects were divided into three groups. Representatives of the first used placebo, the second - only protein supplements, the third - Ekdisten together with Protein. It was the representatives of the latter group that showed the best results. They were able to add about 6 percent to muscle mass while losing 10 percent of fat.
Encouraging results were obtained in the study of the effect of Ekdisten on endurance and performance. The use of the drug caused an improvement in the quality of tissue oxygen supply, which led to an increase in all physical indicators of athletes.
Also in our country, another fairly large-scale study was carried out. According to its results, already five days after the start of using the drug, athletes became less tired during training and improved their physical performance.
Application of Ekdisten

The maximum effect from the use of Ekdisten for gaining mass in bodybuilding can be obtained during training, a relatively low intensity, but with a large amount of work. Also, a good result can be obtained after the transition to high-intensity training.
Scientists have been studying plant components belonging to the saponin group for quite a long time. Of course, herbal steroid preparations are approximately two times inferior to synthetic steroids in terms of their effect on the body, but at the same time they have no side effects and are not included in the list of prohibited agents.
In the course of numerous studies, the dosage of the drug has been established, which can have a negative effect on the body. It is 6.4 gr. for every kilo of the athlete's body weight. This number is significantly higher than the recommended dose. It should be noted that no disturbances in the work of the hormonal system were detected even with such amounts of the drug.
During the day, it is recommended to consume from 80 to 120 milligrams of ecdisten for gaining mass in bodybuilding. This should be done on an empty stomach so that the drug is absorbed faster into the bloodstream. In turn, the maximum daily dose of the drug is from 400 to 600 milligrams.
Apply Ekdisten to gain mass in bodybuilding follows a cyclical scheme. The duration of one course should not exceed 15 days, after which it is necessary to make a ten-day pause.
Also, to increase the effectiveness of the product, it is advisable to combine it with vitamins and, as we said above, with protein. The combination of the drug with vitamins of group B proved to be the best. Although the composition of the drug contains vitamins, but to achieve their required concentration, special vitamin complexes should be used.
When using Ecdisten, you should take sports supplements in addition to foods rich in protein compounds. The percentage of protein content in them should not be less than 75. If you follow the above recommendations, you can not only accelerate the set of high-quality muscle mass, but also protect it from destruction.
Learn more about this drug from this video: