There are a lot of pharmaceuticals used in bodybuilding today. One of them is Trental. Learn about the properties and uses of Trental in bodybuilding. Athletes use various means to achieve their goals. Increasingly, bodybuilders are turning their attention to Trental. This is a legal drug that can be easily purchased at a simple pharmacy. Of course, to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to follow the correct training and nutrition program. Today we will talk about the use of Trental in bodybuilding for gaining mass.
What is Trental?

This medication uses the substance Pentoxifylline as an active ingredient and is available in the form of tablets, each of which contains 0.1 grams of the active ingredient. You can also find the drug in liquid form on sale.
Pentoxifylline is rapidly absorbed by the body, but the release of the active substance is relatively slow. Thanks to this, the drug works for two hours, which is quite enough for training. At the same time, the concentration of Pentoxifylline decreases slowly. For 12 hours, its level falls by only a quarter.
Trental does not pose a danger to the body and is intended to expand blood vessels. This increases blood flow and, as a result, muscle tissue receives more nutrients. It should also be noted that the drug reduces blood viscosity. To enhance the effectiveness of the drug, many athletes take it together with vitamin PP, as well as Aspirin.
Application of Trental

In traditional medicine, the drug is prescribed for people with circulatory problems. According to the standard scheme for the use of Trental, it should be taken after eating and the tablet should be taken with water. The dosage of the drug is two tablets taken three times a day. However, it is necessary to remember about the individual characteristics of the organism and prescribe the optimal dose based on this fact. Trental can also be taken in combination with other drugs. This primarily applies to vasodilators. This is a group of drugs that have a depressing effect on the sympathetic nervous system. Many professionals work with Trental to take fish oil, riboxin, and potassium orotate.
There are several rules to follow when using the drug. The most important of these is the need to adhere to the prescribed dosages and adhere to the regimen. If you have problems with the work of the heart and vascular system, then Trental is contraindicated for you. Otherwise, symptoms of angina pectoris and hypoglycemia may appear. We have already said that the drug improves blood circulation, which means that it also affects the heart. In case of violations in the work of this body, before using Trental, you should contact a specialist for advice.
If you use this medication correctly, you can significantly improve your athletic performance. It is important not to overuse Trental as it is a drug. Also remember that the effect can only be achieved with appropriate training and nutrition.
For more information on Trenthal, see this video: