Rice in bodybuilding

Rice in bodybuilding
Rice in bodybuilding

Rice is a popular product. Learn about the benefits of this cereal in bodybuilding, varieties, selection and preparation rules. When you visit grocery stores, your eyes are dazzled by the number of varieties of rice on the counter. Of course, such a rich choice cannot but rejoice, but athletes need to choose only a truly useful product. It is clear that not all types of rice can be beneficial. But first, a little theory.

Rice is a herbaceous plant and belongs to the cereal family. This culture is the third most popular in the world. Rice is native to Southeast Asia, where this product is very popular. There are the following types of rice:

By grain shape:

  • Kruglozerny;
  • Long-grain;
  • Medium grain;

By processing method:

  • Golden;
  • Black;
  • Wild;
  • Brown;
  • Red;
  • White.

The most nutritious of all are wild, brown and red rice. You should also talk about polished and unpolished rice. In the domestic market, polished is mainly presented.

Benefits of using rice in bodybuilding

Rice on a plate with herbs
Rice on a plate with herbs

Good source of energy

Rice contains a large amount of carbohydrates, which are sources of energy for the body. In addition, this nutrient helps to improve brain function. It should also be noted the ability of the minerals and vitamins that make up rice to increase the rate of metabolic processes.

Does not contain cholesterol

Rice is free from bad cholesterol, fats, gluten and salts. Thanks to this feature, rice is one of the components of a large number of dietary nutrition programs.

Stabilizes blood pressure

Due to its low sodium content, rice is an excellent food for people with blood pressure problems. In this regard, it should be recalled that sodium contributes to the constriction of all blood vessels, which creates problems for normal blood flow.

Protects against cancer

Scientists have found that fiber is able to inhibit the development of malignant tumors. In addition, rice contains antioxidants that help fight free radicals.

Improves the condition of the skin

Rice contains phenolic compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, they perfectly relieve redness and irritation of the skin. Rice helps prevent the formation of wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.

Rich in minerals

Rice contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins, for example, calcium, niacin, vitamin D, riboflavin, iron, etc. This helps to improve the functioning of the immune system and accelerate metabolic processes.

Improves bowel function

The product contains resistant starch that enters the intestine in its initial form. This substance creates a favorable background for the development of microflora. Due to the presence of fiber, food passes through the gastrointestinal tract faster.

What kind of rice should you choose?

Different types of rice
Different types of rice

It should be said right away that it is better to use unpolished rice in bodybuilding. During grinding, a large amount of nutrients are destroyed. When using brown rice, the athlete gains the following benefits.

The growth of muscle mass is accelerated

Rice contains a lot of protein, which helps to accelerate muscle growth.

Decreases body weight

The positive effect on the body in the fight against excess weight has been proven scientifically. The raw product here has a huge advantage over polished.

Protects against metabolic syndrome

Unlike milled food, brown rice increases the body's resistance to metabolic syndrome.

Promotes Muscle Regulation

During intensive training with large weights, the state of the central nervous system is of great importance. Brown rice contains a large amount of magnesium, which strengthens the central nervous system. This is possible due to the ability of the mineral to quickly transmit signals from the brain to the muscles.

It should also be noted that magnesium has the ability to block calcium channels and thus keep the nerves and blood vessels relaxed. Energy source

Rice has an average glycemic index, which allows you to maintain an even sugar level without significant surges. Thus, rice can be used as an energy supplier not only before the start of a training session, but also after its completion.

You can also give some tips with which you can get the most out of using rice in bodybuilding:

  • Rice will be very useful during the period of weight gain, due to its high calorie content;
  • Eat rice throughout the day for energy. Eat brown (brown) rice one or two hours before class and white rice after training.
  • A combination of rice and vegetables is very effective;
  • For ease of use, purchase rice packaged in 60-10 grams;
  • It is not advisable to use salt when preparing rice dishes, and to give the dishes the best taste, it is better to use spices;
  • Read the label before purchasing the product. Ingredients other than rice are unacceptable;
  • Do not use foods that combine rice with other foods, such as homemade risotto, rice with mushrooms in sauce, and others. These foods contain a wide variety of additives that are best avoided;
  • Try to eat brown (brown), wild, basmati rice, or a mixture of four types of rice.

Try to follow the guidelines above to get the most out of your bodybuilding use of rice. It is a very valuable product, as evidenced by its worldwide popularity. Be sure to include rice in your nutrition program to help you achieve your goals.

Signature recipe for cooking rice with chicken breast in this video:
