Sharp-faced frog: maintenance and care at home

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Sharp-faced frog: maintenance and care at home
Sharp-faced frog: maintenance and care at home

Pedigree and native ranges of the frog frog, features of its behavior, continuation of the genus, characteristics, maintenance and care, purchase of a frog and its price. If you are one of those people who have an interest in the mysterious world of amphibians and would not even mind bringing someone into your house as a friend of your smaller one, then you should definitely pay attention to such an original miracle of nature as the sharp-faced frog. A very affordable price, lightness and unpretentiousness in the content, besides, a very original appearance - well, isn't this a godsend?

The origin of the sharp-faced frog and its habitats

Sharp-faced frog in dry grass
Sharp-faced frog in dry grass

Well, who among us does not know such a living creature as a frog? After all, these representatives of the world fauna, each of the people once and somewhere met. We are all by nature very different from each other, and our tastes, morals and preferences are excellent. For this reason, we have completely different feelings and emotions at the moment when such a unique animal appears before our eyes. Some, having met a frog on their way, experience not just fright, but one might say wild fear, some feel disgust and disgust, but there are also people who find these original creatures very cute and funny. Such fans of frogs can be happy, since in our modern world it is already customary to bring a wide variety of animals to your house as a pet, and sometimes such pets can shock the guests of your house. If you have been interested in such mysterious creatures all your life, today you can safely think about getting such a resident in your apartment.

The world of frogs is not limited to the few species that it seems possible to meet in a city park, near a lake or in a village with a grandmother. The variety and variety of toad species is simply impressive. This is how such an amazing creature lives on our planet, which bears the name of the sharp-faced frog.

These immigrants from the kingdom of fauna have been of interest to mankind for tens and hundreds of years, and most of all to scientists. So, back in 1842, the world recognized such a miracle of nature as the sharp-faced frog. The people studying it classified this creature into the class of amphibians, the tailless order, the family and the genus real frogs.

In order to visit this original amphibian, you do not have to buy expensive plane tickets and fly over the world ocean, because these amazing living creatures sometimes live at arm's length, you just have to take a closer look. The sharp-faced "tailless" is widespread on the territory of the European continent. Quite often it is found in the northeastern part of France, in Finland, Sweden, Kazakhstan and even in Siberia, and some individuals settle in Yakutia and Altai.

As for the natural habitat, this species also inhabits dense wooded areas, forest-steppe and steppe, and they also do not bypass semi-desert regions and even mountainous areas, sometimes inhabiting corners located over 800-1000 m above sea level. It is said that the sharp-faced toads are the only amphibians that can be found in the tundra.

According to some sources, this species is the least dependent on the availability of water, therefore they are found, both in humid forests, swamps and meadows, and feel quite comfortable in the fields, in gardens and vegetable gardens, on the outskirts of roads and even near human settlements. The presence of a reservoir nearby is a prerequisite for the life of a frog, but it needs water not so much to quench its thirst as for successful procreation.

Features of the behavior of a sharp-faced frog in nature

Muzzle of a sharp-faced frog
Muzzle of a sharp-faced frog

If we talk about the lifestyle of a sharp-faced amphibian, then it is impossible to determine with certainty at what time of day it is most active, it all depends on the conditions of the external environment where it lives. Most often, these tailless toads are active at night and during twilight, but if cold nights reign in her native areas, then this beauty goes out for walks and in search of food products in the daytime. And when cloudy weather persists on her property for a long time, she prefers to bask and rest at night.

This amazing toad does not really like big noisy frog companies, so it spends most of its life in splendid isolation. During the entire hot season, it lives on land, trying to keep an impressive distance from water sources, especially salty ones, in salted liquid it can die if it spends more than 24 hours there. He prefers to while away his leisure time, carefully hiding and hiding in the thick of shrub thickets, under large rocky embankments, in crevices of stumps or old trees, and even in dense grassy vegetation, the main thing is that the air humidity there is above average. During the period of such a rest, she sits, nestling closely to the surface of the earth, looking at her at this moment, you can see that the sharp-faced frog is in a state of slight numbness.

When a period of cold weather sets in on the locations inhabited by this amphibian, its activity also decreases in direct proportion, thus, the amphibian prepares for winter sleep. For the wintering period, this miracle of nature forgets a little about its love of loneliness, and many relatives begin to group into small colonies, but together to survive the cold is both more fun and warmer. In hibernation, these representatives of the amphibian kingdom begin to leave from about September. As warm shelters for the cold season, they choose for themselves a variety of deep pits, which are covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves and minks, built in advance by other inhabitants of the forest. If the frog could not find such, or the dwelling is already occupied by someone, then these tailless sly ones can carefully bury themselves in heaps of dry leaves and brushwood.

For wintering, these peculiar amphibians leave according to age, younger individuals let adult toads forward, and they themselves go to rest after 2-3 weeks. The duration of wintering ranges from 140 to 170 days, it all depends on the weather conditions at the locations where the tailless creatures live.

Usually, an acute-faced amphibian spends its entire life period in the same feeding area, but if suddenly a shortage of food is found in the territory it occupies, then this lover of food quickly "packs his bags" and proceeds to move to new areas rich in food. The toad can spend a lot of time in search of a suitable territory, sometimes such movements can last for several weeks, months, and even years.

As for the diet of the sharp-faced frog in nature, we can say that this hunter is only interested in live food and is quite mobile. The prey, once in the frog's field of vision, at the same moment with surprising dexterity is captured by a long tongue, which in its structure resembles an adhesive tape. Most often, various bugs, spiders, filly, caterpillars, mosquitoes, ants and other insects act as food products.

Continuation of the genus sharp-faced frog

Sharp-faced frog by the pond
Sharp-faced frog by the pond

The moment when toads with a sharp muzzle become mature enough to continue their kind is determined not by the age of the individual, as in most representatives of the world fauna, but by the size of the body. So sexually mature can be considered a male, whose body length is approximately 4, 30–4, 40 cm, and a female with a body over 4, 20–4, 28 cm.

The beginning of the mating season in sharp-faced frogs falls at a time when the winter cold is already far behind, usually about a week after the end of wintering. One female is capable of laying approximately 500–2500 eggs, it all depends on the age of the female frog. The process of reproduction and development takes place exclusively in water, for this they choose reservoirs with stagnant water, it can be both lakes and ponds, and ordinary swamps, puddles and ditches. The male half of the frog family enters the reservoir and waits for the appearance of the female, which has not yet left its eggs, and if the female has already swept away its eggs, she leaves the water right now. Males, on the other hand, in such an expectation can spend a long time, sometimes they do not leave the water for about a month. Expectant mothers lay eggs on the bottom near the shore, where they lie for 24–48 hours, then they begin to emerge. The duration of the incubation period varies from 5 to 14 days, depending on environmental conditions, namely, on the temperature of the water in the reservoir with caviar.

Description of the external appearance of a sharp-faced frog

The color of the sharp-faced frog
The color of the sharp-faced frog

It is a very small amphibian, the length of its body ranges from 40 to 75 mm, and its weight is approximately 15–40 grams. A distinctive feature of this amphibian is its face, on which it is impossible not to notice the pointedness. From the visual organs, almost to the very shoulders, a dark speck passes, which tends to gradually narrow.

The color of the frog's body is rarely monochromatic, usually the dorsal side of the body is shaded either in light olive or light brown colors, sometimes there are individuals whose backs are painted in reddish-brick or even coal-black color. The projection of the abdominal cavity is most often light and does not have any characteristic patterns or streaks. In addition, the basic color of these amazing creatures can change depending on the temperature, humidity and lighting of the environment in which they live. A feature of this species is that during the breeding season, frog males acquire a bluish-silver color and peculiar mating outgrowths resembling calluses are formed on their forelimbs, they use them to keep females.

Keeping a sharp-faced frog at home

Sharp-faced frog in hand
Sharp-faced frog in hand

In the event that you have made a unanimous decision in your family circle that such a miracle of nature as a sharp-faced frog should live in your house, you need to make sure that its life with you under one roof is not much different from living in the usual in the wild. Before you bring this very unique and peculiar representative of the world fauna into your house, you should think about where your tailless pet will live, because neither you nor your future tenant will be completely uncomfortable living in a common area. Firstly, the frog, well, is in no way adapted to life in an ordinary, even the most equipped apartment, and secondly, the most, that is, a real toad, which will not be very easy to catch, will walk around your house. She, of course, will not be able to ruin furniture or wallpaper, she will not think of opening the water taps, but still this is not entirely normal, so first of all, equip your pet with his own roof over his head.

An aquarium or terrarium is perfect as a frog dwelling, but since in their natural environment these cute amphibians live at some distance from water bodies, her personal house should not be completely filled with water. This amazing toad only occasionally plunges into water, so it is recommended to equip a small pool for it.

As for the flooring, we can say that the substrate in the terrarium is completely optional, but the presence of soft bedding will facilitate the quickest process of adaptation of a living creature to living in terrarium conditions, and life itself will be a little more comfortable. As a substrate, you can use coarse sand, gravel, a little forest litter, medium pebbles, the most important condition when choosing a soil is its minimum dust content. You should not choose fine sand, the frog, of course, will not eat it, but it can involuntarily inhale, which is fraught with serious problems with the breathing apparatus. The substrate in the terrarium should be changed as it becomes dirty, or, more precisely, humidification, the water from the pool will spill out and evaporate a little, as a result of which the humidity will increase, and in conditions of its increased indicators, the most unwanted guests may settle, which is not entirely safe for your friend …

If we talk about the temperature conditions in the personal house of your sharp-faced frog, then you can rejoice - you should not run to the store for additional, specialized heating devices, your home amphibian will feel quite comfortable at room temperature, well, if the thermometer in your apartment does not go down below the figure of 12-14 degrees. Air humidity is also not so important for such a toad, it is best to keep it at a level closer to average, of course, if it is very hot in your house, you can periodically spray the frog terrarium with a spray bottle filled with ordinary warm water. Only when carrying out this procedure, it is highly discouraged to spray water on the inhabitant himself, he, of course, will not hiss and bite, but no matter how, it is a lot of stress for him and later he can simply feel a sense of fear and danger every time he sees that you are approaching him.

Many people are interested in the question: "Is it necessary to decorate a terrarium in which such a miracle of nature lives as a sharp-faced frog?" The answer to this question is not unambiguous, because she was never famous for being able to climb trees, run in a wheel or just jump on different shelves, but beautiful decor elements are always interesting and beautiful, especially from the outside, and also in addition to such an adorable pet. In the home of your new friend, you can also create living decorations, for example, various plants, it is good to choose those that have rather large and wide leaves, under them your friend will hide from the sun's rays or just retire. It is good to place small branches, trees and driftwood - this is interesting for your pet, as it resembles its native land, and will delight your eye.

The correct location of the house with a kind of sharp-faced frog is also very important, such amphibians are not very fond of direct sunlight, but this fact does not at all imply that your pet should live in a basement or pantry. It is best to place the terrarium in a spacious, bright room with a light diffused shadow, and if the sun's rays hit your pet, he can easily hide from them under leaves, pebbles, or in shelters you previously made.

The habitual diet of this tailless creature at home is not so difficult to recreate, the only problem is that this frog prefers to catch live food with its own tongue, so it is better to buy all the animals that you will feed your companion live. The favorite dishes of such a domestic toad are flies, crickets, spiders, caterpillars, mealworms, mosquitoes and other small insects that can only be found in the market or at a pet store.

Acquisition and price of a sharp-faced frog

Sharp-faced frog in the grass
Sharp-faced frog in the grass

You can go in search of a sharp-faced frog in its native territory, but it is easier, much safer and not so expensive to just buy this amphibian, the average cost of which ranges from 200 to 700 rubles at a pet store.

What does a sharp-faced frog look like?
