Step-by-step recipe for salad with meat and pickles: choice of products and cooking technology. Video recipe.

Salad with meat and pickles is an excellent tasty and nutritious dish. Its preparation does not take much time and effort and does not require a large number of ingredients and any special cooking skills.
The basis is meat - veal, pork, chicken. For this salad recipe with meat and pickles, it is best to take chicken breast fillet, because this part of the carcass has a uniform structure and is devoid of bones, cartilage and fat, and also cooks very quickly. Of course, the best option is a chilled pinkish fillet with firm flesh. Frozen products raise doubts about their quality and freshness, and often after heat treatment they turn out to be drier, the taste of the finished dish suffers from this.
The second important ingredient is pickles. The taste and aroma of the spices used during salting complement the slightly bland chicken breast.
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a simple recipe for a salad with meat and pickles with a photo and cook it.
See also cooking pickles and onions salad.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 120 kcal.
- Servings - 3
- Cooking time - 15 minutes

- Pickled cucumbers - 600 g
- Onions - 2 pcs.
- Parsley - 1/2 bunch
- Boiled chicken fillet - 300 g
- Water - 100 ml
- Sugar - 1 tablespoon
- Vinegar - 1 tablespoon
- Mayonnaise - 60-70 g
Step by step preparation of salad with meat and pickles

1. First of all, we prepare the meat product. The easiest way to boil chicken is in salted water with the addition of half onions and a laurel leaf. However, with the same success it can be baked in the oven or fried directly in a pan until tender. In any case, you should choose the option that will allow you not to dry out the meat during cooking. When the breast is ready and cool, cut it into cubes or cubes.

2. Cut the peeled onion into thin strips. This method of cutting reveals the best taste and aroma of the given vegetable. For a salad of meat and pickles, it is very important to remove bitterness and strong smell from onions. To this end, we prepare a simple marinade: pour vinegar and sugar in a deep plate with boiling water and stir. We place the chopped vegetable in it and leave it for 15-20 minutes.

3. After the specified time has elapsed, drain all the liquid, let the rest of it drain and add the onion to the meat. Stir and leave for a few minutes.

4. While the chicken is soaked in the aroma and taste of the onion, chop the green vegetable. It is advisable to grind it in the same way as it was done with meat - cubes or cubes. So a salad of meat and pickles will look organic and much more appetizing. Add cucumbers to a common plate.

5. Chop fresh parsley with a knife and send it to the future salad.

6. Fill the ingredients and mix. Mayonnaise is most often used for dressing salad of meat and pickles. You can buy it by choosing a product with the required fat content, or prepare it yourself at home, making it safer and more tasty. It can also be replaced with sour cream to reduce the calorie content of the finished dish and give the food more health benefits.

7. Salad with meat and pickles is ready! Its simplicity and nutritional value allow it to be prepared for the daily menu. But with the same success, this dish can take pride of place on the festive table, because has good taste and is very easy to prepare.
See also the video recipe:
1. Salad with meat and pickles