To achieve the effectiveness of the training, it is necessary to correctly draw up a training program. Find out what a weightlifting training cycle should look like. The training methodology that will be described today can be used in any strength sport. All athletes who need to perform high power work in a short period of time can apply it in their practice. It can also be useful for sprinters, boxers, throwers, etc. So let's take a look at what a weightlifting training cycle should be.
The advantages of the technique

A lot can be said about the advantages of this training method, but it is better to highlight the most significant points:
- Exercises and the mode of their execution are selected in such a way as to prepare joints and ligaments as efficiently as possible for the upcoming serious loads;
- All exercises presented here help to increase muscle coordination;
- A network of capillaries in white fibers develops;
- Power indicators are significantly increased;
- Reduces the risk of injury.
This technique was created on the basis of many years of observations and absorbed all the best that has been created in the entire history of weightlifting. Very often, at a certain stage of training, security officials begin to experience muscle stagnation. The technique considered today will allow you to overcome it as quickly as possible.
Basics of training methodology

Perhaps the most difficult step in creating any training system is choosing the right exercises. Today there are a lot of them. To a greater extent, this applies to powerlifting and bodybuilding. In these sports, exercises are usually divided into basic and isolated.
This classification was created based on the participation of certain types of muscles in their performance. In terms of weightlifting, the first attempt at classifying exercises was made in 1986. According to this classification, the exercises were divided into two groups:
- To the first group were classified as exercises that allow the development of competitive and special preparatory movements. Almost all of them from a technical point of view did not differ from the snatch and clean and jerk. When performing them, the athlete must work with a lot of weight, which made the first group of movements the main one in the preparation of athletes.
- Second group consists of special preparatory exercises. They are performed, in contrast to the exercises of the first group, not only with a barbell, but also with other sports equipment. They have a varied structure of technique and can differ significantly from competitive movements. They are used as an additional means of training athletes.
It is necessary to perform additional exercises with the maximum possible amplitude, which allows you to develop and strengthen the joints and ligaments. It must be remembered here that the ligaments and joints develop rather slowly and it is impossible to force the preparation. If you do not pay enough attention to the joints, then an imbalance may arise between the strength indicators of the muscular apparatus and insufficient strength of the joints. This situation could result in serious injury. From this it follows that during the session, attention should be paid to strengthening the ligaments and joints, which can be achieved through high-volume and low-intensity training. Each movement should be performed with maximum amplitude in different directions. Everything that has just been said applies equally to bodybuilding and powerlifting. The differences between these sports lie in the main goals that athletes pursue. If in powerlifting the athlete's strength indicators are in the first place, then the bodybuilder gives priority to muscle mass. But given the physiological characteristics of muscle tissue, bodybuilders should pay enough attention to training strength indicators.
Recently, it can be noted that the arsenal of exercises in strength sports has significantly decreased. This can be due to various reasons. But it is necessary to solve these issues in order to increase the effectiveness of the training process of athletes.
An example of using the training methodology

As an example of using the weightlifting training cycle, consider a leg training program. As you know, this group of muscles is one of the most difficult to train.
Previously, when performing a jerk and sensible movement, athletes used the "scissors" method. For this reason, in the preparation of athletes, not only classic squats were widely used, but also the "scissor" movement. Now athletes at competitions began to use a more effective method of "splitting" and squats "in scissors" are practically not used in the training process.
Also, now there is a tendency to reduce the loads in the jerk and jerk movements in training sessions. But the loads increase when doing deadlifts and squats. This contributed to an increase in the load on the joints and, as a consequence, to the growth of injuries. Athletes are increasingly complaining of more frequent pain in the knee joints, which indicates insufficient work on strengthening the articular-ligamentous apparatus. The need to change the training methodology is obvious to the naked eye.
According to numerous studies, the amount of exercise that helps to strengthen the joints in the training program should be between 17 and 27 percent. In this case, 2/3 of this volume should fall on the shoulder girdle and back muscles, and the rest for strength training of the leg muscles.
The situation is somewhat different in powerlifting. In this sport, 2/3 of the total load should fall on the training of the legs and lower back. In bodybuilding, it is necessary to develop muscles harmoniously and there is no such division of the load here.
For more information on the training cycle of weightlifters, see this video: