A person starting to engage in weightlifting should understand that various factors affect the speed of progress. Learn how to become a great weightlifter. You must be aware that a positive training result can only be achieved by combining a large number of factors. You have to be purposeful, eat right, use the right training program, etc. it is also advisable to consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination. Now we are going to tell you about weightlifting for beginners.
How to start weightlifting?

Start by choosing a gym in which you will train. The best option would be one that is located close to your home. Having started visiting the gym, you should immediately contact the instructor and ask him to draw up a training plan. In addition, he should teach you the correct technique for performing the exercises.
If there is no instructor, then you can contact experienced athletes. If this option is not suitable for you, you will have to find a training program for beginners on the Internet. Try to visit the gym at the same time, so that it is easier for the body to adapt to the new work routine.
Organization of the training process in weightlifting

To progress quickly, you need not only a quality training program, but also nutrition, rest, and a daily routine. Only when all of these factors are combined can you get results. During the first months, you should not think about large muscles and their relief. Your task at this stage is to prepare the whole body for future loads.
Each lesson should train biceps, triceps, chest, abs, legs and back. During the week, practice three times for an hour and a half. It is also important to remember to warm up at the beginning of each session. The first exercises for you should be the bench press, squats, deadlifts, army press, pull-ups and push-ups on the uneven bars. These are basic exercises that will help you lay a great foundation for future progress. You will also gradually have to introduce into your training program and isolated movements performed on simulators.

At first, you can train the whole body at once in one lesson. But after a couple of months, this approach will cease to bear fruit and you have to switch to a split system. Split is the training of different muscle groups on a specific day. Most often, amateurs use the following scheme:
- 1 lesson - chest and triceps;
- 2nd lesson - back and biceps;
- 3 lesson - legs and deltas.
You can use another split scheme as well. It is important that in one lesson you do not work on two large muscle groups at the same time. These include the legs, chest and back. In each abolition, you must do one or two warm-up sets and only then move on to the workers. Their number should be in the range of 3 to 6. If you want to gain weight, then rest between sets for one or two minutes. To increase strength, the pause time between sets should be increased to 3-5 minutes. In one lesson, two or a maximum of three exercises should be performed for each muscle group, one of which must be basic. An example scheme could be as follows:
- 1 exercise - basic, performed in 4 sets;
- 2 exercises - isolated, performed in 2 sets;
- Exercise 3 - isolated, performed in 2 sets.
Nutrition for a beginner weightlifter

Your old diet cannot be used after you start exercising. Nutrition is an equally important factor in progress compared to training. First of all, you need to switch to fractional meals and eat from 5 to 6 times a day. This will improve the absorption of all nutrients by the body.
Try to gradually reduce the load on the digestive tract in the evening, but before bed, you should take a small portion of food rich in protein compounds. You will also have to start using protein supplements, since it is almost impossible to get the required amount of protein compounds only from ordinary food products.
Try to eat more carbohydrates and protein before starting your class. But fats must be excluded from the diet during this period. Take food two hours before class. It should contain 20 grams of protein compounds and 40 to 60 grams of carbohydrates. In addition to protein supplements, you should include in your diet vitamin and mineral complexes, amino acid compounds, creatine.
You need to pay great attention not only to the consumption of protein compounds, but also to carbohydrates. Moreover, this share of this nutrient in the total caloric content of the daily diet should be at least 60 percent. This is due to the fact that carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. Eat fruits, vegetables, cereals, pasta and bread for this.
It is impossible to completely exclude fats from your nutrition program, since they are also necessary for the body. Reduce their number to 20 percent of the total calorie intake. In this case, fats should be of vegetable nature and special attention should be paid to omega-3s.
The mistakes of beginner weightlifters

People tend to be wrong, and this fact applies to sports as well. Often, beginners don't give the body enough time to recover or get enough sleep. Remember that sleep is a very important factor in your progress. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.
Also, many do not warm up at the beginning of the session and before each exercise. If this is not done, the risk of injury increases dramatically. During the warm-up, your muscles and articular-ligamentous apparatus are prepared for heavy loads.
Many aspiring athletes try to start with heavy weights. At the initial stage, you need to pay all attention to the technique of performing the exercises. Without this, your progress will slow down significantly.
Check out the techniques for doing a few simple yet effective exercises for beginner weightlifters in this video: