Review of sports nutritional supplements from Bill Phillips

Review of sports nutritional supplements from Bill Phillips
Review of sports nutritional supplements from Bill Phillips

Nutritional supplements generally include various vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and the like. Find out what pro-athletes take to gain weight. We all use nutritional supplements to varying degrees. All sports supplements fit this definition. In the United States, this group includes all preparations containing vitamins, amino acids, plant extracts, antioxidants, etc. Check out Bill Phillips' bodybuilding review of sports nutritional supplements today.

Bill Phillips Nutritional Supplement Groups

Founder Bill Phillips
Founder Bill Phillips

Bill Phillips suggests categorizing all nutritional supplements into three groups according to their effects.

The first group consists of supplements that can eliminate the deficiency of certain substances in the body. These include, say, vitamins. These drugs have been used by a large number of people for a long time, and they allow you to get rid of the lack of vitamins.

Scientists believe that under the influence of physical exertion, the body consumes more nutrients and for this reason athletes need to take them additionally. This will maintain the performance of all body systems, as well as accelerate the growth of muscle mass. Let's say that it is known for sure that chromium affects the concentration of insulin. At the same time, most people are deficient in this substance. Supplementing with chromium can help accelerate muscle growth. The second group includes nutritional supplements that provide the body with nutrients for the normal functioning of cellular structures. An example is creatine. This supplement is very popular with athletes and they should not be deficient in the substance. However, in the course of research it has been found that with the use of common foods, the lack of creatine can be very pronounced. Adding creatine monohydrate to your diet will definitely not be superfluous.

The third group of nutritional supplements includes drugs that produce a pharmacological effect on the body. Simply put, these are additives that contain substances that are not required by the cells at the moment, but that affect their functioning.

Guarana is a great example. This plant contains a large amount of caffeine, which can speed up the metabolism. Cells do not need caffeine for their vital activity, but this substance can act on them.

Yuri Spasokukotsky will tell you about different types of sports nutrition in this video review:
