Sports Supplements for Bodybuilding Recovery

Sports Supplements for Bodybuilding Recovery
Sports Supplements for Bodybuilding Recovery

Sleep is an important process in the life of an athlete. Its violation leads to irreparable consequences. Find out which sleep and recovery supplements are best for athletes. The effectiveness of training directly depends on the quality of sleep. It is during this period that the body recovers most quickly. Often, due to various circumstances, the sleep pattern is disrupted. This should not be allowed. Today we will talk about sports supplements for bodybuilding recovery, which can improve the athlete's sleep.

L-Tryptophan - Sleep Supplement

Pumpkin seeds, which contain tryptophan
Pumpkin seeds, which contain tryptophan

Very often, after a hearty meal, there is a desire to take a nap. Scientists attribute this fact to tryptophan, which is found in various foods. At one time it was believed that most of this substance is found in turkey meat. However, further research did not support this hypothesis, proving that turkey contains no more tryptophan than other foods. Moreover, in terms of tryptophan content, it is significantly inferior to egg white, cheddar cheese and soy.

People who are having trouble sleeping should start taking L-tryptophan. This substance is a precursor and is necessary for a large number of chemical reactions in the body. It should also be noted that tryptophan promotes the production of melatonin in the brain and also accelerates the synthesis of proteins and niacin. When using sports supplements for recovery in bodybuilding containing amino acid compounds, remember that they should be taken on an empty stomach, since there is a constant rivalry between amino acids for the right to get to the brain faster.

Take 2 to 5 grams of L-tryptophan one hour before bed.

5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) - Supplement for the production of melatonin

Bodybuilder Takes Supplements in Pills
Bodybuilder Takes Supplements in Pills

It has been found that tryptophan is able to convert to various metabolites, which makes 5-HTP more useful for accelerating the production of melatonin and serotonin. The drug should be taken in an amount of 100 to 300 milligrams one hour before bedtime.

Melatonin - Supplement That Accelerates Melatonin Synthesis

Melatonin Supplement Packaged
Melatonin Supplement Packaged

It has already been mentioned above that 5-HTP helps to accelerate the synthesis of melatonin. However, this may not be enough for proper sleep. Only melatonin can be used, but its combination with L-tryptophan and 5-HTP will give a significantly greater effect. It was found that thanks to melatonin, the time spent by a person to fall asleep is reduced, and the sleep itself passes more calmly.

The drug should be taken one hour before bedtime in an amount of 5 to 10 milligrams.

Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA): Relaxing the Brain in Bodybuilding

GABA supplement in the jar
GABA supplement in the jar

This substance is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter for the brain. Thanks to GABA, a person relaxes and falls asleep, and to ensure this, the substance "turns off" the synthesis of all excitatory hormones. It should be noted that serotonin is an inhibitor for GABA, and for this reason gamma-aminobutyric acid is recommended to be used together with 5-HTP or L-tryptophan. You can also note the ability of this substance to accelerate the synthesis of growth hormone, increasing the anabolic background during sleep. GABA should be taken 5 grams 60 minutes before bedtime.

Valerian root: the best sports adaptogen

Valerian root
Valerian root

This drug is familiar to a large number of people. It is able to enhance the effect of GABA on the body. It should also be noted that valerian improves the quality of sleep, which is also important for the recovery of the body. The course of the drug should last at least 2 or 4 weeks. The minimum dosage is 600 milligrams one hour before bedtime.

ZMA - to normalize your sleep and recovery

ZMA Bodybuilding Supplement Pack
ZMA Bodybuilding Supplement Pack

This drug can be confidently called one of the best for restoring sleep patterns. It contains vitamin B6, zinc and magnesium. The high effectiveness of ZMA for the restoration of the body has been proven in numerous scientific studies. It is widely believed that the drug increases testosterone levels, but this fact has not been proven. It is best to use a preparation containing 450 milligrams of magnesium, 30 milligrams of zinc and 10.5 milligrams of vitamin B6. It should be taken before bedtime on an empty stomach.

Fish oil: supplement for complex body restoration

Fish oil pills
Fish oil pills

A huge number of words have already been said about the benefits of this product. The drug is able to have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, which in turn will quickly supply tissue cells with the nutrients they need. You can also note the ability of fish oil to reduce pain after training sessions and accelerate the recovery of the body during sleep. One to two grams of fish oil should be taken 60 minutes before bedtime.

Vitamins D and C for Muscle Performance and Fat Oxidation

Foods that contain vitamin C
Foods that contain vitamin C

It has long been proven that vitamin D helps to strengthen bone tissue, but it also strengthens the general immunity of the body and improves muscle performance. This speaks to the need to use a sports supplement for recovery in bodybuilding. It should be remembered that vitamin D belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins and its combination with fish oil can increase the effectiveness of the application. The drug should be taken in the evening in an amount of 1000 to 2000 IU.

Vitamin C helps convert tryptophan to serotonin and also helps L-carnitine oxidize fat cells more efficiently. It is also a very powerful antioxidant that protects your muscles from breakdown. It must be remembered that taking high doses of vitamin C will not increase effectiveness. This is due to the fact that the higher the content of the drug, the worse it is absorbed. The vitamin is taken in an amount of 60 to 90 grams 60 minutes before bedtime.

Here are the essential bodybuilding recovery supplements that can improve the quality of sleep in athletes. Do not neglect them, as the benefits of sleep cannot be underestimated. Only through the comprehensive application of intensive training, the right nutritional program and good sleep. Athletes can achieve their goals.

Interestingly and informatively explain the types and significance of supplements for the recovery of bodybuilders in this video:
