Zentangle and doodling - draw and meditate at the same time

Zentangle and doodling - draw and meditate at the same time
Zentangle and doodling - draw and meditate at the same time

Zentangle and doodling will help you draw in a graphic-like manner. Patterns of patterns, a master class are attached. Zentangle and doodling are interesting drawing techniques. Many of you are familiar with them. Sometimes, during boring meetings at work or during telephone conversations, some draw various lines and squiggles on paper, not knowing what they are really doing.

What is doodling?

Doodling close-up drawing
Doodling close-up drawing

Doodling is an interesting drawing technique. In this case, simple graphic elements called doodles are used. Using them, a person relaxes, expresses himself and shows his creative abilities. Here are the graphic elements used for this:

  • dots;
  • sticks;
  • squiggles;
  • rhombuses;
  • circles.

In the common people, they are called scribbles. But these simple graphic elements unite and the most complex compositions are obtained. However, you can create lighter ones.

You can form such drawings not only on a sheet of paper, but also on jewelry items. See how you can decorate a bracelet using this simple technique.

Doodling bracelets
Doodling bracelets

What is Zentangle?

This technique has arisen not so long ago. Its founders came up with the idea of creating patterns that will help meditation at the same time.

The zentangle creates repeating patterns that turn into an abstract image.

Zentangle patterns
Zentangle patterns

The word itself has two roots, which denote the name of a Buddhist sect and a ball, weaving. The drawing has a limited space, fits in a square. There are certain rules, using which, you can create drawings using the zentangle technique.

You can view the created masterpieces from any side, since they do not have one direction.

  1. Patterns should be objective, abstract.
  2. Masterpieces are created without using a stencil or ruler.
  3. Each pattern should have at least 6 strokes.
  4. Elements are performed in black and white.
  5. When drawing patterns, you usually don't use an eraser.

To draw a zentangle, cut a 9 cm square out of paper. They are called tiles. Such a small size is needed in order to complete the drawing in one go. Get into a comfortable position, relax, and get creative.

Creating a zentangle pattern
Creating a zentangle pattern

If you will be drawing on black paper, then use a white pen or marker. If you are using white paper, then use a black pen. When you first start creating patterns, you can take ready-made ones to adopt them.

Several options for patterns made using the zentangle technique
Several options for patterns made using the zentangle technique

Here's how to draw a zentangle step by step:

Place a paper square in front of you, step back a little from its corners inward and mark four points that will form a frame. It can be straight or curved. Now select one piece of paper space and start drawing the lines you want. Better to start at the bottom. You can use the following master class to draw such a pattern.

How to create a zentangle pattern step by step
How to create a zentangle pattern step by step

Draw a curved frame first, then start at the bottom to draw wavy lines. Each subsequent one is similar to the previous one in a mirror image. Now all sectors need to be filled with semicircular strokes. You will get this kind of volumetric effect.

If you like to knit, then draw a thematic pattern that resembles loops.

Zentangle Buttonhole Pattern
Zentangle Buttonhole Pattern

First you need to draw small circles in a checkerboard pattern, then connect them with parallel, slightly curved lines. If you want to make a different knitting pattern, then draw the circles in even rows and connect them with wavy lines.

For the next masterpiece, you'll need to learn how to draw simple shapes.

Intricate zentangle pattern
Intricate zentangle pattern

First, draw two perpendicular lines going through the paper sheet. Now in each of the 4 sectors draw narrow diagonal petals. There is a rhombus behind them, fill it with straight lines parallel to the sides of this shape. You can make such strokes behind the rhombus, and leave it in white.

Now you know what zentangle and doodling are, you can create drawings using these techniques.

Zentangle and doodling for beginners - how to draw a pumpkin?

Ready pumpkin drawing using zentangle and doodling techniques
Ready pumpkin drawing using zentangle and doodling techniques

To depict this vegetable, use the zentangle and doodling at once. Here's what you need:

  • ballpoint or gel pen with a thin black refill;
  • black thin felt-tip pen;
  • thin synthetic brush;
  • eraser;
  • simple pencil;
  • watercolor;
  • sheet of thick paper.
Pumpkin pattern for drawing
Pumpkin pattern for drawing

Using this image, draw a pumpkin on thick paper. Now start painting it with watercolors. You can make some strokes brighter and others lighter to show the effect of volume.

Start drawing a pumpkin
Start drawing a pumpkin

When the paint is dry, now in each segment you need to draw a certain pattern.

Pumpkin decoration with patterns
Pumpkin decoration with patterns

Start at the edges, here the patterns can be in a darker saturated color. Closer to the center, they are lighter.

Patterns on the pumpkin and its leaves
Patterns on the pumpkin and its leaves

Continue in the same spirit.

Ready-made patterns on each pumpkin segment
Ready-made patterns on each pumpkin segment

Fill in the entire space of the pumpkin, as well as its tail and leaves. If you still need to remove some wrong dashes or lines, then use an eraser. Such an interesting work will turn out.

You can use this idea to decorate not only the pumpkin, but also various other vegetables or objects. So that you know how to do this, practice drawing individual elements.

Zentangle and doodling - patterns and schemes for drawing

Zentangle and doodling patterns
Zentangle and doodling patterns
  1. To make the final drawing look like staggered 4-lobed flowers, first draw the correct perpendicular lines, located slightly diagonally, on a sheet of paper.
  2. Now, in each square, draw a diagonal petal so that two petals of one flower refer not only to it, but also to other flowers. You can fill in the space between the petals with strokes, and paint the other with a black pen or felt-tip pen of this color.
  3. The following diagram will allow you to create a ball-like pattern. Draw a diagonal petal across the entire sheet and another one perpendicular to it. These details will help you create others.
  4. Some of them run parallel to one diagonal element, and the second - to another. Leave the small square free in the center. If you are drawing a tangle, then round off your outline.
Zentangle and doodling patterns on a sheet of paper
Zentangle and doodling patterns on a sheet of paper

The next abstract drawing is created from symmetrical elements. First, draw lines on a piece of paper that run parallel or perpendicular to each other. Draw a small petal at the intersection of each square with the other. Complete the pattern with quarter-oval sectors. Highlight the elements with a black pen or felt-tip pen of that color.

The sequence of creating an interesting pattern
The sequence of creating an interesting pattern

How to design a personal album using zentangle and doodling techniques?

Zentangle and doodling will also help. Open a sheet of your notebook and draw oval elements at the bottom that look like eyes. Connect some with lines.

Album sheet decorated with a pattern
Album sheet decorated with a pattern

In the upper right corner, you can create a similar pattern, but in a smaller size. The center can be decorated with an abstract flower. To create it, first draw a point, and draw circles around it using a compass or freehand.

Large pattern on the album sheet
Large pattern on the album sheet

Now you can draw a flower in the center, filling it with different strokes.

Blue patterns and red flower on the leaf of the album
Blue patterns and red flower on the leaf of the album

Fill the large circle with dashes, make the flower more picturesque. In the free space, you can write smart sayings or something else.

Decorating the area around the red pattern
Decorating the area around the red pattern

Fill the outer ring of the circle with repeating patterns, see what remains to be done. If everything suits you, then this diary page is ready.

Fully decorated album sheet
Fully decorated album sheet

You can move on to another. First create it in black and white using a dark pen.

Black pattern in the corner of the album sheet
Black pattern in the corner of the album sheet

Start decorating the diary from the corner. Now smoothly move to another corner, depicting other elements of the schematic drawing here.

Forming a pattern on the left side of the album sheet
Forming a pattern on the left side of the album sheet

Now fill in the next corner, write clever sayings in the free space, make spectacular curls in the center.

Filling the central part of the album sheet with a pattern
Filling the central part of the album sheet with a pattern

Decorate your drawing if you like. Make it brighter.

Coloring a pattern on an album sheet
Coloring a pattern on an album sheet

On the next unfolded sheet, you can depict a lady in an old dress.

Drawing of a woman on an album sheet
Drawing of a woman on an album sheet

Use doodling and zentangle patterns to fill in the surrounding area.

The final design of the sheet with a drawing of a woman
The final design of the sheet with a drawing of a woman

Make the drawing more expressive, write down what you want to immortalize on a piece of paper.

If you want to depict a city, you can also use a familiar trick for it. Buildings can be placed not strictly horizontally and vertically, but diagonally. First draw out their borders, then fill them with themed designs.

City drawing in zentangle and doodling style
City drawing in zentangle and doodling style

As you can see, the inscription is also applied diagonally.

Diagonal inscription under the city drawing
Diagonal inscription under the city drawing

It remains to make them clearer. After that work on the author's diary was completed.

Patterns on the roofs of buildings in the city drawing
Patterns on the roofs of buildings in the city drawing

You can also position the label diagonally, but not in the bottom corner, but almost in the center. Frame it with all sorts of colors, leaving them in black and white or adding colors.

A distant view of the album, decorated in zentangle and doodling style
A distant view of the album, decorated in zentangle and doodling style

This is how, using various techniques of self-expression, you can arrange a diary.

Zentangle - master class

See how you can paint feathers in watercolor using the technique presented.

Three feathers painted in zentangle watercolor
Three feathers painted in zentangle watercolor

To get such an image, you need to take:

  • watercolor paper;
  • brush;
  • simple pencil;
  • gel pen with black ink;
  • simple pencil.

Draw pencil sketches of feathers on a piece of paper.

When painting with watercolors, use thick paper, like a Whatman paper, so that it does not get wet.

The outlines of feathers on a sheet of paper
The outlines of feathers on a sheet of paper

To prevent watercolors from merging or mixing, dampen the painted feathers with water. The tops of the feathers do not need to be moistened to keep these parts of the design crisp.

You can use the color mixing chart to decide which shades you want to achieve.

A paint mixing chart to help you paint
A paint mixing chart to help you paint

In this case, the sketch looks like this.

Sketch of three feathers
Sketch of three feathers

Now let the paint dry completely and you can move on to the next step. To do this, first demarcate the space with a pencil, then draw the lines with a gel pen. In this case, the pen must contain a rod, right and left horizontal branches.

Making a green-yellow feather
Making a green-yellow feather

Fill in the sheet with various curls, dashes, circles.

Patterns on a green-yellow feather
Patterns on a green-yellow feather

You can use the following zentangle patterns to create them.

Many zentangle patterns for feather decoration
Many zentangle patterns for feather decoration

Having painted the first feather, come to the second. You can make the images the same or different.

Applying patterns on a pink feather
Applying patterns on a pink feather

Decorate the third, after which the process of pleasant meditation and at the same time creativity is over.

Three feathers decorated with zentangle patterns
Three feathers decorated with zentangle patterns

Using the above schemes, you can create animals as well.

Cat decorated with zentangle patterns
Cat decorated with zentangle patterns

Take a closer look, and you will understand what the muzzle of this cat consists of.

Try to make an inscription using already known techniques. You will see how the letters will play in a new way.

Zentangle lettering
Zentangle lettering

Ochechnik - doodling

Now it's time to put all the knowledge and training gained into practice and paint some subject. Let it be an eyeglass case. To decorate it this way take:

  • case for glasses;
  • sponge;
  • paper napkins;
  • glossy acrylic varnish;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • black gel pen;
  • brush;
  • a glass of water.

Paint over the case with white paint. In order not to stain the bottom cover, you can insert a handle into it for a while.

Glasses case painted with white paint
Glasses case painted with white paint

Choose a drawing that suits you. It can be black and white or color, conceal the image of some animal, flowers, or have an abstract drawing. In this case, repeating shapes were drawn parallel to each other.

Drawing patterns on the surface of the border
Drawing patterns on the surface of the border

Let the paint dry now. If you want to speed up this process, then you can dry it with a cold stream of a hair dryer, placing it away from the eyeglass case. But be careful that the elements of the picture do not creep. Then blot the surface with a tissue to remove excess paint.

Soaking the eyeglass with a napkin
Soaking the eyeglass with a napkin

Next, you need to varnish your creation. But since the gel pen tends to smudge, this must be done very carefully. Use a spray bottle or sponge. It is best to take an empty spray bottle and pour varnish here. Now you can spray the surface. After the polish is dry, it's time to use this stylish piece.

Doodling ready-made glasses case
Doodling ready-made glasses case

This is how, using the zentangle and doodling technique, you can decorate your personal diary, draw various objects, vegetables, animals in a new way, engage in meditation, paint the eyeglass case.

The videos below make it easier to understand this type of art. By repeating after the needlewoman from the first master class, you and her will be able to create simple patterns using the zentangle technique for beginners.

The second video tutorial will teach you how to draw using the doodling technique. These techniques are also suitable for beginners.