Paper plastic for children, for beginners

Paper plastic for children, for beginners
Paper plastic for children, for beginners

We understand paper-making for children and beginners. We will learn how to make fish, Japanese weapons, topiary. More experienced craftsmen will be able to create a flowering balcony, a three-dimensional picture, a spruce branch made of paper. Paper-plastic develops creativity and allows you to do interesting things with your own hands, using a minimum of materials. Both young and old can engage in such creativity and enjoy it.

Paper plastic for children

Show the kids how to do simple yet effective work.

Paper fish

Painting with paper fish
Painting with paper fish

Such a sea world will become the subject for a beautiful picture. Having learned how to make paper fish, children will be able to decorate postcards with them to give them to adults.


  • colored paper;
  • scissors with round ends;
  • glue;
  • corrugated paper from a box of chocolates.
Tools and materials for creating a painting with paper fish
Tools and materials for creating a painting with paper fish

Take paper of the desired color, cut a square out of it. Fold it diagonally and cut off the bottom corner.

Cut off corner of a paper square
Cut off corner of a paper square

Give the child the same blank. Let him watch your manipulations and repeat them. Then paper plastic for children will be clear to them. Show the kid how to round off the left corner, and cut on the right into such horizontal strips.

Cut strips on a paper blank
Cut strips on a paper blank

This is what this blank will look like when you unfold it.

Unfolded paper blank
Unfolded paper blank

Now you need to cross all the strips and glue them in this position in the middle. You will get such a fish preparation.

Paper fish blank
Paper fish blank

Show your child how to draw the sea, underwater vegetation on white paper. Then, together with him, glue the fish made by you jointly here.

Finished painting with paper fish
Finished painting with paper fish


Help your child learn the first origami skills by showing you how to make a diamond. But such a craft is suitable for schoolchildren, since certain skills are needed. In order not to create a template yourself, we suggest downloading it. Then you can then transfer it to the paper of your choice.

Diagram of a diamond using origami technique
Diagram of a diamond using origami technique

Bring the indicated lines here, and then start bending along them.

Marked paper blanks to create a diamond
Marked paper blanks to create a diamond

Now you need to draw along the lines of the sash, glue the beginning of the first ray to the second, then attach the next one to it.

Bonding the rays of the future paper diamond
Bonding the rays of the future paper diamond

The result is these diamonds.

Three finished diamonds
Three finished diamonds

It will be interesting for the boy to receive a sample of Japanese weapons as a gift. Don't worry, it is completely safe as it is made of paper.

How to make kunai?


  • sheets of paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Cut squares out of paper. Take the first one. Fold it according to the diagram.

Kunai paper craft making scheme
Kunai paper craft making scheme

First fold the first sheet diagonally once, and then the resulting triangle again.

Correct folding of the paper blank
Correct folding of the paper blank

This is to indicate the folds. Therefore, iron them well. Expand the small triangle and pull one and the other side of the large one towards the center.

Bending the corners of the workpiece
Bending the corners of the workpiece

The resulting figure, which looks like a pyramid, needs to be straightened. Then you will make it more voluminous.

To make a handle for the Japanese kunai weapon, fold the second square several times to get such a narrow volumetric strip. Secure with tape or glue, and then paste inside the created weapon.

Making a paper kunai handle
Making a paper kunai handle

There will be a ring on the back. Make it by twisting a paper tube. This is how this detail will turn out.

Kunai paper ring
Kunai paper ring

To be able to use such a spear as a throwing weapon, make it not out of paper, but out of cardboard. Fasten the junction of the handle with the tip with tape.

Paper kunai tip
Paper kunai tip

If you need paper plastic for very young children, then you can create the following characters with them.

From napkins

As you understand, paper napkins will be the main material. Draw a funny lamb on a piece of paper or cardboard, cut the napkins into squares with a side of 2 cm. Let the child wind them on the tip of a pencil without a lead and apply them to the drawn character. You need to attach napkins with glue.

Sheep from napkins
Sheep from napkins

In the same way, you can create an autumn panel that will show off the maple leaves of this season.

Autumn panel with leaves
Autumn panel with leaves

The paper-plastic technique will allow the children to make summer and autumn flowers.

Blue napkin flower
Blue napkin flower

To make such a snowdrop, you need to prepare blue napkins. They are cut into small squares, folded and glued to a previously applied pattern. The bell is made in the same way.

Blue napkin flower and painted stem
Blue napkin flower and painted stem

Girls will certainly like this paper-making, when you can create Malvina with your own hands. To do this, you need to draw an image of a fairy-tale heroine on paper, then fill her hair with blue napkins, decorate clothes using the same technique.

Drawing of a girl from napkins
Drawing of a girl from napkins

Paper and plastic will help to make the postcard unique. Show your child how to draw and cut out a heart, and then let him put his palm on it, circle it. On the palm of your hand, you will need to glue the white endings from napkins, and on the heart itself - pink. A bow made of paper ribbons is attached in the upper right corner. Then this blank must be glued to one side of the postcard.

Card with a heart made of napkins
Card with a heart made of napkins

With the help of paper plastic, a child can also create a postcard for the New Year. This Christmas tree is cut out of green paper. On it, you first need to draw triangles of different sizes, and then cut and glue them, placing small ones at the top, large ones at the bottom. Snowflakes and Angels are also cut out of paper.

Paper plastic for beginners or for children will help create such picturesque butterflies. After all, they are made from ordinary napkins using the trimming technique.

Beautiful butterflies from napkins
Beautiful butterflies from napkins

In this case, you can use both napkins of the same color, as well as different ones.

For an older audience, the following master class is suitable.

Paper and plastic: schemes for beginners

Here's a topiary you can make from ordinary newspapers.

Topiary created using the paper-plastic technique
Topiary created using the paper-plastic technique

To create this mini-masterpiece, you will need:

  • newspapers;
  • glue gun;
  • stick;
  • flower pot or other container;
  • gypsum;
  • twine.

Dilute dry gypsum with water. Pour it into the prepared container and place the stick in the center. Fix it. The solution should dry well. During this time, you will have time to make the base ball. If you have a plastic ball, then get one. If not, create it from newspapers.

Ball blank for topiary
Ball blank for topiary

Now we need to make flowers. To do this, cut sheets of paper into squares or use leaves from an old book. Draw a spiral on each, cut this piece with scissors.

Paper spiral
Paper spiral

Now start rolling the workpiece on one side, securing its ends with glue.

Folding paper spirals into flowers
Folding paper spirals into flowers

If you want more colorful flowers, then use colored paper. See how wonderful a rose made of this material looks. It is created using the same paper-plastic technique.

Ready-made pink flower from a spiral
Ready-made pink flower from a spiral

But the flowers also look wonderful from the newspaper. Now that you've created them, glue these blanks onto the ball.

Flowers are glued to a blank ball
Flowers are glued to a blank ball

Wrap the trunk of the tree with newspaper or twine, gluing these materials. Decorate the surface of the plaster by putting coins here.

Ready potted topiary
Ready potted topiary

Here is what kind of topiary with your own hands you can make from waste materials.

Volumetric paper painting - technique

The finished three-dimensional picture of paper
The finished three-dimensional picture of paper

To create such an interesting job you will need:

  • postcard or drawing;
  • color copier;
  • scissors;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • double sided tape;
  • glue.

A color copier will allow you to print several pictures or postcards.

Printed blank drawing
Printed blank drawing

Such paper plastic for beginners, as well as for experienced craftsmen, will certainly do. The main thing is to do everything consistently. In this picture, you can see how many layers of each composition and what elements need to be done. By looking at this tip, you will be able to cut them out of your drawings that you made with the copier.

Templates for creating a volumetric picture
Templates for creating a volumetric picture

Now you need to stick them on the corrugated cardboard using double-sided tape.

The templates are glued onto corrugated cardboard
The templates are glued onto corrugated cardboard

Arrange the prepared items on the canvas. Admire what beauty you get.

The prepared picture elements are placed on the base
The prepared picture elements are placed on the base

If you missed your summer cottage during the winter, you can take a picture of it in advance, and then do the same job. The paper-plastic technique will help in this.

Volumetric painting depicting a country house
Volumetric painting depicting a country house

A voluminous house looks like a real one.

If you don't have a summer residence or you just want to create a city apartment or its corner, then check out the next MK.

Painting with a picture of a window and flowers
Painting with a picture of a window and flowers

Here is such a picturesque balcony made of paper.

If you want to grow flowers, vegetables on the loggia in the summer, then you can plan planting in advance by laying them out on paper. Print out a schematic drawing, indicate where you will be.

Scheme for creating a picture with a window and flowers
Scheme for creating a picture with a window and flowers

Cut out the outlines of the corrugated cardboard doorway, glue the second layer here.

Applying glue to the base of the picture
Applying glue to the base of the picture

Place a book-shaped weight on the workpiece and let it dry. Using tracing paper, translate the outlines of the curtains and glue them to the base without using cardboard.

Gluing curtains to a future painting
Gluing curtains to a future painting

Draw a window on colored paper, glue it in place. Now create bricks from the blue strips of paper. Stagger them on the wall.

Making bricks from blue paper
Making bricks from blue paper

Look at the diagram where the door trim is located. Cut it out, and attach pieces of duct tape on the back.

Preparation of door cladding according to the scheme
Preparation of door cladding according to the scheme

Clip the door into place.

Gluing the door to the base of the painting
Gluing the door to the base of the painting

Cut out three layers for the balcony from corrugated cardboard, glue them on colored paper.

Three cut layers for corrugated cardboard balcony
Three cut layers for corrugated cardboard balcony

Stick these elements on top of each other, attach them under the balcony door.

Cardboard blanks are glued under the balcony door
Cardboard blanks are glued under the balcony door

Now you need to draw and cut out the railing for the balcony, glue it in place as well.

Bonding balcony railings
Bonding balcony railings

All that remains is to plant flowers here or stick a photo of a friend to surprise him with such a gift.

Ready paper balcony with flowers
Ready paper balcony with flowers

Paper allows you to create real miracles. What can not be done from it!

Spruce branch with paper cones

Ready spruce paper branch in hand
Ready spruce paper branch in hand

Here's a masterpiece will turn out. But first you need to take:

  • crepe or corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • water washable marker;
  • thin wire.
Materials for creating a paper spruce branch
Materials for creating a paper spruce branch

Cut crepe or corrugated paper into strips, fold each several times and cut with such a fringe.

Fringe cut on a strip of paper
Fringe cut on a strip of paper

Now twist each strip so that they all resemble Christmas tree needles.

Twisted stripes of fringe
Twisted stripes of fringe

Attach a wire, folded in half to the first workpiece, twist the paper so that you get a sprig of spruce.

Small paper sprig of fir in the palm of your hand
Small paper sprig of fir in the palm of your hand

Connect several pieces so that the branch is so lush like this.

Lush paper spruce branch
Lush paper spruce branch

Now take thin paper of a different color. It can be the same as in the photo, red or brown. A strip of paper should be designed in this way. First, wrap its top side twice, and then begin to twist the resulting strip so that you have an openwork edge.

Folding the edges of the red paper strip
Folding the edges of the red paper strip

This will create the scales of the cone. To make it yourself, wind the strip around your index finger and form a spiral shape that will eventually turn into a bump.

Forming a pine cone from red paper
Forming a pine cone from red paper

To prevent the upper turn from spinning, hold it with your finger. Tie a rope at the bottom of the bump, and then wrap a strip of green paper around it.

Green strip wrapped around the base of the bud
Green strip wrapped around the base of the bud

Attach floristic or regular thin wire, make a flexible stem to the bud, then attach it to the branch.

Attaching a pine cone to a twig
Attaching a pine cone to a twig

Make several of these cones, then decorate your creation with a light green crepe paper bow. To do this, first you need to cut a strip, bend its first and second large sidewalls, and then arrange this ribbon in the form of a bow.

Making a bow from light green paper
Making a bow from light green paper

It remains to tie it with a string and thus attach it to the branch.

Finished spruce branch with paper cones close-up
Finished spruce branch with paper cones close-up

These are the wonderful ideas that paper plastic gave us. If you want to know other amazing options that will help you create real masterpieces from this material, then watch the following videos.

You can make a beautiful paper vase if you check out the first video:

The second master class will tell you what you can do with your own hands from paper all in the same technique:
