Diet for poisoning for adults and children

Diet for poisoning for adults and children
Diet for poisoning for adults and children

Features and rules. What foods can be eaten during the diet, and what are strictly prohibited. An approximate diet menu after poisoning for adults and children.

A poisoning diet is a temporary diet that can help cope with the disorder. To restore its work, you need to exclude from the menu foods that irritate the mucous membrane and are poorly digested.

Features and rules of the diet for poisoning

Diet for food poisoning
Diet for food poisoning

A diet in case of food poisoning is extremely important for the victim, because during the intoxication of the body, the natural processes of the production of mucus and digestive fluids, intestinal functions are disrupted, and muscle tone decreases. This is due to toxins that are spread throughout the organs from harmful bacteria that have entered the body. The liver, intestines and pancreas are hit.

General dietary rules after poisoning:

  1. At first, it is important to normalize the bowel function, so you need to eat to a minimum. In the first hours of intoxication, you should refuse food completely until vomiting stops. After the symptoms have been relieved, you can start eating, but the portion of food should be small. It is recommended to eat in small portions every 2 hours.
  2. It is also important to keep track of the way food is prepared. It is necessary to give up fried foods, preferring steamed and boiled foods. It is best if they are liquid or semi-liquid.
  3. For the time of recovery, you will have to give up fatty foods, meals high in calories and fiber - this reduces the risk of a new stomach upset. Once your symptoms have been relieved, you can gradually start introducing prohibited foods into your diet.
  4. Also, the patient should establish a drinking regimen. During poisoning, fluid quickly leaves the body, so it is important to make up for its loss. Otherwise, dehydration may occur. During dehydration, a person experiences fatigue, headaches, and the longer it lasts, the worse the symptoms, up to the most severe. This condition is especially dangerous for people with chronic diseases.
  5. You can also take medications during poisoning that will fight pathogenic microorganisms.

Read also about the Pause diet and the principle of fractional nutrition.

Allowed foods for poisoning

Cranberry juice in case of poisoning
Cranberry juice in case of poisoning

The diet during poisoning should be filled with animal proteins that will help the damaged mucous membrane return to normal. It is also imperative to consume complex carbohydrates in the form of compotes and jelly: they will increase the level of glycogen in the liver, which helps fight toxic substances.

Here's what you can do on a diet for poisoning:

  1. Water … Replenishes lost fluid in the body. It is necessary to drink in small sips, so as not to provoke bouts of vomiting. Boiled water and still mineral water will do. You can also use ice cubes made from mineral water and lemon juice. You can also buy rehydrants at the pharmacy - special saline solutions that are designed to save the body from dehydration.
  2. Tea … Green tea will help fight off pathogens. It is best to start drinking it when the symptoms become mild. You need to drink 2-3 cups of tea a day without adding sugar. This will help eliminate the negative symptoms of poisoning and cleanse the body of toxic substances.
  3. Apple juice … It has antimicrobial effect and will be very useful in case of poisoning. However, you do not need to drink it a lot, as this can provoke a negative effect. If there is no juice in the house, then you can prepare a solution of apple cider vinegar.2 teaspoons of vinegar are diluted in a glass of water and gradually consumed throughout the day. Baked apples are very useful.
  4. Cranberry juice … Cranberries are known for numerous medicinal properties: they are filled with many vitamins, macronutrients and are good for treating infections. It can be used to make fruit drinks, which will help in the fight against harmful bacteria and toxins. It is best not to use sugar when preparing the drink, as natural cranberry juice without additives will ease nausea.
  5. Decoctions … They are prepared from dried fruits, barley, rice, rose hips, blueberries, black currants or St. John's wort. They will fill the body with fluid, relieve intestinal inflammation, help restore mucous membranes and ease the symptoms of poisoning.
  6. Bananas … They are full of many useful vitamins and macronutrients for the body, and are also capable of removing toxins. Bananas are easy to digest, so they won't overload the intestines.
  7. Light meat broths … You need to start drinking them when you have an appetite. The meat should be lean. The broth is light. You can add a little bit of rice, bran, semolina or millet, herbs to it. This is a hearty meal, packed with animal protein, which will provide the body with fluid and promote a speedy recovery.
  8. Lean meat … Diet during poisoning involves foods rich in protein. Meat is an easy source of animal protein and useful macro- and microelements, so you should start eating it as soon as your body condition allows it. You can eat boiled or steamed chicken, beef and veal, turkey. The meat must necessarily be low-fat and pureed, so as not to put unnecessary stress on the body. You need to steam it or boil it. You can cook meatballs, meatballs or steamed cutlets without adding oil, garlic and onions, spices, or herbs. Boiled chicken stomachs can help relieve diarrhea.
  9. Porridge … If you are interested in what you can eat on a diet in case of poisoning, pay attention to cereals. They will help reduce hunger. Rice removes toxic substances from the body and is good for diarrhea. You need to cook it with plenty of water and without salt to make a thin porridge. After some time, when the symptoms subside, you can diversify the diet with buckwheat, semolina and oatmeal. They need to be cooked without oil, in water, to a semi-liquid state.
  10. Mashed potatoes … It is recommended to eat it a couple of days after poisoning. It will help to improve the functioning of the stomach and relieve hunger. You need to cook the dish in water, without oil, achieving a liquid consistency. This light dish saturates well without disrupting the functioning of the organs.
  11. Kissel … Due to its viscous structure, it will improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, relieve inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane. The drink will help to normalize the natural processes of digestion, relieve pain symptoms from inflammation. In addition, it contains a lot of vitamins. You can drink absolutely any kissel: from fruits, berries and oatmeal.
  12. Omelette … Another source of protein. It is better to cook this dish during the period when the symptoms are not very disturbing, because it is a rather heavy food. You need to cook an omelette steamed, without oil, without adding spices, vegetables, milk. To make the dish lush, you need to beat the whites well separately from the yolks.
  13. Berry jelly … It is hard for lovers of sweets to survive poisoning - then berry jelly comes to the rescue. It will not only help to quench your thirst for sweets, but also satiate and relieve nausea. To make jelly, you can use any berries, fresh or frozen. It is better not to add sugar or substitutes. Due to gelatin, the dish is well digested and normalizes bowel function.
  14. Herbs … To consolidate the healing effect, you can add milk thistle, chamomile, ginger and licorice root to dishes.

Prohibited foods in case of poisoning

Vegetables as prohibited foods in case of poisoning
Vegetables as prohibited foods in case of poisoning

The diet after food poisoning necessarily includes foods that will have to be abandoned for a while. This is important so as not to provoke a new attack and to recover as soon as possible. It's not for long. The ban includes products that contribute to the production of hydrochloric acid in the body - it negatively affects the mucous membrane. It is necessary to free the diet from spicy and too salty foods.

For the duration of the diet in case of poisoning, it is prohibited:

  1. Bakery … Carbohydrates, which are full of baked goods, load the digestive system, causing fermentation in the body, which causes the mucous membrane to suffer. Eating bread and other baked goods will cause pain and bloating.
  2. Rich broths and complex soups … In the diet, it is important to limit the amount of fat, so broths are cooked only on lean meat. A large amount of energy is spent on the breakdown of fats, they also affect the absorption of nutrients and increase the symptoms of poisoning. Complex soups include, for example, pickle, okroshka, borscht.
  3. Fatty fish and meat, lean meat … For the same reasons, you should temporarily give up fatty fish and meat. Lean chicken can be used during the recovery period.
  4. Mushrooms … They can provoke new symptoms, especially if the poisoning is caused by fungi. It is forbidden to eat mushrooms in any form.
  5. Vegetables … Do not eat vegetables raw or fried.
  6. Sour fruits and berries … They can be used only in the form of juices and compotes, they must be fresh.
  7. Dairy products … Any dairy products are prohibited, as they can cause excessive fermentation and re-provoke unpleasant symptoms.
  8. Coarse cereals and legumes … Coarse grains include barley, corn and barley grits. The body spends a lot of energy on digesting these foods, so it is not recommended to use them during the diet.
  9. Pickles, smoked meats, marinades … All products that use spices are banned. They also include doctor's sausage and the like.
  10. Fast food and convenience foods … These foods contain many spices, fats, and can also be made from low-quality foods.
  11. Sauces and spicy foods … This includes any ketchup, mayonnaise, homemade sauces, vinegar, hot peppers, mustard, spices, horseradish, etc.
  12. Saturated drinks … During the diet, you should refrain from drinking strong tea and coffee, do not drink concentrated juices and soda, cocoa.

Read also about the split diet.

Diet menu for poisoning

On the first day of poisoning, it is better not to eat food, but to drink more liquid, the drink should not be cold. On the second day, it is not necessary to start eating if there is no hunger, but it is better to drink a little broth or jelly. When appetite appears, you should not pounce on food, but you should eat in small portions several times a day. We offer several options for the diet menu for poisoning.

Diet menu during poisoning for adults

Rice porridge for a diet for poisoning adults
Rice porridge for a diet for poisoning adults

Compliance with the correct diet menu in case of poisoning will help you recover from an illness faster and improve the work of the whole body.

Menu option number 1 for a diet after poisoning:

Eating Menu
Breakfast Kissel and semolina
Dinner Lean meat broth, liquid puree
Snack Kissel
Dinner Liquid rice porridge, jelly

Menu number 2 for a diet after stomach poisoning:

Eating Menu
Breakfast Tea or compote, semolina
Lunch Apple puree (use baked apples)
Dinner Puree, broth on lean meat, jelly
Snack Boiled carrot salad
Dinner Apple compote, boiled meat

Menu number 3 for a diet after intestinal poisoning:

Eating Menu
Day 1-3 Drink apple compote every 3 hours
Day 3-5 Rice or oatmeal, steamed meatballs
Day 5-7 Buckwheat, millet porridge, boiled meat
2 week Gradually include vegetable soups
3 week Diversify your meals with steamed vegetables and baked fruits
4 week Add lean fish, light sweets to the diet

Poisoning diet menu for pregnant women:

Eating Menu
Breakfast Kissel, mashed potatoes and boiled carrots
Dinner Black tea, puree soup made from vegetables
Snack Baked apple
Dinner Liquid porridge made from rice or millet, broth on lean meat

Diet menu after poisoning for children

Chicken broth for a diet for child poisoning
Chicken broth for a diet for child poisoning

Diet in case of poisoning in a child should be followed even more carefully. In young children, the digestive tract is not yet fully formed, so the food must be chopped or twisted. Large pieces of food will negatively affect the mucous membrane and cause more symptoms.

The first diet option after poisoning for a child:

Eating Menu
Breakfast Boiled egg, oatmeal
Dinner Chicken bouillon
Snack Boiled chicken
Dinner Mashed potatoes and boiled carrots, banana

The second diet option after poisoning for children:

Eating Menu
Breakfast Black tea with chamomile
Dinner Liquid rice porridge
Snack Baked apples or banana
Dinner Boiled lean meat, buckwheat porridge

What can you eat with a diet during poisoning - watch the video:

Diet for poisoning - a diet for several days that will help you recover from food poisoning. During this time, it is important to endow your diet with abundant drink, foods saturated with animal protein and complex carbohydrates, and limit the use of foods saturated with fats and seasonings. With the correct diet, recovery will go smoothly and the body will quickly return to its natural function.
