How to cleanse and tighten pores on your face

How to cleanse and tighten pores on your face
How to cleanse and tighten pores on your face

Learn the secret of how to cleanse and tighten pores on your face without harming your health. All of us, regardless of gender, age, social status and position in society, dream of looking perfect. In the modern world, mind, style of dress, demeanor, figure mean a lot, but appearance is one of the most important presentable factors. The first thing people turn to in their everyday environment is the face. Whether you are at work, on vacation, in a store or in the park for a walk, your face is your calling card. Not everyone is lucky to have a "porcelain" face like a doll from our childhood. Often this is hampered by enlarged pores, which look very unattractive and it is impossible to get rid of them once and for all. But do not worry ahead of time. With some very simple guidelines for proper daily skin care, you can not only visually shrink your pores, but also tighten them up a bit.

General information about facial pores

The pores in our body have an important function. These are small holes through which the sebaceous glands secrete a special secret - sebum. The benefits of sebum are hard to overestimate - because it protects the skin from wind and cold, dehydration and even harmful bacteria. But when the pores are large, they become a breeding ground for numerous microbes and bacteria, clogged pores create an oily sheen, and acne occurs (try a carrot mask to treat problem skin). Owners of oily or mixed skin types especially suffer from this. The most problematic area is the forehead-nose-chin triangle. Remember that the pore size is directly proportional to the amount of sebum, that is, the larger the pore, the more intensively this fat is produced. This means that if you want to reduce its amount, you need to constantly monitor the cleanliness of your skin.

Causes of enlarged pores on the face

To determine how to cleanse and narrow the pores of the face, you need to understand the causes of this problem. These include:

  • poor heredity;
  • age-related violation of the general hormonal background;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disruption of the endocrine system, namely the thyroid and pancreas;
  • moral exhaustion (worries, stresses);
  • weak immune system;
  • long-term medication intake;
  • improper nutrition;
  • lack of oxygen.

In addition to internal problems, facial skin contamination leads to enlargement of pores. Dead cells, dirt, decorative cosmetics, getting into the pores, interfere with the release of sebum to the surface, which leads not only to the expansion of pores, but also to acne. Therefore, first of all, you need to exclude all diseases and organize proper facial skin care. And remember that the longer you ignore the causal factors, the more difficult it will be to deal with your problem.

Helpful Tips for Improving Facial Skin

Please note that beautiful facial skin is not only the result of cosmetic procedures, but also a reflection of the correct healthy lifestyle. Over time, the skin loses its tone and moisture, so you need to adhere to special dietary recommendations, exclude salty, fatty, fried, sweet and spicy foods from your daily diet, and, conversely, try to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. And in order to moisturize the skin from the inside, you need to drink a lot of water, up to two liters a day. This stimulates blood circulation and helps eliminate toxins from the body, which prevents acne, which enlarges the pores of your skin.

Daily skin care

How to cleanse and tighten pores on your face
How to cleanse and tighten pores on your face

The pores are afraid of the cold, so you need to wash yourself with cold water, as a result of which the skin of the face is tightened, and the pores are narrowed. For washing, be sure to use a product to cleanse the skin of the face from sebum, makeup residues and dust, it can be a special foam or milk. After cleansing, pat your face dry with a clean towel or tissue. Just get wet, and do not wipe dry, because the subsequent application of care products must be carried out on damp skin. Be sure to use a toner to restore pH balance. You need to select it based on your skin type.

Home remedies include apple cider vinegar or herbal decoction, such as chamomile. Dampen a cotton ball with the toner and wipe your face, excluding the area around your eyes. After the skin dries, it needs to be moisturized. To do this, use a moisturizer. Also, the skin of the face needs nutrition. In the morning, during the cold season, you nourish the skin, moisturize in the evening, and vice versa in the summer.

In addition to daily care 1–2 times a week, it is necessary to do a complex of special cosmetic procedures to cleanse the skin of the face. The first step is vaporization, which expands the pores of the face. An easy way is to brew chamomile flowers and keep your face over steam under a towel for 3 to 5 minutes. The steaming procedure enhances blood circulation and promotes the expansion of the sebaceous glands and pores, as a result of which the skin is cleansed of toxins and fats. After that, cleanse your face with a special scrub. At home, you can use ground natural coffee, salt, sugar, semolina or oatmeal. We massage the skin of the face and rinse it off. After such a peel, it will be wonderful to apply a moisturizing mask. The most effective mask for tightening the pores is a white or blue clay mask. Ready-made masks are sold in stores and pharmacies, you can also buy dry clay and prepare the mask yourself, diluting it with a small amount of boiled water. After 10-15 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and apply a moisturizer to your face.

Methods of modern cosmetology

If at home you cannot solve the problem of enlarged facial pores, contact a dermatologist who will select the right cosmetics for you and give you individual recommendations for skin care.

Recently, professional cleaning of facial skin with the help of special equipment has become very popular. This is vacuum and ultrasonic cleaning. Vacuum cleaning is performed using a vacuum tube, creating a vacuum, and ultrasonic cleaning works thanks to high-frequency sound vibrations. These procedures are not cheap, but the result is not long in coming. Both methods break up sebaceous plugs and effectively remove impurities from the pores, after which the skin of the face is smoothed, becomes smooth and silky.

Modern beauty salons also widely use all kinds of peels. Chemical peels are the most common. It is based on the use of special chemical compounds, primarily acids. There is a deep, middle and superficial chemical cleansing of the facial skin. Mechanical peeling called microdermabrasion is also widely used. This is the sanding of the skin surface using aluminum oxide powder. In addition, professional cleansing of the facial skin can be carried out with enzymes of animal, plant and bacterial origin. This peel is called enzymatic or enzymatic. A qualified specialist with respect to a specific skin type and individual characteristics of the body should select the most suitable cleaning method for you.

It is important to know that some of these procedures have a number of contraindications

such as pregnancy, lactation, allergies to certain cleaning components, inflammatory skin lesions, herpetic eruptions, dilated facial vessels, epilepsy and a number of other diseases. Complications may also occur, such as prolonged facial redness, pigmentation disorders, allergic and contact dermatitis and scars. Therefore, before carrying out a professional peeling, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Video tips on how to cleanse and tighten pores on your face:

As you can see, enlarged facial pores are not a sentence. If you approach this problem comprehensively, you can achieve excellent results.
