4 Ways To Increase Your Barbell Squat Progress

4 Ways To Increase Your Barbell Squat Progress
4 Ways To Increase Your Barbell Squat Progress

If your squat progress leaves much to be desired, you need to use a breakthrough technique that will increase strength + will give a good increase in leg mass gain. To win powerlifting tournaments, athletes need to show a good overall result based on the results shown in competitive exercises: deadlift, squat and bench press. This is the main reason every powerlifter wants to increase his personal performance in each of the above movements. All this in total will give an increase in the overall result.

Today we are going to look at 4 ways to increase your progress in the barbell squat. This movement is the most energy-consuming and complex in mechanics and coordination of all three. In addition, it comes first in the competition program. If the squat result is high, then the chances of an overall victory are significantly increased. This is also very important from a psychological point of view.

Barbell Squat Technique

Barbell Squat Scheme
Barbell Squat Scheme

It is not possible to achieve high results in any exercise if the athlete does not follow the correct technique. There are a huge number of articles on the technical side of the issue, and it is not worth focusing on this.

It should be remembered that the technique can be correct from the standpoint of biomechanics. You can get acquainted with it on the example of the drawings that accompany the description, and also see what is called live about a very limited circle of world-class powerlifters. In addition to this, there is also an individual technique. This means that the exercise is performed technically correctly, but taking into account the individual biomechanics of the athlete. All people are individual and each has its own biomechanics.

If you cannot increase your personal performance in squats for a long time, you should first of all pay attention to the exercise technique. It may well be that you need to make small adjustments, adjusting the movement to the characteristics of your body.

Squats in the training microcycle

Schematic representation of the muscles involved in the barbell squat
Schematic representation of the muscles involved in the barbell squat

The average duration of a squat training microcycle is 7-14 days. Most athletes often take 7 to 10 days to fully recover.

The location of the competition movement in your training cycle during this period of time is very important and will most directly affect your performance.

Most often, squats are best done with the first exercise on a hard day, which corresponds to the first day of the microcycle. On a low-load day (fifth in a microcycle), squats are best done as the second exercise. This corresponds to a seven-day microcycle. If you are using a different microcycle time, then you need to make the appropriate changes. This way, you will be able to maximize your workout performance and fully recover.

Squat Load Changes During Preparation

Athlete Performs Barbell Squats
Athlete Performs Barbell Squats

Almost all athletes understand that it will not be possible to achieve constant progress by simply increasing the working weight linearly. This applies not only to a specific exercise, but also to the overall result in all three competitive movements. Thus, the best option is to divide the entire process of training an athlete into phases:

  • General preparatory;
  • Preparatory;
  • Precompetitive;
  • Competitive.

Based on the specific training period, you can plan and load in each of the exercises. For example, during the general preparatory phase, the load should have a large volume, which corresponds to 4 to 5 sets of 8-10 repetitions each. The working weight should be between 60 and 70 percent of the one-repetition maximum (1RM). During this period, you can work on improving the technique using additional funds.

The volume should be reduced during the preparatory phase. This corresponds to the same 4-5 sets, but the number of repetitions will be reduced to 6-8. The working weight will also increase, which at this stage of preparation will already be from 70 to 80 percent of 1 RM.

During the two remaining periods, the volume should be reduced even more, which can mean 4 to 5 sets of 1-5 repetitions each. The weight of the projectile, in turn, increases even more - up to 80–95 percent of 1 PM.

The scheme described above allows the athlete to work fruitfully, both on the technical side of the exercise, and to increase the strength of the muscles.

Additional exercises to improve squat performance

Barbell lunges
Barbell lunges

You should immediately draw your attention to the general preparatory and special preparatory movements.

The first group should include exercises that can increase strength and fitness of the muscles involved in the main exercise. When choosing these movements, attention should be paid to the development of not only the main and auxiliary muscles, but also stabilizers. This is very important and should be remembered. If we talk about specific movements, then it can be hyperextension, front squats, lunge with a barbell, bend with a barbell.

The second group of additional exercises is designed to refine the technique of competitive movement and have certain elements in their structure. They are most often performed with a weight ranging from 110 to 120 percent of 1RM. This, among other things, will increase the strength indicators. These exercises can be a low point lift, a pause squat, a partial squat, and the like.

These are all 4 ways to increase your progress on the barbell squat. In conclusion, I would like to summarize some of the above. The first thing you need to pay attention to is technique. This is the cornerstone of your outcome.

The list of tools used to increase the results in squats should be expanded. Also, do not perform the exercise more than twice within one microcycle.

For more information on increasing progress in barbell squats, see here:

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