8 Ways To Increase Intensity In Bodybuilding

8 Ways To Increase Intensity In Bodybuilding
8 Ways To Increase Intensity In Bodybuilding

Would you like to know how you can make muscle grow, besides the traditional method of linear weight gain? Then explore over 10 options for hard training. Each athlete may have their own concept of training intensity. Perhaps the most optimal is the following: the intensity is the degree or percentage of the applied effort. If you are resistance training and your last rep was no heavier than the first, then the intensity will be low.

If you, performing the next repetition, cannot move the sports equipment from a place and make the maximum effort possible for this, then in this case the intensity will be high. Your task during a training session is to bring the muscles to failure, or in other words, to the point where they lose the ability to contract. In this case, you will definitely progress.

Very often, athletes are interested in the question of increasing the intensity when working with low weights. This is possible, for example, using a sports equipment weighing 50 kilograms and performing about a hundred repetitions with it. But the most obvious progress will be when using a weight of 100 kilograms for 10 repetitions.

How to increase the intensity of the training?

The athlete performs a barbell press while standing
The athlete performs a barbell press while standing

Before we look at 14 ways to increase intensity in bodybuilding, a few words must be said about the number of repetitions. Most often, athletes use 8 to 12 reps for the upper body, and 12 to 20 reps for the lower body.

However, these are average numbers, and each athlete must independently choose the optimal number of repetitions for themselves. The main caveat here is that in the above rep ranges, you need to bring the target muscle to failure. Now let's look at 14 ways to increase the intensity in bodybuilding.


The athlete rests between reps
The athlete rests between reps

This technique was developed back in the sixties and based on it, then Arthur John created a series of simulators called Nautilus. The essence of the method is to first perform an isolated movement until the target muscle is completely fatigued. After that, it is necessary to perform a multi-joint movement without pause, in which other muscles are involved, not just the target one.

Drop sets

Dumbbells of different sizes
Dumbbells of different sizes

A drop set, or as it is also called, a strip set, allows athletes to expand the boundaries of a regular set. For example, let's say you were doing a leg press with a working weight of 90 kilograms. Your muscles fail on rep 13. However, this fact does not mean that the muscles will no longer be able to work. Reduce the kilogram weight by 5, and you will be able to perform about a dozen more repetitions. To get the most out of this method, you need to work to failure again before losing weight. It is also important to minimize pauses for weight loss. You can lose weight as many times as you see fit.


Bodybuilder works out in the gym
Bodybuilder works out in the gym

This method was very fond of Mike Mentzer, and after him Dante Trudelu was "rebooted". This famous person in the world of bodybuilding has created his own training system DC Training on its basis.

It should be recognized that the rest-pause method is very effective, and its essence is as follows: the athlete completes the set and rests for 5 to 15 seconds. After that, he again takes a sports equipment and performs a few more repetitions. You can work this way as long as you are able to lift the projectile.

Static reduction

Bodybuilder Performs Plank
Bodybuilder Performs Plank

Static contraction consists in maintaining the working weight during the contraction of the muscles. In this case, the muscles should be strongly strained for 10-30 seconds. For example, you perform leg extension and in this case it is necessary to pause at the extreme upper point of the trajectory, while straining the quadriceps as much as possible.

The next day you will feel how effective this method is. You can also pause in several positions, which Mike Mentzer loved to do.


Athlete exercising with dumbbells
Athlete exercising with dumbbells

This method of increasing intensity is very popular and familiar to many athletes. A superset is the sequential execution of several exercises without a pause between them. Most often these are two or three movements aimed at the development of one part of the body.

Often, athletes combine exercises for the development of biceps and triceps in a superset. And, for example, Arnie used exercises for the chest and back in supersets. This approach allowed the muscles in one part of the body to recover while other muscles were involved.

Forced repetitions

Athlete training with a partner
Athlete training with a partner

Forced reps can be very effective for you or completely useless. Athletes are often confident that they are doing forced reps, but are confident that the spotter should always help. The essence of this method is that you independently perform all the planned repetitions and only after that, with the help of a friend, do a couple more additional ones.


Scheme of execution and explanation of cheating
Scheme of execution and explanation of cheating

Cheating can be called forced repetition, which is performed by the athlete independently. Since there is no friend nearby and there is no one to help perform a couple of extra approaches, you have to connect the whole body to work. However, when doing exercises such as deadlifts and squats, you cannot use cheating.

The load is very heavy and you can easily get injured. Cheating is a very good way to increase the intensity, for example in arm curls. When the muscles are no longer working, you can do two or even three reps with your hips.

Negative training

Athlete performs a barbell bench press with a partner
Athlete performs a barbell bench press with a partner

Anyone is capable of lowering substantially more weight than lifting. This is what negative training is based on. This is an effective way to increase intensity, however it is advisable to have a spotter by your side.

Although it must be admitted that some exercises allow you to use negative reps alone. Exercise machines with fixed arms are best suited for this. Remember that the stress on the muscles when using this technique is significant and they will take longer to recover.

For more information on how to increase the intensity in strength training, see this video:
