Ways to Increase Serotonin Levels

Ways to Increase Serotonin Levels
Ways to Increase Serotonin Levels

Learn how to increase athletic performance with the happiness hormone and how professional athletes use it. The human body is a complex biochemical factory containing a huge amount of various substances. At the same time, the importance of most of them is rarely thought by anyone. This statement is also true for hormones. At the same time, these substances regulate all processes in the body. Serotonin is a very important hormone for a normal life.

It should be noted that scientists divide this substance into a neurotransmitter and a hormone itself. Although serotonin is commonly called the hormone of happiness, its functions in the body are much broader. In addition to affecting a person's mood, serotonin affects sleep quality, appetite, blood clotting rate, sex drive, etc. Today we'll look at ways to increase your serotonin levels.

Physiology of Serotonin

Serotonin Help
Serotonin Help

The pineal gland (pineal gland) is responsible for the synthesis of serotonin. And at this moment, the substance is a neurotransmitter. The hormone is produced from the amino acid compound tryptophan, as a result of sequential exposure to it by the enzyme 5-tryptophan hydroxylase and the subsequent decarboxylation process.

These processes can only take place in the presence of iron and the pteredin cofactor. When serotonin is in the blood, it becomes a complete hormone. Moreover, most of this substance is produced by special cells located in the intestinal tract.

Serotonin plays an important role in the normal functioning of the body. Often people try to increase the concentration of the hormone in order to make them feel better. It is believed that a drop in the concentration of the hormone leads to the appearance of depression. However, scientists on this score do not yet have an exact answer. Some of them believe that the production of serotonin can be reduced due to the presence of certain diseases.

However, we can say for sure that a low concentration of this substance is observed in people during depression, after surgery, or in stressful situations. With a significant decrease in the concentration of the hormone, the pain threshold decreases. This leads to the fact that a person can feel pain even with a light touch. Add to all of the above, and the fact that low serotonin concentration can lead to disruption of sleep patterns, the development of allergic reactions, as well as a decrease in sexual desire. Thus, many people want to know how to increase their serotonin levels.

The negative effects of a drop in serotonin levels

Man rubs his eyes
Man rubs his eyes

Before talking about how to increase the level of serotonin, it is worth understanding the reasons for the decrease in the concentration of the hormone. It should be said right away that there can be quite a lot of them:

  • Disruption of hormone production at any stage.
  • Decreased sensitivity of serotonin receptors to the hormone.
  • Tryptophan deficiency, etc.

Now, many of these reasons can be eliminated, and you only need to identify the reason for the drop in the level of the hormone of happiness. The most common external signs of a decrease in serotonin levels are sleep disturbances, decreased concentration, and sudden changes in mood. Also, a hormone deficiency leads to the desire to consume large amounts of chocolate or sweets. This, as you know, can cause excess weight.

How to increase serotonin levels: methods

Products to stimulate the production of serotonin
Products to stimulate the production of serotonin

If you want to know how to increase serotonin levels, then this can be achieved thanks to the medication method and without the use of medications. If we talk about pills, now there are a large number of drugs that can block the process of serotonin reuptake. But, like all medications, antidepressants have side effects, some of which, however, can go away on their own for several days. Let's take a look at all the ways to increase serotonin concentration.


Meditation by the water
Meditation by the water

We have already noted that serotonin gives us a sense of peace and tranquility. Medical research has shown that meditation can be a great way to increase your happiness hormone levels. A person who meditates regularly almost never has problems with sleep, which has a positive effect on the production of serotonin.

Exercise stress

The athlete trains in a crossover
The athlete trains in a crossover

Perhaps it is sports that is the most effective way to increase the concentration of serotonin. To do this, it is enough to conduct a lesson, the duration of which does not exceed 25 minutes. Exercise increases the concentration of neurotransmitters, including serotonin. As a result, the level of endorphins increases, which leads to a normalization of sleep patterns and an increase in mood.

At the same time, you do not need to specially visit the hall, because even a simple walk can be extremely effective. Exercise regularly and monitor your body condition. You may need to increase the intensity of your training.

Spend more time in lighted areas

Light therapy
Light therapy

Now a new procedure has appeared - light therapy. It is designed to eliminate the seasonal decline in serotonin concentration. Scientists have shown that serotonin is synthesized much more actively in bright light. It should be noted that light therapy works effectively not only in winter. We also note the fact that the maximum effect of this procedure can be achieved in the morning hours.

Staying in bright light for only a quarter of an hour in the morning can help you get a good night's sleep. Use the entire light spectrum, however, the best results have been recorded with white light. The luminous flux intensity should be from 2.5 to 10 thousand lux.

Spend more time in the sun

Meditation in the sun
Meditation in the sun

The sun's rays are also able to increase the production of the hormone of happiness. The human skin is equipped with a special mechanism that is capable of producing serotonin. This is due to the presence in the skin of the initial substance in the entire chain of the serotonin production process - tryptophan hydroxylase.

In recent years, many people have been wary of spending too much time in the sun to avoid skin cancer. However, we suffer more from a lack of sunlight than from an overabundance. It should be remembered that the body, under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation, produces vitamin D. This substance contributes to the complete and rapid absorption of calcium, which has a positive effect on bone tissue.

Scientists have shown that if children have enough vitamin D, the likelihood of developing diabetes in a more mature age is sharply reduced. The rate at which this substance is produced depends on the amount of photons from sunlight hitting the skin. Let's not forget to mention that fact. That vitamin D helps to increase the rate of dopamine production.

Boost your social dominance


First, this fact was established in the study of monkeys. Scientists gave the animals high doses of tryptophan, and as a result, they became more dominant and calm. If you are dominant in your environment, then serotonin is produced more intensely.

Take Tryptophan Supplements


Since without tryptophan, serotonin cannot be synthesized, the use of special supplements will increase the concentration of the hormone. It should also be said that this amine is found in many foods, such as turkey (one of the best sources), fish, etc.

However, if we talk about supplements, then it is more effective to use not tryptophan itself, but 5-hydroxytryptophan. This is because after ingesting tryptophan, the amine must first be converted to 5-hydroxytryptophan. If you take supplements containing this substance right away, you will get significantly better results.

The optimal time to consume the supplement is between three and four in the afternoon, as well as just before going to bed. A one-time dosage is 50 milligrams on an empty stomach. To speed up the absorption of the active ingredient of the supplement, we recommend drinking it with apple or grape juice.

Use the supplement according to this scheme for three days, after which the one-time dose should be doubled. If this does not bring the desired result, then 0.2 grams can be applied immediately before going to bed. However, remember that the conclusion about the effectiveness of the supplement should be made no earlier than a month after the start of the course. We do not recommend using 5-hydroxytryptophan with foods containing a large amount of protein compounds and hot liquids.

Consume St. John's wort

St. John's wort decoction
St. John's wort decoction

Scientists have proven that St. John's wort is the most effective of all medicinal plants in terms of fighting depression. You need to choose the dosage on an individual basis. It is important to remember that this plant is not compatible with some medications. Before starting the course, you should check this point with your doctor.

Take S-Methionine


This supplement is produced on the basis of a substance derived from the amine methionine. Note that in European countries this substance has been actively used as an antidepressant for more than three decades. Start taking S-methionine at a single dose of 0.2 grams, twice a day. If you do not get the desired result, then the dose can be increased up to 0.8 grams. S-methionine is recommended between meals.

For more information on how to increase serotonin levels in the body, see here:
