Want something light, tasty and refreshing? Make a salad with tomatoes, apples, pears, and cheese. The snack will satisfy your hunger and cheer up. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

The apple and pear salad doesn't have to be fruity. The taste of the pulp goes well with many vegetables, herbs, meat products, cheese, nuts … A noble combination of pears with cheese and tomatoes with apples. And if you combine a combination of these products in one dish, you get a light, juicy and at the same time nutritious salad. It will definitely be appreciated by all sophisticated gourmets. The salad is not vegetable and at the same time not fruity. The appetizer is appropriate both on a festive table and during a family dinner. For the salad, use apples and pears of slightly sour varieties and with firm pulp, but ripe. As a dressing, you can use olive or vegetable oil alone or in a company with lemon juice. An exquisite dressing will add a spicy sourness to the salad and enrich the taste.
Such a salad is especially suitable for those who are looking after their health and shape, since the calorie content is very low. There is a lot of fiber in the salad, which cleans the intestines well and eliminates discomfort in it, accelerates the process of digestion of food and gives satiety. The salad is rich in organic acids, pectin and tannins. Folic acid in fruits is especially important for children, adolescents and pregnant women. The salad will restore the heart rate, improve the functioning of the lungs and liver. Therefore, take note of it and cook it more often, because he's very helpful.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 138 kcal.
- Servings - 2
- Cooking time - 10 minutes

- Tomatoes - 1 pc.
- Cheese - 100 g
- Pears - 1 pc.
- Olive oil - for dressing
- Salt - a pinch
- Apples - 1 pc.
Step by step cooking salad with tomatoes, apples, pears and cheese, recipe with photo:

1. Cut the cheese into strips or cubes.

2. Wash and dry pears and apples with a paper towel. Cut off the ponytails and cut out the seed box. Cut the fruit into cubes or strips. The cutting method can be different. It depends on the preference of the chef.

3. Wash the tomatoes, dry with a towel and cut into large pieces. Do not chop the tomatoes very finely, because they will flow and the salad will turn out to be very watery.

4. Place all food in a deep bowl, season with salt and olive oil.

5. Toss salad with tomatoes, apples, pear and cheese. Chill it in the refrigerator if desired and serve. Serve it right away. Otherwise, apples and pears will darken, and tomatoes will let juice, which will negatively affect the appearance of the salad.
See also a video recipe on how to cook pear salad.