Find out a series of effective exercises for pregnant women that will ease the process of carrying a baby and significantly improve childbirth. The period of pregnancy for any woman is both joy and anxiety. On the one hand, it is pleasant to realize that a new life will be born soon, but on the other hand, not all changes in the body are of a positive nature. Moderate exercise will help you prepare your body for the upcoming birth. Today we will show you how to do Pilates for pregnant women.
Sports and pregnancy

If you doubt the advisability of playing sports during pregnancy, then feel free to discard them. If you were previously active and involved in sports, then during the first weeks of pregnancy, you should begin to gradually reduce the load. If you have not played sports before. Then the load must be gradually increased. The most acceptable during this period of time is Pilates for pregnant women. This is a set of exercises that will help you prepare for childbirth and make it easier.
In Pilates, proper breathing takes a special place, which will allow you to fill the blood with oxygen with high quality and this will have a positive effect on the health of your unborn baby. Also, the ability to breathe correctly will not be superfluous at all during childbirth. Pilates for pregnant women will allow you to improve your posture and this will positively affect the development of the fetus. During childbirth, the strength of the pelvic muscles is of great importance, which are actively worked out during Pilates. Also, this system of physical exercises allows you to effectively relieve tension from the spinal column, which will allow you to eliminate pain in the back. Pilates for pregnant women will be very useful after the birth of the baby, as it will allow you to regain your previous figure as soon as possible.
What should not be done during pregnancy?

Do Pilates during the first trimester, but check with your doctor first. When performing all movements, you need to monitor your own feelings and, if discomfort occurs, immediately stop the lesson.
Without fail during pregnancy, exclude all movements associated with work with weights, jumping or holding your breath. Under no circumstances do the exercises while lying on your stomach, and this is especially important during the final trimester of pregnancy. Also, do not do exercises in which the abdominal muscles are actively working.
Pilates complex for pregnant women

- 1 movement. Get into a position on all fours with your knees at hip level. The arms should be at the level of the shoulder joints and can be slightly bent at the elbows. Inhaling, begin to roll your shoulders and use your pelvic muscles to round your back. Bend your chest slightly as you exhale. This movement will release tension in the lumbar spine without using the abdominal muscles.
- 2 movement. Lie on your side with your legs bent at a 90-degree angle. In this case, hands must be placed on the ground in front of you. Inhaling, raise your arms and wrap them behind your back until the shoulder blade touches the ground. Exhaling, return to the starting position. In each direction, you need to do 8 to 10 repetitions.
- 3 movement. Take a position similar to the first exercise, but the knee joints should be close to each other. Inhale and begin to lower the pelvis down towards the hands. On exhalation, you must return to the starting position. Repeat the movement in the other direction.
- 4 movement. Take a supine position with your knees bent and spread apart. Inhaling, lift your pelvis, resting only on your shoulders. As you exhale, return to the original state.
- 5 movement. Lie on your side with your legs stretched out slightly forward relative to your torso, and your head resting on your hands. Breathing in air, start lifting your upper leg and swing it forward. After completing the movement several times, change sides and repeat.
Pregnancy Pilates Tips

1 trimester
The first stage of pregnancy is the most important, since during this period all organs of the unborn child are created. Also at this time, the placenta is formed, designed to supply the fetus with blood, and, therefore, food. The fruit at this moment is very fragile and any serious load can lead to its destruction.
This is the main reason that many women refuse to play sports during the first trimester. We can agree with this decision, but Pilates for pregnant women involves performing a number of movements that cannot harm the health of the expectant mother and her child.
If you decide to start doing Pilates in the first trimester, then you need to exclude all exercises in which the abdominal muscles are actively working. Also, eliminate the load on the spine and for this, perform the movement only in the supine position. It is very good if you have a fitball, which also allows you to reduce the load on the spinal column.
2 trimester
During this period of time, the formation of the fetus is completed and its active growth begins. As the fetus grows, the size of the belly of the expectant mother is rapidly increasing. During this time, Prenatal Pilates should be used to tone the muscles of the pelvis, back, arms and legs. You should also remember the importance of stretching. Avoid all exercises that involve running, jumping and active work of the abdominal muscles.
3 trimester
At this time, adipose tissue begins to form in the fetus, and its growth continues. This leads to a significant increase in the woman's body weight, which can cause the development of varicose veins and the appearance of seizures. Also, the diaphragm shifts upward, which can make breathing very difficult.
At this time, you should practice Pilates for pregnant women even more calmly and carefully. Watch your breathing technique and perform movements that can support the nose and back muscles. Try to do the movements while sitting and lying on your side.
Safe exercises for pregnant women in this video: