Sports pharmacology for recovery

Sports pharmacology for recovery
Sports pharmacology for recovery

Learn how to properly use sports nutrition and steroids for good recovery from strenuous exercise. Currently, sports pharmacology creates a fairly large number of drugs to restore the body. And this is understandable, because athletes, using intense training and anabolic steroids, cause severe stress to the body, which must then recover. And this should be done as quickly as possible.

Features of the choice of drugs for recovery

Recovery drugs
Recovery drugs

When choosing restorative drugs, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

  • Medical and biochemical observations;
  • Identification of the "limiting" link (central nervous system, heart, etc.);
  • The ability of the organism to adapt, its resistance and hyperactivity to the same drug;
  • The need to prevent or treat chronic diseases of the athlete;
  • Psychological state and behavioral reaction during the competition.

In any sport, including bodybuilding, it is customary to distinguish three stages in the training process: preparatory, competitive and transitional. The first of these generally lasts 14 or 16 weeks and should be repeated twice a year's training cycle. Of course, this is provided that the athlete participates in competitions twice a year.

In most cases, the internal structure of the preparatory period consists of the following stages:

  1. Volume-strength - lasts about 3 weeks;
  2. Special volume training - takes place over 7 weeks;
  3. Volume-forming - duration is about 5 weeks.

Perhaps the main task of this stage in the training cycle is to increase the weight of the athlete, his strength indicators and muscle tissue mass. Tasks at each stage have their own specifics, and sports pharmacology for recovery should be selected based on them.

In the structure of the competitive training period, the following stages can be distinguished:

  • Formative-relief - duration about 6 weeks;
  • Embossed - lasts 4 to 6 weeks;
  • Final - the duration of the stage is from 2 to 4 weeks.

Well, the last period - the transitional one - also has its own structure:

  1. Light volume training for 3 or 4 weeks;
  2. Active rest lasting 1 or 2 weeks.

During the transition period, the athlete needs to restore all body functions.

The main types of restorative drugs

Now it is worth taking a closer look at what sports pharmacology offers for recovery.

Vitamin complexes and vitamins

Vitamin complex "Kvadevit"
Vitamin complex "Kvadevit"

Among the vitamins, two complexes can be distinguished - "Aerovit" and "Kvadevit". The first one should be consumed one tablet twice a day for 20-25 days.

The main task of "Kvadevit" is to normalize biochemical processes that have changed during intensive training, to have a positive effect on metabolism and to weaken the side effects that could occur with the use of other drugs. The complex is taken one tablet three times during the day after the main meal for 21 to 28 days.

Vitamins of group B perform a large number of tasks, of which it can be noted: improving the metabolism of amino acid compounds and their synthesis, increasing the process of hematopoiesis, restoring the liver and central nervous system.

Vitamin E is able to slow down the free oxidation of fat cells, takes an active part in the synthesis of fats from carbohydrates, improves energy supply for the whole body, etc.

Vitamin C increases the metabolic reactions of carbohydrates, accelerates blood clotting, increases the permeability of blood vessels and increases the body's immunity.


Glutamic acid tablets
Glutamic acid tablets

Glutamic acid is directly involved in the exchange of nitrogen and contributes to the defatting of ammonia. Also has a positive effect on the central nervous system and the brain.

Methionine is one of the most important amino acids. It helps maintain nitrogen balance and helps the liver to get rid of excess fat cells. The complex drug "Alvezin" can also be very useful. It contains a large number of amino acid compounds.

Especially popular among athletes is carnitine, which improves appetite and can increase body weight growth. Also, this substance is synthesized by the body itself in the presence of a sufficient amount of iron and vitamins C, PP and B6.


Festal drug
Festal drug

Thanks to festal, it is possible to improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, restore damaged liver tissue, and also the agent has a low anabolic effect on the body.

The enzyme agent "Cytochrome C" takes an active part in the process of tissue respiration and increases the efficiency of oxidative reactions. Sports pharmacology for recovery uses a drug to increase the endurance of athletes.


Riboxin drug
Riboxin drug

Inosine is directly involved in the exchange of protein compounds and sugar, has a positive effect on the heart and liver. Due to the ability to enhance the body's ability to store energy, the drug increases overall performance.

Riboxin has become quite popular in bodybuilding, which can increase the efficiency of redox reactions in the body and has protein-energy properties.


Pantocrinum drug
Pantocrinum drug

This type of drug is used to reduce fatigue and overtraining conditions. The most popular are ginseng root, eleutherococcus, pantocrine.

Means for the restoration of the central nervous system

Nootropil drug
Nootropil drug

Nootropil or pyrocetam is able to significantly enhance energy metabolism between brain cells, helping to increase their neurophysiological capabilities. The ability to influence the metabolic processes of some amino acid preparations has also been established.

Watch a video on the use of drugs for recovery:

In addition, amnalon and orehotel are quite popular.
