Horse meat - dietary meat in bodybuilding

Horse meat - dietary meat in bodybuilding
Horse meat - dietary meat in bodybuilding

Why were the benefits of horse meat hidden from bodybuilders? You can find out a lot of tasty and secret information on these issues right now. Of course, many have heard about horse meat, but only a few use this type of meat. At the same time, horse meat has a number of advantages. Today we will talk about the use of horse meat - dietary meat in bodybuilding.

Horse meat benefits

Raw horse meat
Raw horse meat

It must be said right away that horse meat is by far the cleanest. It is enough to remember the conditions in which cows and pigs are kept to understand this. In addition, in most cases, various additives are used for their nutrition, allowing them to accelerate growth and increase the amount of meat.

Horse meat contains a small amount of carbohydrates, but many amino acid compounds, and for this reason it is well absorbed by the body. Horse meat is often used in the production of baby food, as it is a hypoallergenic product, unlike other types of meat, which can be poorly absorbed by the child's body. Horse meat is also recommended for people whose body does not accept whole milk and chicken eggs.

Horse meat contains little cholesterol and also helps to normalize its balance. This product contains a large amount of vitamins A, C, group B. It is often recommended for a dietary nutrition program for people with problems with the work of the gallbladder and suffering from anemia. One hundred grams of calories contains only 140 grams of calories. It should be noted that meat taken from different parts of the carcass may differ in its calorie content. When using a diet using the product for two weeks, you can safely lose about seven kilograms of excess weight without harming your health. This is due to the fact that horse meat helps to speed up metabolism.

We also note the healing properties of horse fat, which has a positive effect on the liver and helps to restore its performance after hepatitis. In terms of its composition and properties, horse fat occupies an intermediate position between animal and vegetable fats. This fact suggests that the product is not capable of irritating the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. We also note the ability of the product to increase potency, which is very good for men.

How to choose horse meat?

Horse sculpted from minced meat
Horse sculpted from minced meat

Any meat and horse meat is no exception, you should choose very carefully. The appearance of the product is very similar to beef, but at the same time it has a darker shade. Horse meat is quite tough and if you press on the product with your finger, then it should restore its original shape. The surface of the horse meat is shiny and the fat is yellow and soft. He is able to start melting even in the hand. The fat of young animals has a lighter shade and such a product tastes better.

It should also be noted that horse meat is ideal for people on a low-carb diet. The product contains only one percent of carbohydrates and therefore does not store well. It is important to remember that before purchasing horse meat, it is important to pay attention to the mark that the product has been checked by veterinary and sanitary organizations. This is due to the fact that horse meat can be infected with salmonellosis, and this can even lead to death. For this reason, horse meat must be subjected to strong heat treatment and not be eaten half-baked. Due to the low content of carbohydrates in the product, a good environment is created for the development of various bacteria and parasites.

How to cook horse meat?

Diced meat in a skillet
Diced meat in a skillet

Very often you can see recommendations on the need to pre-process the product before cooking it. Horse meat can be smoked, wilted, salted, soaked in vinegar with spices, etc. This is due to the fact that horse meat is quite tough meat and preliminary preparation will make it softer.

Only after this can the product be cooked and it must be done for several hours. Of course, you have to work hard when preparing the product. It should also be noted that horse meat has a specific smell and taste, like, say, lamb.

During the cooking of the product, a slight odor can emanate, and at the same time it is quite specific. People who have already consumed horse meat recommend purchasing meat from animals whose age ranges from 9 months to three years. Such meat has a grassy flavor. And now we will give several recipes for horse meat dishes.

Boiled horse meat

Boiled horse meat
Boiled horse meat
  • Horse meat (preferably dorsal, scapular or hip) -1.5 kilograms;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • White roots - 15 grams.

Fill the meat with water in the amount of one and a half liters per kilogram of product. Before that, you need to cleanse it of fat. Bring to a boil, remove the resulting foam and continue to cook over low heat for another three hours. Add roots, carrots, salt and onion for about 20 minutes until cooked. One hundred grams of a ready-made dish contains 18 grams of protein compounds, 8.9 grams of fat, 0.75 grams of carbohydrates, and its calorie content will be 154 kilocalories.

Horse meat goulash

Horse meat goulash
Horse meat goulash
  • Boiled horse meat - 500 grams;
  • Wheat flour - 20 grams;
  • Tomato paste - 20 grams;
  • Butter - 20 grams;
  • Sour cream - 20 grams;
  • Hot horse meat broth - 12 glasses;
  • Carrots, spices, salt and herbs to taste.

Pour the boiled meat with broth, then add sour cream and salt. Then simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes. While the horse meat is stewing, you need to prepare the gravy. To do this, fry flour in butter and add tomato paste. Then add the dressing to the meat and simmer until tender. The greens should be added a minute or two until the dish is fully cooked.

One hundred grams of the finished product contains 16 grams of protein compounds, 11 grams of fat, 3.6 grams of carbohydrates with a calorie content of 175 kilocalories.

For more information on what can be made from horse meat, see here:
