Anectochilus: features of growing, tips for care

Anectochilus: features of growing, tips for care
Anectochilus: features of growing, tips for care

General features and origin of anectochilus, habitat in the natural environment, care, transplantation and reproduction, difficulties in cultivation, interesting facts, species. Anectochilus (Anoectochilus) is a herbaceous perennial that belongs to the Orchidaceae family. It can often be found under other Russian names Anectochilus or Anectochilus. In modern floriculture, varieties of this genus are considered a group that bears the name "Jewel orchids", it consists of 20-50 species. Interestingly, the value of the plant is not the flowers, but the leaf plates, which are distinguished by incomparable patterns on the surface. Some more representatives are also considered precious orchids, such as the orchid Ludisia, Gudayera, Makoyeds, Dossinia, Zeuxine and others.

These flowers are included in the so-called CITES Convention (Appendix II), as plants that can be on the verge of extinction due to aggressive international trade.

Anectochilus got its name from the fusion of two Greek words "anoektos", which translates as open or open, and "chielos", which means lip. This is due to the special structure of the flower's lip. Most often, the plant grows on the surface of the soil, rarely becomes a lithophyte, which can find refuge on the surface of rocky ground, and prefers moist forests in tropical climates. The main territories that are native to the anectochylus can be called areas of the continental regions of Asia, as well as Indonesia and the Australian continent, can be found on the islands located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean.

This type of precious orchid is a plant with a rhizome and compact size, its stems are creeping, growing horizontally. The leaf plates are large in size, ovoid or lanceolate in shape, velvety to the touch, a dense leaf rosette is formed from them. On the surface of the leaf, a veined pattern can often be seen, which casts sparkling silver, golden or reddish tones. This pattern is so beautiful that it is compared to the variously woven oriental brocade. In addition to all this cobweb-like pattern, some species have a luminous strip, narrow or wide, running along the central vein, it is painted in gold or silver. The background of the leaf plate casts from rich emerald shades to dark green tones, it can reach almost black color scheme.

The resulting inflorescences are represented by an erect raceme, which is collected from multiple flowers with pubescence in the form of glands. The flowers of anectochilus are small in size and do not differ in beauty. Sepals grow free. From the petals of the upper sepal, a helmet-like coating is formed. The petals of the bud are small with a narrow pointed at the apex. The flower's lip is straight, it has grown together with the base of the column (this is a formation that appeared by fusion of the male and female reproductive organs) with the Shor - this is a hollow elongated outgrowth of the sepal or orchid petal, designed to collect nectar.

When all the pollen sticks together in the anther nest, a small formation appears in the form of a powdery, horny or waxy consistency - polynia. In these flowers, they are located on long and short legs (caudicles), which are composed of elastovicin (this name is a structureless substance consisting of a polysaccharide rock).

Conditions for growing anectochilus indoors

Anectochylus sprout
Anectochylus sprout
  1. Illumination. The plant is not very demanding on this indicator. It can even grow well on the windowsills of windows facing north, and they do not have to be supplemented. The anectochilus will need to be illuminated only in the autumn-winter period, when the daylight hours will significantly decrease.
  2. Content temperature. The plant perfectly tolerates room temperatures, which vary between 20-25 degrees. If the heat indicators decrease, then it is better to organize side heating. Many growers grow anectochilus in a mini-greenhouse, so you can control the temperature and humidity. The main thing is not to allow the plant to be exposed to a draft.
  3. Air humidity. High moisture levels in the air are recommended for orchids. If the plant is placed in a mini-greenhouse, then up to 80% humidity is kept there. If the indicators are higher, and in addition there is a high temperature, then the leaf plates begin to increase in size - there is a loss of decorativeness. If the dryness of the air increases, then this threatens with drying of the foliage. Spraying the leaf outlet can be omitted so that streaks do not appear on the surface of the leaf. The layer of expanded clay should be moistened, on which it is recommended to put a pot with an orchid. It is important to regularly rinse the expanded clay to remove accumulated salts.
  4. Watering. Anectochilus needs to be moisturized regularly, but in moderation. If there is an excess of moisture, it will lead to decay of the roots of the flower. Water is taken for irrigation warm and soft, you can filter and boil tap water. The amount of watering depends on whether the plant is in the dormant or growing phase. During the rest period, moisture is greatly reduced. The orchid is very fond of water procedures - bathing, so it is recommended to arrange a warm shower. The main thing after that is to dry and wipe the leaves with napkins, but it is better to leave the pot in the bathroom until the anectochilus is completely dry, especially if this is done in the cold season. Young plants are very sensitive to cold air after a shower.
  5. Feeding for the "precious orchid" will only need to be applied once a year when it enters the growth phase. This must be combined with moistening the soil, which will make it possible not to burn the roots. Orchid fertilizers can be used as fertilizers, but in very small doses, and organic matter (for example, guano) is also used, here, too, caution and a small dosage are important. The latter must be dried, frozen and wrapped in a layer of sphagnum moss.
  6. Orchid transplant. It is better to use a wide and shallow pot for growing anectochylus. This is due to the fact that the stems of the plant have creeping properties and grow, pressing against the ground. It is necessary to lay a layer of drainage material in the pot (for example, pebbles or expanded clay of medium fraction).

The substrate for such orchids should be lightweight and have good air and water permeability. It is made up of crumbled foam plastic mixed with vermiculite, and mixed with coniferous bark, crushed into pieces, and charcoal. The latter will protect the plant from rot. It is recommended to add cuckoo flax moss to the soil mixture, and lay a layer of sphagnum moss on top of the substrate (it will help the moisture not evaporate so much). Also, the soil is made up of the same foam, crushed into pieces and the following mixture: in equal amounts of peat soil, chopped pine bark, pieces of charcoal (2x2 cm in size) and needles taken. On top of all this composition, leafy earth is poured or mo-sphagnum is laid.

It is necessary to change the soil in the flowerpot as it decomposes, but you will need to change the moss layer on top every year and gently loosen the substrate.

Recommendations for independent reproduction of anectochilus

Pots with anectochilus
Pots with anectochilus

The breeding operation is carried out in the spring. Best of all, this variety of "precious orchid" reproduces vegetatively, using cuttings. You will need to cut the leaf plate from the middle of the stem. It is necessary to choose such a part so that there are at least two nodes and at least one leaf on the sheet. The cut of the cutting is carried out at an angle. The place of the cut should be sprinkled for disinfection with strongly crushed (into powder) powder of activated or charcoal and leave the workpiece to dry. Planting cuttings will need to be carried out in sliced sphagnum moss. If possible, even the top of the stem (leaf rosette) with several leaves is rooted. Plants will need to be placed in a warm and bright place for rooting, but shade from direct sunlight.

As soon as the young anectochiluses have roots, it is necessary to transplant into a larger pot with a substrate suitable for growing adult specimens (you can take soil for orchids). Be sure to lay a drainage layer on the bottom. Planting containers should be wide, as the stem is creeping and squat. If you grow young plants, then they are planted in a common pot to save space, but then during rooting, difficulties may arise when the cutting is separated from the total mass, so growers recommend using a separate container for each plant.

If the cutting is taken from the stem, then the root processes will appear from the lower nodes, and young shoots will begin to grow from the upper node. When the tip was taken during grafting, new roots will appear, and the socket itself will continue to grow.

Problems with growing a "precious orchid"

Anectochilus leaves
Anectochilus leaves

To protect anectochilus from various diseases, it is necessary to carry out regular examinations and prophylaxis.

Most often, the orchid is affected by rot, which provokes fungal infections (for example, rust, gray spot or gray mold). To combat them, systemic fungicides are used. The plant is sprayed with these solutions regularly. You can also name the following modern drugs with a similar long-term effect ("Alett", "Ridiml" or "Bayleton"). These funds must be applied through the root system. You will first need to moisten the substrate in the pot, and only then apply the fungicide.

It happens that the orchid also suffers from root rot. In this case, you will need to apply - "Fundazol", "Vitavax" or similar "Ditox" and "Kolfugo super".

Some flower growers recommend spraying the leaf outlet and moistening the soil in the flowerpot with copper chloride and using cinnamon powder as a preventive measure.

Interesting facts about anectochilus

Precious orchid
Precious orchid

The history of "precious orchids" originates from the works of the naturalist Eduard Regel, who first described these plants. In 1899, at the international exhibition, which took place in St. Petersburg, the anectochilus was first presented by the florist F. I. Kehli. And only in the 19th century, culture was actively developing thanks to the plant collector N. A. Bersenev. Many species were saved only because of his hobby; the collection included more than 100 varieties of anectochilus that no longer existed in nature.

Types of anectochilus

Pot with precious orchid
Pot with precious orchid
  1. Anectochilus multi-colored (Anoectochilus discolor). The native habitat is in Indonesia and the Himalayas. The variety is very loved by flower growers because of the leaf blades, which attract attention with a pattern of bright red veins. It is a perennial that chooses nutrient substrates for its growth, it can even be found on the bark of trees and their roots. The shape of this orchid is compact and very short in stature. The roots have good tenacity. Leafy rosettes are formed at the ends of the creeping stems. The upper surface of the leaf is painted in a dark green color and traced with red veins. The shade of the reverse side is purple with a beautiful streaky patterning of a silver or gold tone. The flowers of this variety are distinguished by a strong aroma, their color is white, and the core is yellowish. The flowering process occurs twice a year and occurs in the autumn-winter period.
  2. Royal anectochilus (Anoectochilus regalis). The plant is miniature in size. Native territories are in India and Sri Lanka. A dense rosette is formed from the sheet plates. The color of the surface of the leaf is variegated with a golden color of veins that form a network like a cobweb. The flowers grow small in size, their color is snow-white.
  3. Royal anectochilus (Anoectochilus regaium). The native habitat is the island territories of Sri Lanka and the region of India. Likes to settle in rainy forests with high humidity. The leaf plates are velvety to the touch, painted in a dark emerald color with sparkling veins. The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences located on a long flowering stem and are small in size. The petals of the buds are cast in a greenish-whitish tint.
  4. Anectochilus short-lipped (Anoectochilus brevilabris Lindley). The name indicates the structure of the flower. The plant is compact in size. Distributed in Indian territories (in Sikkim and Bhutan), settles in humid forests with a tropical climate. The length of the peduncle reaches 18 cm, it originates from the middle of the leaf rosette, vertically upright. The inflorescence, located on the peduncle, consists of 12-15 buds. The diameter of the flower reaches 1–1, 2 cm, their color is greenish-pink with a whitish lip.
  5. Anectochilus chapa (Anoectochilus chapaensis, Francois Gagnepain). The plant got its name due to the area of growth. The native range falls on the rainy mountain forests of China and Vietnam. The orchid has a miniature size, settles on the surface of the soil. The length of the peduncle reaches 15 cm, originates from a leaf rosette, growing vertically upward. The color of the leaves is marsh green with golden veins that adorn the upper surface. The leaf is broadly oval with a pointed apex.
  6. Anectochilus formosanus (Anoectochilus formosanus, Hayata). It is found under the synonym of Taiwanese Anectochilus. Its name is due to the growing area - tropical Taiwanese forests. It settles on the soil surface, has miniature sizes. The length of the peduncle is measured 10 cm, grows vertically upward from the rosette of leaves. The flowers are painted in a pinkish-white shade, their diameter reaches 0.5-1 cm. The leaf plates are cast in a dark green color and a spider-web pattern of golden veins runs along the surface. The shape of the leaf is rounded-oval with an elongated pointed tip.
  7. Anectochilus Rockbust (Anoectochilus roxburghii, Lindley). It is named after the director of the Botanical Garden located in Calcutta in the 19th century - William Roxburgh. The species is distributed in the territories of India, China, Nepal, and also found in Thailand and Vietnam, it grows in Sri Lanka. Likes to settle on the surface of the soil in tropical rainforests. Has a miniature size. The erect peduncle growing from a leaf rosette reaches up to 10-12 cm. The inflorescence consists of white-lilac flowers.
  8. Anectochilus bristly (Anoectochilus setaceus). It got its name from the structure of the flower. For growth, he chooses rain forests located on the mountain slopes of China, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, they also chose areas of Thailand, Vietnam, the islands of Java and Sumatra. A plant that is distinguished by its miniature size, spreading on the ground. It has a long, upright flowering stem.
  9. Anoectochilus papuanus was described in 1984 by the botanist Walter Kittridge. Endemic to New Guinea, geophyte.

Today there are many hybrids, in the creation of which Anectochilus took part.

What anectochilus looks like, see here:
