The origin and appearance of the French Bulldog, character traits and his health, dog care, specific training, interesting facts. Purchasing a puppy. These dogs personify the fighting, implacable spirit of France. They are very similar to its inhabitants, just as cheerful, cheerful and relaxed. In the Middle Ages, they fought big bulls, killed rats and hunted along with humans. Their story began in Paris.
Origin of the French Bulldog breed

They look completely different than 200 years ago. These dogs got their modern look relatively recently. There are two versions of how they were born. The French say that dogs are descended from bulldogs or riders. There are engravings of the XVI-XVII centuries, where dogs, similar to the modern type of "French", helped in the hunt for wild boar and other fairly large game. In the south of France, there was a popular mass spectacle of bull-baiting, and oddly enough, donkeys, where they were also involved.
The British claim that they originate from the English Bulldog. In the middle of the 19th century, in England, there was a terrible economic crisis. A lot of people have emigrated to Europe. To leave memories of their home island, they took their dogs with them. The emigrants were mostly not wealthy and settled on the outskirts of the cities. They lived with them as they were called then, toy-bulldogs and they weighed about 2 kg.
Perhaps both are right in their own way. Most likely, both ancestors take their roots from the Tibetan molossus. In the course of breeding work aimed at breeding a less aggressive variety of this breed, individuals appeared with a smaller size, with a meek character. They were more adapted to the role of indoor dogs.
The English dog lovers club did not want to recognize this breed. And all why? They believed that these dogs did not have aesthetic ears. In 1896, the French dog lovers club still officially recognized them. And in 1912, the example of France was followed by the international canine organization. The British, of course, were stubborn, but, in the end, they recognized them as a real full-fledged breed.
Popularity in France, these dogs have acquired in a very interesting way. Handsome, socialite, favorite of women, Leopold de Carnelen la Tour, began to walk along the Champs Elysees and Montmartre, with French bulldog puppies. In those days, it was unheard of insolence. Naturally, after such a fashion show, familiar ladies began to take an interest in pets. He was a generous person, and gave them puppies. So, thanks to him, they became fashionable not only in this city, but all over the world.
In France, on the Rue Rambuto, there used to be butchers. The people of this profession were the first to use these dogs for catching rats. In fact, French Bulldogs were bred as service dogs. They were taken to stables and to traders, so that the dogs destroyed rodents in places where animals were going to slaughter. Since the Holy Inquisition did not favor felines, for old memory they were afraid to start them. In medieval Europe, many canine breeds were used for such tasks.
In 1781, an amphitheater was built in France. In it, dogs fought with bulls and various wild animals. In the Middle Ages, this type of entertainment was quite popular. Its existence lasted until 1843, right up to the complete prohibition of such cruel events.
The French Bulldog, despite its small size, is a true Molossian. They are fearless and very strong. There is an interesting point about these animals. They do not float well. But since they have great self-confidence, they are not afraid to enter any stormy river. Our predecessors, who loved French bulldogs, were many famous personalities: the English king Edward II, the Russian prince Yusupov. Fyodor Chaliapin took his pets with him to emigration. The great artist Toulouse-Lautrec adored his "Frenchies". Princess Tatiana Romanova, the daughter of the last Russian emperor, also had such a pet. Her four-legged friend stayed with her until the last minute of her life - he shared the fate of the imperial family with the princess.
Among our contemporaries who preferred this breed, one can name: actors Leonardo DiCaprio, Malcolm McDowell, singer Elton John and many others. All these people don't just love their bulldogs, they adore them. That only did not happen to these animals. They were both in favor and in disgrace. They helped in the hunt, were wonderful pets, and are still very popular.
Description of the appearance of the French Bulldog

The French Bulldog is a small, stocky, very compact and sturdy dog with smooth coat. Weight from 8 to 14 kg. The movements are light and not forced. She has a very flattened profile. Today, they try to get rid of this so that the dog can breathe correctly.
- Head voluminous, square shape, with folded skin. The frontal part is convex. Arcs above the eyes protrude. Between them there is a deep furrow that does not go over the forehead. The projection on the back of the head is poorly expressed.
- Muzzle short, wide and flattened. Now breeders are working on lengthening it, for better breathing of the dog. The skin on the muzzle forms symmetrical folds that hang down to the upper lip. The lips are fleshy, black and velvety. You can't see your teeth because of them. The tongue is also completely covered. The jaws of the French Bulldog are powerful, extended, and square. The lower part describes a large bend that ends in front of the upper part.
- Nose - shortened in length, wide, slightly bent towards the frontal part. The nostrils are well open, directed backwards at an oblique angle. The transition from forehead to nose is sharp and deep. The nose is black pigmentation.
- Eyes low rise. Located at a great distance from the nose. Large, rounded, slightly bulging. Color from brown to black-brown. The pigmentation of the eyelids is black. The look is alive.
- Ears French Bulldog straight, large, bat-shaped. They are wide at the base, rounded at the tips. Set on high.
- Neck short, slightly curved, without dewlap.
- Frame - strong bones. The chest is slightly open and has a cylindrical shape. The ribs are rounded in a barrel shape. The loin is short, the croup is sharply sloping. The belly and sides protrude noticeably.
- Tail not big, it is practically nonexistent. Situated low on the sacrum. Thicker at the base. Can be helical or truncated. When moving, he must remain below the horizon line.
- Limbs strong, erect. The shoulders are short and thick and well muscled. Hind legs with powerful, strong thighs - slightly longer than the front.
- Paws - in a ball, stable, slightly turned outward. The nails are short, spaced apart.
- Coat French Bulldog is short, smooth, shiny and soft, without undercoat.
- Color in two types: brindle and white-brindle. The main color of brindle dogs is red with larger or smaller stripes, with or without specks. There may be a small amount of white on the chest and head. The base of the white-tiger color is a white base with tiger spots. Completely white-colored individuals are also included there. Among white and red dogs, a completely even color without a single spot is appreciated.
Characteristics of the breed of dogs

French bulldogs, pets that are as close to humans as possible. They are very smart, quick-witted and outgoing. They know how to establish contacts with literally all people: not only with the owner, but also with other family members, as well as guests who come to the house and passers-by on the street. In the family, they strictly define the hierarchy. They perfectly understand who is in charge of the human "pack" and approach him as closely as possible.
These are the dogs that should always be in the immediate vicinity of the owner. They cannot be kept closed in the bathroom or hallway, they determine their location by themselves. In whatever part of the apartment, they would not be, their eyes and ears are directed towards the owner, so that they can see and hear everything that happens. Do you think they are sleeping? No, they have everything under control.
They get along well with children, and especially during the game. But nevertheless, very young children should not be allowed to French Bulldogs, because in the process of communication, reflexively, they can painfully grab the child.
On the street, pets are mobile, actively exploring their surroundings. They get to know strangers and their fellows. Therefore, they need to be controlled. Cannot be left unattended near the store. They can get carried away and move away, or a gullible dog can simply steal.
"Frenchies" are like cats - independent, but kind. They rarely show aggression, they are very friendly. They are unusual - companions, guards and friends. These are very interesting and extraordinary animals. For all their external clumsiness, it seems that they are not very fast and jumpy, but this impression is deceiving - they are amazing athletes.
French Bulldogs bark very little, but at the same time they always study everything around. They listen to all sounds around with their ears-locators. They are well versed in time and have a command of the environment. They know when all the family members come. They are very patient, but they do not tolerate loneliness. Of course, if you need to be away for a long time, they will sit and wait. But it is not worth leaving them constantly, for a long time, they suffer from this and can howl.
These dogs are suitable for housewives, retirees, families with school-age children and sports couples. But you have to choose everything on your own. There are representatives of the breed who are very playful, who will not sit still: they jump, play and frolic both at home and on the street. And there are opposite, calm, phlegmatic and sedentary pets.
Until now, French Bulldogs, amazing guards, are great at catching rats on farms. The breed became decorative because they are kind and affectionate with their owners. Whoever stroked and looked into her eyes at least once - became an adherent of the dog forever.
French Bulldog Health

They are quite strong, live up to 12-14 years. Like every species, they have their own nuances in health. Their first problem to be aware of is allergies. To protect your pet from such troubles, you need to choose the right food for him, and strictly adhere to this diet. They have a weak liver, therefore, this is another important indicator why a strict diet should be followed.
The difficulties of the French Bulldog include eye problems. They are slightly convex, wide open, and foreign particles can easily enter them. From bad weather conditions, wind and snow, they watery and sometimes fester. As they age, the cornea of their eyes can become cloudy. Vision problems also occur from excessive exposure to the sun. Therefore, keep your dog out of direct sunlight. Better to take a walk in the shade.
French Bulldogs are afraid of drafts, and it doesn't matter they endure frosts below 15 degrees. They also do not cool well in very hot weather, and quickly overheat. In the heat, you should not actively play with them on the street, because the dog's oxygen deficiency and snoring breathing increase from exertion. But in cold weather, on the contrary, you do not need to let them stand still. If they move, they will not be overcooled.
For half a century these dogs have problems with labor. They themselves give birth difficult. Most often, they are given a caesarean section.
The nuances of caring for a French Bulldog

- Wool French Bulldogs, does not need any special manipulation. They molt twice a year. During this period, you need to comb them out more often. This is done with a special comb or trimmer. They are rarely bathed and only with gentle shampoos. You can simply wipe it with a damp cloth. Well, of course, you must wash your paws after a walk.
- Ears "French" do not create problems. They are open so they are well ventilated. Only when necessary do they need to be cleaned.
- Eyes will need to be inspected regularly. Their structure is such that they are easily contaminated and inflamed. Therefore, if you notice something amiss, immediately take action - wipe or bury it.
- Teeth - it is better to clean regularly. This will relieve the bulldog of gum inflammation and tartar build-up.
- Claws - usually grind off during normal walks. If this does not happen, then they need to be cut.
- Feeding French Bulldogs must be carefully selected, as they are allergic. Natural food is unlikely to work - even if you try to take it all into account. They are very responsive to the slightest incorrectly selected element. It is best to find a ready-to-eat food that is right for your dog. Do not buy concentrates of unknown brands, so as not to risk the health of your pet. If you have found what your pet needs, no supplements are required, since it contains vitamins, minerals and all the necessary substances.
- Walking. They are walked in the same way as other canines, three to two times a day. A company for walking, it is better to choose a permanent one from non-aggressive dogs.
French Bulldog training

They are temperamental, easy to train, aimed at close contact with humans, which makes them easier to train. The upbringing of a pet needs to be dealt with from the first days of its appearance in the house. This involves training your dog to toilet outdoors. Socialization of it in urban conditions, among their own kind.
The rules of the family are taken into account, which must be observed. You must not allow a puppy to spare, so that later it will not be an unpleasant revelation for an adult dog: "Why was it always possible, and later it was forbidden?"
For better control, the French Bulldog needs a general course of obedience training. A trained four-legged friend will listen better. This will save you and him a lot of trouble. Having got a dog of any breed, you must remember that how you raise a pet, so it will be.
Interesting facts about the breed

In France, there is a cafe called La Bulldog. The owner of this establishment is Jean Pierre Ruby. In his cafeteria, he set up a whole art gallery with images of bulldogs. These works of art are originals purchased from different parts of the world. While enjoying a cup of coffee, you can admire the picturesque canvases and graphic sheets. You can come here with your dog. If a visitor to a cafe does not have one, then he can be accompanied by two French Bulldogs who live here permanently.
There is also a dog rental service in France called "DOG GIES". The organization has about 200 registered clients. They contain 220 animals. Not everyone can get a four-legged pet. For this, there are such institutions. You can safely come there and choose your favorite specimen of any breed for temporary communication. Most of all four-legged friends are taken for children.
Purchase and price of a French Bulldog puppy

When you take a Frenchie puppy, you need to pay attention to what he was fed with and whether he has any allergies. This can be done by examining not only the abdomen, axillary folds, but also by looking into the auricle. If all these places are clean without scratching and rashes, then everything is in order. Knowing such breed nuances, it is better to feed him preferably with the food on which he was grown by breeders.
Never buy a dog from a spontaneous market. You run the risk of getting an animal with a bad conformation and serious health problems. Not only do you not save money, but as a result, you will spend much more money, time and effort. The price of a thoroughbred puppy will be from $ 150 to $ 800.
For more details on the French Bulldog breed, see here: