How to enlarge lips

How to enlarge lips
How to enlarge lips

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Every girl dreams of having beautiful and plump lips, but nature has not endowed everyone with such a gift. The following article describes in detail the home methods of lip augmentation with folk remedies. To add extra volume to the sponges, you can use the services of a beautician. But if there is no desire to endure injections, and inject dubious chemicals into your own face, folk methods will be an excellent option. You can use them yourself at home, and at the same time they are completely safe for health.

How to enlarge lips at home

To make the lips plump and seductive, you need to regularly do special masks, exercises, massage, use the right makeup, etc. The following are the most common home remedies.


It must be remembered that sponges need adequate and regular nutrition. First of all, this rule applies to girls who constantly suffer from dry skin of the lips.

The ideal option for providing nutrition would be the use of olive oil as well as castor oil. It is advisable to add a little lemon juice to them, since it contains valuable vitamin C.

How to enlarge lips
How to enlarge lips

You need to take the oil and apply a small amount to the sponges, then leave for a couple of minutes to absorb a little. The remnants of the product are removed with a napkin so that the sponges do not look greasy.

Exercises for lip augmentation

An age-related change is a severe thinning of the lips. And this process can be prevented by regularly performing a simple set of exercises, with the help of which blood flow is increased, and the facial muscles are also strengthened:

  1. It is necessary to stretch out the lips and blow, as if extinguishing a candle. At least 40 repetitions are performed.
  2. The following vowels are pronounced loudly and clearly - y, and, o, a. In this case, one should try to work vigorously with the lips. At least 17 repetitions are performed.
  3. You need to draw full lungs of air, and inflate your cheeks as much as possible. Then a very slow exhalation is made, while pauses and pushes of air alternate. At least 18 repetitions are performed.
  4. Lips are clamped between the teeth, then you need to try to smile so that the corners of the mouth rise. In this position, you need to linger for a couple of seconds, and then completely relax the muscles. At least 13 repetitions are performed.
  5. The lips are compressed and pulled slightly forward. Then they slowly move first in one direction, then in the other. After that, the muscles relax. At least 8 repetitions are performed.
  6. The closed lips stretch slightly forward and slowly move in different directions, while trying to draw the number 8 in the air. At least 9 repetitions are performed.
  7. You need to open your mouth and stretch your tongue as much as possible, then stay in this position for a few seconds. At least 8 repetitions are performed.
  8. With your fingers, you need to press a little on the corners of the lips and stretch them slightly. In this position, you need to freeze for a few seconds, then relax the muscles. At least 8 repetitions are performed.

It is enough to do the exercises listed above every day, at least twice, and a positive result will appear literally in a week.

Lip Enlargement Makeup


There is a special technique, thanks to which, using simple decorative cosmetics, you can visually enlarge the lips. To begin with, a brush is taken and a light shade of lipstick is applied to the lips, after which a point of dark color is put in the center and shaded a little. In a more saturated tone, stroke is performed strictly along the contour of the lips.

To get a similar effect, make-up artists advise to mix several lipstick tones correctly: in the central part, a dark one is used and slightly shaded, and along the contour - a lighter color.

But sometimes in the arsenal of a girl there is only one shade of lipstick, with which it will also be possible to achieve the desired effect. To do this, the main tone is concentrated in the center, and shaded to the corners. As a result, the outline will be lighter in tone. Thanks to this technique of applying lipstick, the lips visually begin to appear more voluminous and seductive. Most importantly, you need to choose a lipstick without a pearlescent effect.

You can also use other techniques that are used by many Hollywood stars. In this case, using a brush for applying shadows along the lip line, up to the corners, matte shadows are distributed. A layer of gloss is applied on top of them. As a result, the lips become more voluminous, appetizing, juicy and sexy.

Lip massage for enlargement


To get the desired result, a special massage must be performed when performing a home program. It is recommended to do it in the morning, almost immediately after you woke up:

  • Ice cubes. This is one of the oldest lip plumping methods that even our grandmothers used. This method is based on the contrast effect. First, you will need to warm your lips with hot water, after which they are instantly cooled with ice cubes. Once this procedure is completed, you need to lightly bite the lips. After a couple of days of performing such contrasting procedures, the color of the lips will become brighter, and the appeared volume will be noticeable.
  • Toothbrush. For the massage, you need to pick up a brush with soft bristles, which is moistened in warm water, then a light massage is done in a circular motion for several minutes. To obtain a greater effect, a thin layer of honey is applied to the skin of the lips before starting the massage. During the massage, the blood flow is improved, the metabolic process is accelerated, due to which the lips increase in volume.
  • Menthol oil. A little menthol oil is applied to a cotton swab, then lips are massaged in a circular motion for several minutes. Next, you need to moisturize the skin with any eye cream or lip balm.
  • Scrub. The regular use of a special scrub is also beneficial, with the help of which dead skin particles are removed. As a result, the lips become softer, softer, more voluminous and seductive.

Cosmetical tools

How to enlarge lips
How to enlarge lips

Today, cosmetics manufacturers offer a wide selection of a wide variety of products that will help give your lips extra volume. These include special balms, glosses, creams and lipsticks, which are called "plumpers".

Unique substances are added to the composition of such funds:

  • collagen;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • menthol;
  • silicone;
  • pepper;
  • cinnamon;
  • mint

It is thanks to these components that blood rushes to a certain area, as a result of which the sponges increase in volume, additional swelling appears. Also, special reflective particles are added to the plumpers, which repel light, and the sponges visually appear fuller.

  • Read the review AngelLips - lip cream.
  • Romantic Bear Lip Tint

After applying such a product, there will be a slight tingling sensation for the first few minutes. But this, as a rule, does not cause discomfort and quickly disappears on its own.

If the gloss contains hyaluronic acid and silicone, they need to be applied several times during the day. At the same time, there are some funds that must be used for a week or more.

It is worth remembering that such funds have only a temporary effect, and soon the resulting effect of volume completely disappears after you stop using them.



With essential masks, you can easily enlarge your lips at home:

  • Peppermint. Thanks to the action of this oil, there is a significant improvement in the blood circulation process, and as a result, the sponges acquire the desired volume.
  • Cinnamon. This oil has the ability to stimulate the process of capillary blood circulation. Increased blood flow to the lips area, making them more voluminous and plump. It is one of the most sought-after products and is therefore often added to plumpers, gloss and lipsticks.
  • Cayenne pepper. We can say that this is just a magic tool. It is enough to take just a couple of drops of cayenne pepper oil and add to the balm. As a result, the skin of the lips is smoothed and they become larger.
  • Lemon. You need to take a lemon, wash it, and then perform a light massage with a zest for several minutes. This procedure must be continued until there is a feeling of slight tingling and numbness. After this procedure, the skin of the lips should be lubricated with any balm.
  • Ginger. It is necessary to take fresh ginger root and chew a little, then apply the resulting gruel to the sponges. Now you need to compress and unclench your lips for a few minutes. The remnants of ginger are removed with a clean napkin, a balm is applied to the skin. Among the advantages of this technique is not only the fact that it gives volume to the lips, but also perfectly refreshes the breath - a light, almost imperceptible lemon aroma appears.

To obtain additional lip volume, the above methods must be done regularly, with particular attention to exercises that will help keep the lip muscles in good shape.

Video on how to add volume to your lips:
