Outdoor exercise in cold weather

Outdoor exercise in cold weather
Outdoor exercise in cold weather

Outdoor workouts, their main advantages, how to choose a place, time, food and drinking regime, the correct selection of clothing for exercise in cold weather, a warm-up and a set of sports activities, safety rules. Of course, like any activity, outdoor sports training has its drawbacks, including a high probability of getting sick, uncomfortable conditions, and the presence of curious spectators. However, if a number of conditions are met, these moments can be partially excluded.

There are a number of guidelines for your body to enjoy and benefit from outdoor activities. They are simple and lightweight and do not require any effort from you.

How to find a place for outdoor sports

Jogging in the park
Jogging in the park

Before you start your classes, you need to decide on where you will train. To do this, take a walk around the area and choose the most suitable place for you. This can be a special sports ground or a stadium, where the presence of horizontal bars, treadmills and other sports equipment is provided.

If there is no such place near your house, then opt for a park, square, regular landing, etc. The main thing is that it is clean, there is no broken glass, stones, sticks and other debris. In addition, you should not choose highly secluded places so as not to endanger your life, especially in the dark hours of the day.

Take the time to find the best fit for your exercises. When the place is selected, it is necessary to decide on the training regime.

Best time for outdoor exercise

Morning sports
Morning sports

It is recommended to allocate morning and evening hours for sports. However, an individual life schedule does not always allow for exercise during such periods. Therefore, you need to choose the time for yourself and sports, starting from your own characteristics and regime.

For "owls" who cannot deny themselves a sweet morning dream, the evening hours will be optimal. Larks, on the other hand, can exercise in the morning.

If you don't care when to get up, then it is better to choose morning. This is due to the fact that the air is not so full of exhaust gases, there are no curious spectators on the streets. Also, the morning hours are more useful for playing sports for the reason that physical exercise will fill your body with vigor for the whole working day.

Eating Tips for Cold Weather Exercise

Protein cocktail
Protein cocktail

A person's nutrition plays an important role in his life, especially if you decide to improve muscle condition through outdoor activities. In this case, you need to make certain adjustments to your diet.

In the winter season, our body experiences an acute shortage of useful minerals and vitamins, which at other times we get from fruits and vegetables. The intake of additional vitamin complexes will help to correct this situation. This is especially important if you are involved in sports and exercise. Your body should receive the full amount of nutrients after exercise.

In the fresh air in cold weather, the body has to spend energy not only on the work of muscle tissue, but also on heating the body. In order for his energy to be enough for this, it is necessary to introduce food rich in protein into the diet: cereals, fish and poultry meat, dairy products, vegetables.

Protein shakes are a good source of energy. But easily digestible foods are best excluded from the diet or left for gatherings in a friendly company.

Food intake should be 1, 5-2 hours before class. But after a successful workout, you can make a light snack with vegetables or fruits. Eating heavier foods is not recommended.

Remember that 1, 5 hours before classes, you must exclude the intake of natural coffee, heavy fried, spicy or smoked food, fast food, etc.

Drinking regime for sports in cold weather

Drinking while playing sports
Drinking while playing sports

An important point in the diet of any person is the correct drinking regimen. You should drink up to 3 liters of water throughout the day. If possible, start your day with two glasses of warm water, sipped on an empty stomach at regular intervals.

Exercising outdoors in the cold season, do not forget about the sufficient amount of fluid consumed. Going to study, be sure to take a thermos with warm drink with you. Non-carbonated mineral water, herbal infusion, etc. are perfect for this. Please note that you are not building to take coffee, tea, water with dyes, flavors, gas with you. The optimum drinking temperature is 36-37 degrees.

It is recommended to drink once every 20 minutes. If you are unable to take water with you, drink plenty of water before and after class. Thus, you will restore your water balance, which will be disturbed by profuse sweating.

To prevent the water from freezing and provoking a cold, do not use plastic bottles, even special sports ones. Thermos are best suited for these purposes. You can buy them in the same place where sportswear is sold.

Selection of sportswear and shoes for outdoor training

Cold Weather Running Shoes
Cold Weather Running Shoes

Clothes, in which you will train in the fresh air, should be comfortable, spacious, not restraining you in movement and be made of special fabrics. In addition, it must allow air to pass freely. This will eliminate the possibility of overheating from heat and moisture generated during exercise. When going to a lesson in cold weather, it is worth putting on thermal underwear on the body, then knitwear made from natural fabrics, and on top - a jacket and pants made of windproof material. When exercising in cold weather, layering is important. It is advisable not to save money and choose sportswear from well-known brands.

Remember that your outfit must include a hat, scarf, gloves or mittens. This will protect your hands, forehead and ears from hypothermia and heat loss.

Sports shoes are another highlight. Summer sneakers or usual boots should not be used for training in cold weather. In the first case, your legs will freeze, in the second, muscles and joints can be damaged due to improper distribution of loads. Don't skimp, buy some great waterproof winter sneakers for yourself. This will allow you to train when there is snow or puddles outside the window.

Optimal weather for outdoor exercise

Outdoor sports
Outdoor sports

Physical activity on the street should be, above all, enjoyable and improve your health, not undermine it. If outside the window is minus 15, rain, snowstorm and strong wind, then it is worth transferring the exercises to a heated room. Although if you are a fan of Spartan upbringing, then these moments will not bother you.

Fitness trainers name the optimal conditions for outdoor exercise:

  • Temperature up to -9 degrees;
  • Dry weather;
  • Lack of wind.

It is with such indicators that you can spend several hours outside and not freeze. You will be able to do a full warm-up, run, while observing correct breathing.

Please note that it is not recommended to engage in physical activity in strong winds. It will not allow you to breathe properly and will worsen your training results.

Proper breathing while exercising in cold weather

Outdoor exercise
Outdoor exercise

Any physical activity should be carried out with proper breathing. It can not be knocked down or disturbed the desired rhythm. Otherwise, the efforts made will be ineffective.

For outdoor activities during the cold season, this rule is especially important. When you are doing physical activity, you can only inhale through your nose. But the exit can be done with your mouth. If you are unable to follow this rule, then it is better to stop or change the rhythm.

To avoid overcooling the upper respiratory tract, a scarf or additional mask can be used. However, it is impossible to change the breathing mode in this case.

If you suddenly feel short of breath, pain in your side, or other discomfort, it is best to stop and do a little warm-up, light jogging or jumping. After breathing has become even, you can continue to exercise, only at a more gentle pace.

Warm-up and outdoor training rules

Outdoor warm-up
Outdoor warm-up

Any physical exercise should start with a gentle warm-up. This will allow you to warm up your muscles, enter a breathing rhythm, and stretch your joints. This is especially true in the fresh air in cold weather: the muscles should be thoroughly warmed up to avoid injury.

However, do not do the warm-up too long and hard. After all, you only need to slightly "invigorate" the body, and not get wet under your clothes. The most common warm-up exercises are spinning, jumping, jogging in place, turning the body.

After your body is stretched, you can start exercising directly. Remember, exercising outdoors, especially during the cold season, should alternate exercises. This will allow one muscle group to work while others are resting. Don't take long breaks.

The rate of exercise is greatly influenced by temperature. The lower it is, the more measured and monotonous your movements should be. This will avoid profuse sweating with further cooling of the body.

The time you allot to perform one set of exercises should also be regulated according to the rule: the lower the temperature, the shorter the sets.

Types of outdoor exercise

Outdoor Walking
Outdoor Walking

The most common type of exercise in the fresh air, and, at any time of the year, is jogging. Measured and even, it perfectly strengthens all muscle groups, exerts the necessary load on the cardiovascular system, and develops the lungs. In addition, it does not require special sites. You can run along the paths of the park, square or streets without active traffic. If you can't run, choose a walk or a variety of strength exercises. If you have a sports bike and a suitable cleared park nearby, then it is quite possible to ride it in the winter season, if the weather is favorable. We should also say about outdoor fitness. This sport involves doing exercises while lying down. Therefore, in addition to sportswear, you will need a special rug and a place without stones, branches and other debris. An excellent option in this case would be a sports ground with horizontal bars and benches for classes. On such sites, you can successfully combine exercises on horizontal bars, for example, various pull-ups, with exercises in a horizontal position - push-ups, swinging the press. Squats will also be useful, especially if there is an opportunity to take a weighting agent (barbells, weights, dumbbells). Less effective than fitness are traditional winter sports: skiing, skating, snowboarding, etc. Their significant drawback is the limitation of material and weather capabilities. Full winter sports equipment is not cheap. And you can't always find a place for such training. Whichever type of winter sport you choose for yourself, its effectiveness will be visible only if the basic rules and requirements are observed, including safety.

Safety rules for sports in cold weather

Outdoor exercise
Outdoor exercise

You will go in for sports in the fresh air on your own, without a coach. Therefore, you should not choose heavy complexes for yourself, which can lead to injuries, sprains or bruises. After all, it can happen that there is no person nearby who will come to the rescue.

In winter, it gets dark early, so it is better to carry out your workouts during the daytime. If you are unable to allocate the specified time for exercise, it is worth considering transferring the activity to the gym. In the summer, you can renew them in nature.

Try to avoid blind places and paths to avoid unpleasant encounters. Also, do not choose places near highways for your studies. An abundance of exhaust fumes will not be conducive to health.

How to train outdoors - watch the video:

[media = https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = _JmNf9lsy5o] Exercising outdoors, especially during the cold season, is a great way to improve your health, exercise willpower and improve your figure. Follow the training rules so that the process is as fruitful and safe as possible.
