We save dry skin in cold weather

We save dry skin in cold weather
We save dry skin in cold weather

Find out why the skin dries in frost and what needs to be done to restore it to a healthy look and relieve it of dryness in the cold season. Recipes for effective homemade masks. With the onset of cold weather, the skin becomes excessively dry. Even owners of oily skin type face such a problem. Getting a good moisturizer won't save the day. To prevent dryness of the dermis in the cold season, an integrated approach is needed with a revision of many habits.

Dry skin in cold weather

Dry and chapped facial skin
Dry and chapped facial skin


In the cold season, the dermis loses moisture more intensively than in summer. It's all to blame for the destruction of the natural hydrolipid layer due to the negative effects of cold wind, invigorating frost and dry indoor air. Air dried by heating devices literally draws life-giving moisture from skin cells, thereby inhibiting the processes of renewal and sebum secretion. As a result, the skin becomes like sandpaper, wrinkles appear, discomfort occurs, and itching appears.

What to do

The three traditional principles of beautiful skin - cleansing, toning and moisturizing - in the cold season must be replaced with more intensive care that includes cleansing, nourishing and protecting.

Body care in cold weather

In the cold season, the skin on the body suffers even more than on the face. It's all to blame for the constant friction of warm clothes, which traumatizes and dries out the top layer of the skin. Consider good hygiene to minimize the feeling of tightness and dryness on your skin.

Avoid showers that are too hot to avoid drying out your skin. Also, shorten your shower time to avoid completely washing away the natural oils that protect your skin.

Avoid using gel cleansing. Replace it with a moisturizing gel or soap. A little oil should be added to the body scrub. An excellent option would be olive, linseed, almond. You can make a coffee scrub with the addition of oil with your own hands. After it, the skin will be well cleansed and moisturized.

Body milk
Body milk

Body milk is one of the must-haves for body care in cold weather. Apply it to your skin at least every other day. It is best to do this immediately after taking a shower or bath. You can also add a little oil to this product. The effect of using it will be greater. You can make your own emollient body care that can be a great substitute for store-bought milk. Pour 100 ml of water into a spray bottle, add a teaspoon of any cosmetic oil and a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Shake the container and spray the product directly onto the body. Particular attention should be paid to the elbows and heels, where the skin traditionally suffers from dryness and cracking. For these parts of the body, use a nourishing cream or lotion in the morning, leaving it to work all day. For excessive dryness, apply in the evening to help regenerate the skin at night. Important rules:

  • it is better to postpone water procedures for the evening so that the moisture lost by the skin can recover during sleep;
  • do not wipe dry after a shower or bath, but just lightly pat your skin with a towel;
  • Prefer soap or shower gel with coconut or cocoa butter.

Face care in the cold season

Nourishing face cream
Nourishing face cream

Be sure to prescribe a nourishing cream with an oily and thick texture in your cosmetic bag. It will be better if its composition is enriched with vitamins. Apply it 20-30 minutes before going outside. Set aside moisturizers until spring, as in cold weather they can provoke vasospasm and lead to hypothermia of the skin.

In the cold season, scrubs should not be overused. If in the summer they can be used once a week, then in the winter they will be used once a month.

Effective masks

  1. Focus on nourishing your skin. Do not be lazy to prepare masks with your own hands. The easiest option is a wheat germ oil mask. It perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin. Simply apply the oil to previously cleansed skin, wait 20 minutes, and then remove it with a damp cotton swab or disc. Do not leave the oil overnight as it is too oily and heavy. You can use lighter oils like almond or grape seed.
  2. A home mask of this composition has proven itself well: 1 tsp. fat sour cream, 1 tsp. carrot juice, a drop of honey and a few drops of any oil. The mask quickly removes flaking, dryness and gives the face a healthy complexion. In the cold season, do it once a week as a preventive measure, and you will not experience problems with dry skin.

Hand care in the cold season

Hand care in the cold season
Hand care in the cold season

Always wear gloves or mittens, even if your hands are not cold. Temperature changes will not have the best effect on the skin of the hands.

Make it a habit to wipe your hands dry after each wash and lubricate them with nourishing cream. Do not wash your hands with hot water, as this can increase dryness and flaking. It is better to refuse a moisturizer for hands during the cold season of the year. Instead, get a sunscreen and apply it before going outside.

Pamper your hands with masks and trays. For the latter, both sea salt and potato starch, milk whey, herbal decoctions are suitable. The main thing is to do these procedures regularly.

If you don’t have time to care for your hands, get special silicone gloves for moisturizing your hands. It is enough to put them on for 15–20 minutes, and the skin on your hands will become soft, silky and moisturized again. Gloves like these can be reused.

Video with tips for skin care in cold weather:
