Thermal water application for long-lasting makeup

Thermal water application for long-lasting makeup
Thermal water application for long-lasting makeup

Thermal water is a unique cosmetic product for the face. It can help moisturize your skin on a hot day and set your makeup. Content:

  1. Properties

    • What is it for
    • Composition
    • Application under make-up
    • Benefit
  2. Application features

    • For fixing makeup
    • Under the face cream
    • How to apply

Thermal water is a liquid from underground sources, saturated with minerals and trace elements. Due to the content of these impurities, water is very close in composition to the fluids of our body. That is why the product is used for very sensitive skin.

Thermal water properties to increase make-up durability

Due to the presence of trace elements in the thermal water, it perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin. In addition, it is often used to fix and correct flowed makeup. The properties of thermal water differ depending on the source where it is obtained. Now on the market there are such types of products: isotonic, selenium, slightly mineralized, sodium carbonate, with extracts of flowers and plants. Depending on the composition, a certain type of product is used for different skin.

What is thermal water for?

Thermal water Vichy
Thermal water Vichy

Water extracted from sodium carbonate sources is an excellent make-up fixer. In addition, girls with skin problems can use it, as this liquid has a drying effect. It should be noted that the product has an alkaline pH, so it is not suitable for dry faces.

Isotonic water shows neutral acidity, therefore it can be used by women with dry and irritated skin. It relieves inflammation and irritation. Suitable for people suffering from eczema and dermatitis. Water helps to reduce breakouts and reduce redness.

Thermal water spray with selenium can be used in summer heat, as it contains substances that bind free radicals. Thanks to this property, it can be used by mature women and the fair sex with very dry skin. It relieves itching and burning after sunburn.

Low mineralized is intended for sensitive skin, as it is poorly saturated with minerals and trace elements. Ideal for setting makeup or as a base. Some companies enrich such water with essential oils and extracts from plants. This helps to enhance the action of the remedy.

The composition of thermal water for the face

Thermal water for face
Thermal water for face

The composition of thermal water, depending on the location of the source, is very different. Now the most popular are thermal waters from the following sources:

  • Saint Luke (France). This water is rich in magnesium, calcium and bicarbonate.
  • Czech sources. They extract calcium water and a liquid rich in hydrogen carbonate.
  • Ra Rosh-Poze. This source provides unique selenium water that can be used to rejuvenate the skin.

Some companies produce thermal water saturated with copper and iron. Such products are capable of attracting oxygen, therefore they act like oxygen cosmetics.

Applying thermal water for make-up

Thermal water for day cream
Thermal water for day cream

This liquid is usually used as a makeup base. To do this, you need to wash and spray the product on your face. It nourishes the skin with minerals and relieves inflammation. Choose water based on your skin type. So, if you have acne and comedones, get a sodium carbonate remedy.

In the summer heat, you can moisturize your face and body with thermal water from a spray can. Thanks to the presence of a spray, the liquid turns into a fine mist, which allows it not to spread on the face, but to lie down evenly on it.

The benefits of thermal water for the skin

Thermal water spray
Thermal water spray

Many people consider this cosmetic product to be useless. But those who have already purchased thermal water claim that it is effective. Indeed, a fine mist with minerals saturates the skin with useful components and moisturizes it. In addition, it is possible to set the makeup without the use of fixers, which do not allow the skin to breathe. The water is hypoallergenic, so it can be used by both adults and children.

Features of the use of thermal water for long-lasting makeup

Thermal water is used for such purposes: fixing make-up, moisturizing, nourishing, relieving irritation, and also with the aim of freshening up.

Thermal water to set makeup

Applying thermal water to set makeup
Applying thermal water to set makeup

For this purpose, the product is sprayed onto the face with complete make-up. The distance from the spray to the skin should be 30 cm. To "seal" the makeup, try to purchase water with a spray that allows you to get a fine mist. If you've applied too much, just blot it off with a tissue. Thanks to small aerosol particles, the cosmetics are "pressed" and adhere to the face.

How to use thermal water under a face cream

Thermal water GamARde
Thermal water GamARde

As a basis for day cream, thermal water is applied after washing. It is sprayed onto clean skin and allowed to dry. Only after this is the face cream rubbed in in a circular motion. It is worth noting that the thermal water gives the make-up durability and prevents powder and eyeshadows from shedding. It can be applied before or after painting.

How to apply thermal water to the skin

Thermal water Avene
Thermal water Avene

To set your makeup, you need to spray water on your face. Remember to close your eyes. The distance from the bottle to the skin should be 20 cm. Do not place the bottle closer than 10 cm to your face. In this case, your cosmetics will flow.

For a refreshing skin on a hot day, spray a cloud in the air and enter it. It is worth noting that you cannot allow the skin to dry on its own in the sun. You risk getting burned. When most of the product has been absorbed, blot the excess with a tissue. For moisturizing purposes, it is recommended to spray before applying moisturizer.

To get baby-like skin, spray the skin with water after each makeup step.

How to use thermal water - watch the video:

In fact, thermal water is an excellent remedy for prolonging the youthfulness of the skin and creating the perfect make-up. Do not be stingy and get the product!
