How to do glycolic face peels

How to do glycolic face peels
How to do glycolic face peels

Benefits and contraindications for the use of glycolic peels. Home remedies recipes and an overview of cosmetic products for the procedure.

Overview of cosmetics for glycolic peels

Glycolic acid
Glycolic acid

In salons, various preparations are used for chemical glycol peeling. It is mainly pure glycolic acid and is sold in various concentrations.

For surface peeling, 30-40% acid is used. For deep exposure, a solution with a concentration of 70% is perfect. It is not worth using this remedy at home, as it also burns the deep layers of the skin, which can cause damage and burns.

Overview of cosmetics for glycolic peels:

  • Reviva Labs … This is a cream that contains 5% acid. The procedure for using the substance cannot be called a full-fledged peeling. After all, a 5% solution is only able to exfoliate the uppermost layer of the epidermis. It is most commonly used to prepare the skin for higher acid concentrations. The price for a jar of 50 ml is $ 20.
  • Gemene Gel … This gel contains 8% acid. This is a small concentration that will help prepare the epidermis for concentrated acid peels. Manufacturers claim that regular use of the gel will help get rid of wrinkles and acne marks. The price for a 10 ml bottle is $ 10.
  • Gel Pleian … This product contains only 10% acid. In addition, the product contains extracts of mallow and other medicinal herbs. Used for superficial exfoliation. Helps to remove small irregularities of the epidermis. The cost of a 200 ml bottle is $ 20.
  • Jean Klebert … This peel contains 14% glycolic acid. It copes well with age spots. Due to the high content of the active ingredient, it will help remove small scars. Contains eucalyptus oil, which is renowned for its regenerating properties. It makes sense to use this gel with other products of the company. Be sure to apply a nourishing cream after its application. The cost of a 50 ml bottle is $ 10.
  • 20% glycolic acid … Designed for home and salon surface peeling. More suitable for the care and cleaning of problem skin that is prone to acne and blackheads. The cost of a 150 ml bottle is $ 25.
  • 30% glycolic acid … The pH level of this product is 1, 4. It is used for superficial and medium peels in the salon and at home. It is sold in a bottle of 150 ml. The cost of the bottle is $ 25.
  • 35% glycolic acid … It is sold in small bottles and is used for medium peeling. The cost of a 50 ml jar is $ 22-26.
  • 50% glycolic acid … Used for medium and deep peeling. The acid concentration is quite high, so you should be careful with such a product. This medication can only be used after preparation with products with a low acid concentration. The cost of a 50 ml bottle is $ 30-35.
  • 70% glycolic acid … It is recommended to use it exclusively in the salon, as the acid concentration is very high. Can cause burns and wounds if used incorrectly. The cost of a 50 ml bottle is $ 40-50.

Homemade Glycolic Peel Recipes

Glycolic peeling grapes
Glycolic peeling grapes

Glycolic acid is extracted from cane sugar. But in addition, this substance is found in large quantities in fruits and berries. If you don't have time to prepare fruits and make homemade mixtures, you can peel using commercially available products that contain glycolic acid.

Homemade glycol peel recipes:

  1. With grapes … The grapes contain a large amount of glycolic and fruit acids. They help to gently exfoliate dead cells and help remove age spots. To prepare a healing composition, grind a handful of green grapes in a blender. Choose seedless varieties. Add some sea salt to the paste and stir. Lubricate the face with the liquid mixture and leave for a quarter of an hour. If the mass is very burning, remove it ahead of time. After the procedure, the skin should be moisturized with a face cream.
  2. With lemon … Take half a lemon and extract all the juice from it. Wash your skin well. It is necessary that no dirt remains on it at all, and it creaks. Using a soft brush, apply the juice to the skin and leave to act for a third of an hour. After that, remove the remaining juice with cotton wool, having previously moistened it in non-carbonated mineral water.
  3. With oatmeal … Take one tablespoon each of cane sugar and bee nectar. Combine the ingredients and add a teaspoon of oatmeal. Add 30 ml sour cream. Stir the paste thoroughly and apply it to a previously cleansed face. Soak the mass on the epidermis for a quarter of an hour, and then massage. Remove thoroughly with warm water.
  4. With butter … A mixture of olive oil and cane sugar is an excellent exfoliation that not only exfoliates dead skin particles, but also nourishes the cells of the epidermis. In a small bowl, stir in a tablespoon of granulated sugar and olive oil. Apply the resulting liquid to the epidermis immediately. It is necessary that the sugar crystals do not dissolve. After applying the mixture, massage the skin with your fingertips. Let it sit for a third of an hour and wash off with plenty of warm water.
  5. With soap … This peeling can be considered simple and affordable. But it is only suitable for oily skin. After removing makeup, lather your palms and apply the lather to your face. Massage your skin and put some granulated sugar in your palms. Sprinkle it on soapy skin and massage for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  6. With sugar and lemon … This is a unique product that very gently brightens the skin, removing dead skin particles. It is necessary to mix 20 g of sugar and 30 ml of lemon juice. Dip cotton into this solution and rub your face with it. It is necessary that the sugar does not have time to dissolve. Leave the liquid for another third of an hour. Wash your skin gently and apply cream.
  7. With yolk … In a small bowl, add the egg yolk and add 20 g of granulated sugar. Thoroughly average the mixture and add puree from one aloe leaf to it. Apply the paste to your skin, keeping the sugar from dissolving. Massage it and leave it on for a third of an hour. Remove with cool water.
  8. With protein … Mix 25 g of granulated sugar with protein and 20 ml of cream. Whisk thoroughly, but the sugar crystals should remain undissolved. Transfer the paste to the face with a brush and rub for 2-3 minutes. Leave to act for a third of an hour. Rinse off gently with cotton wool immersed in mineral water.
  9. With oatmeal … Boil a handful of oatmeal in milk. It is necessary to make a viscous porridge. When the paste has cooled slightly, add 25 g of cane granulated sugar. Hurry to apply the paste to the dermis until the crystals dissolve. Massage your skin for 3-5 minutes. It is necessary for the porridge to remain on the skin for another 15 minutes. Remove with a wet cloth.

How to do glycolic peels at home

Glycolic peeling at home
Glycolic peeling at home

There are a number of rules to follow when performing a glycolic peel. You should be especially careful when using not improvised means and sugar, but concentrated acid. Glycolic peeling rules:

  • If you decide to peel using concentrated glycolic acid, then daily in the evening, for 2-3 weeks, apply to the dermis a lotion containing 3-5% glycolic acid solution. This will help remove dead epidermis and allow the skin to get used to the acid.
  • There is no need to prepare your face before peeling with sugar or fruit. It is enough to clean it from the make-up with milk or make-up remover.
  • There is no need to prepare the peeling mixture in advance. It is necessary that the sugar does not dissolve. If you use fruits, then they must be fresh. It is advisable to take seasonal varieties.
  • After using concentrated glycolic acid, wash it off with an alkaline neutralizing solution. It is allowed to remove the paste by dipping cotton wool into a soda solution.
  • After any exfoliation, be sure to make a caring mask and apply a moisturizer.
  • In the salon, after such a peel, they often wipe the face with saline, it helps to retain moisture and prevents the skin from drying out.
  • Try not to go out in the sun after the procedure. If you need to go outside in sunny weather, be sure to apply sunscreen.

Skin condition before and after glycolic peeling

Clean face skin
Clean face skin

The results after the procedure are impressive. The most interesting thing is that the improvement in skin condition is noticed not only by young girls with problematic dermis, but also by older ladies. Glycolic exfoliation helps to even out the complexion and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles.

Results after glycolic peeling:

  1. Refreshing the epidermis … Superficial peeling burns only the uppermost layer of the dermis, without affecting its deepest layers. Accordingly, the tone of the face is evened out, its color is improved.
  2. Disappearance of acne marks … If you still have shallow acne scars, glycolic peels can help reduce them. Small traces disappear for good.
  3. Elimination of comedones … After using the peel, the contents of the pores are removed. They are cleansed as sebum and dirt are removed from them.
  4. Reduction of age-related skin changes … At the same time, small wrinkles disappear. The results are most noticeable in the area of the nasolabial triangle and forehead.

Note! A few days after peeling, peeling and redness are possible, which, with proper care and adherence to all recommendations, disappears very quickly. How to make a glycolic peel - watch the video:

Glycolic peeling is an effective procedure that will rejuvenate the dermis and eliminate minor irregularities. Suitable for young and old patients.
