Lead back on the simulator

Lead back on the simulator
Lead back on the simulator

Learn the technique of doing glute isolation exercises. Great for girls who want to make firm and bulging buttocks. By performing the abduction on the machine, you can emphasize the load only on the gluteal muscles. Most often, the movement is used by girls, since for most of them the main task is to develop and strengthen the buttocks. Sometimes the exercise is performed by men, but this happens quite rarely.

It is best to put this movement at the end of the training program, since it must be performed at a fast pace, and when the hip joint is warmed up well enough (most often this is true at the beginning of the lesson), this can lead to its injury. In addition, jerks and turns of the body must be avoided in every possible way. Work only with the effort of the gluteal muscles, and in full control of the movement. Note that there are several variations on this exercise, which we will also look at today.

Muscle and joint work when pulling back on the simulator

Muscles involved in retraction
Muscles involved in retraction

For each of the movement options existing today, it is necessary to use the appropriate simulators. In this case, the same muscles will be involved, but the emphasis of the load may be shifted. First of all, the biceps of the hip and buttocks will be involved in the work. Depending on the position of your body, other muscles will act as stabilizers.

For movement to be as effective as possible, you need to focus on your targeting muscles. To do this, imagine that your leg is restrained by the knee. So you can perform the movement as correctly as possible and with the required amplitude.

A certain load still falls on the knee joint, although the main one is the hip. If you use the knee joint, then the quadriceps will take some of the load for itself. To avoid this, use only the weights that you can fully control. It is always best to use lighter weights and still perform the movement well.

How to properly abduct the machine?

Lead back technique on the simulator
Lead back technique on the simulator

It doesn't matter where you perform the movement - on a crossover or a special simulator, the technique in any case remains unchanged. It is necessary to rest your hands well on the simulator and bend your back in the lumbar region. The working leg should be slightly raised due to the slight bending of the knee joint. The center of gravity must be shifted to the heel of the supporting leg. When performing a movement on a special simulator, push the plate with your heel, without lifting the toe. When using a crossover, it is necessary to perform a traction movement and at the same time the heel should be extended in comparison with the toe (in other words, bend the foot). From the starting position, the leg should be taken back and the knee joint should be extended only at the end of the trajectory, when the leg has nowhere to move. Hold in the end position and move in the opposite direction.

What is the correct abduction on the bench?

Bench back technique
Bench back technique

Bend your back slightly in the lumbar region, and look forward. Hold your hands firmly behind the bench, and the working leg should be at the level of the bench (the knee joint is bent at a right angle). Inhale during the negative phase of the movement, and inhale during effort.

At the beginning of the movement, it is necessary to slightly abduct the leg, using only the hip joint for this. It is also important that the back-up movement is done with the foot bent. When the heel is in front of the toe, maximum contraction of the muscles of the buttocks and hamstrings is achieved.

Tips for Athletes for Exercising the Machine Backbend

The girl performs a pull back on the simulator
The girl performs a pull back on the simulator

In the lower part of the body there are several large muscles: the front and back of the thigh, the triceps muscle of the lower leg and buttocks. As we said, this movement engages the hamstrings and glutes, which is an important fact for girls. It is by developing these muscles that girls will be able to give their figure more sexuality.

In addition, the quadriceps does not participate in the work, which allows you not to change the harmony of the legs. Even if you do women's squats, the quadriceps are involved, which is not always a positive thing. For those girls who are prone to rapid hypertrophy of the leg muscles, special attention should be paid to isolated movements, such as pulling back on the machine.

We have already said that this movement is sometimes used by men. This is primarily due to the fact that when it is performed, the muscles are stretched, which accelerates the process of hypertrophy. However, for girls this movement is the main one, then it often makes no sense for men to resort to it. It is very important to ensure that all work is done by the muscles of the buttocks and hamstrings.

How to train the gluteal muscles by performing backward abduction, see this story:
