Distinctive characteristics, rules for caring for dorsthenia at home, reproduction, pest and disease control, interesting facts, types. Dorstenia (Dorstenia) is a member of the Mulberry family (Moraceae) and has a herbaceous or succulent form of growth. The latter are distinguished by the ability in their parts (leaves or stems) to accumulate moisture in order to survive dry periods. This genus includes another 117 representatives of the green world of the planet, who for their lives "chose" the territories located in the tropical belt of the Earth (regions of Ethiopia and Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania, can grow in Saudi Arabia. Yemen and Oman). But most often you can find these exotic plants in the floodplain of the Amazon River.
This flora specimen got its name in honor of the German botanist and physician Theodor Dorsten, who was actually called Theodor Gluntius. The date of birth of this scientist is unknown, since either 1492 is mentioned, or the time from 1500 to 1505 in the city of Dorsten - the date of death falls on 1552. Apparently, the place of birth was the reason for taking such a common noun pseudonym.
If the plant has a herbaceous form of growth, then it settles most often near waterways, choosing places in the dense shade of tall trees, and succulents like to "settle" in rocky crevices.
Only one representative of this genus - Dorstenia gigantic can "boast" a height of meter indicators, and other specimens reach only 10–40 cm in height. There are varieties that have a thickening on the stem at the base - caudex, in which succulent can also accumulate moisture for an unfavorable weather period. The trunks of plants can also be both thickened and have a rhizome in the form of a tuber. Herbaceous species of dorsthenia are distinguished by short shoots growing above the soil surface, but they are crowned with large leaves. Sometimes with parameters fluctuating within 10-15 cm. Such leaf blades have rather long petioles. Milky sap that appears on the fracture of leaves or stems is highly toxic.
Also, a feature of this plant is its inflorescences, called hypanthodia. They represent an expanded inflorescence or seed. The shape of these formations differs depending on the variety of dorstenia: there are rounded outlines, elliptical or triangular, square or rectangular. Bracts are also absent in some species, but if they are present, they resemble tentacles in shape. The flat receptacle is completely covered with miniature flowers, female buds differ in such sizes and their ring with a large density is surrounded by larger male flowers. Inside the bud there are stamens, which are much more in male flowers than in female ones. The floor of the bud does not affect the color of the petals, there are inflorescences collected from flowers of a lilac, brownish, orange or greenish hue. The flowering process lasts from mid-spring to October.
Some varieties of dorsthenia can be pollinated by the wind, while others will wait until insects perform this robot. And then, if everything went well, the fruits ripen. During this process, the lower tissues in the inflorescence will swell strongly and when the seeds ripen, they will work as a catapult - scattering the seed material around for several meters. And after some time, young dorstenia will begin to ripen, capturing ever larger territories.
In indoor floriculture, most often only two varieties can be found - Dorstenia fetid and Dorstenia antidote. Since all representatives of the genus can be conditionally divided into two groups according to the form of growth (herbaceous specimens and succulents), then the requirements for care must be slightly different. Succulents include the following varieties: Hildenburanta, amazing, curly, Bornimiana and fleshy. Herbal ones are considered - springy, intermediate and arum-leaved. In a year, the plant can reach 20-25 cm.
Recommendations for the care of dorsthenia, cultivation

- Illumination and location selection. Be it a succulent or a herbaceous member of the genus, he still does not like direct sunlight. A place on the windowsill of a window facing the east or west side of the world is suitable. And very young dorstenia is good to keep in the shade. For complete comfort, this representative of the flora needs a daylight hours of at least 7-8 hours a day. However, succulents tolerate bright light better, and the southern location of the window may be suitable for them. Only at noon should a light curtain be hung.
- Content temperature. Since dorsthenia is a rather thermophilic plant, its normal growth is noticed at sufficiently high thermometer readings. However, in indoor conditions, these values can fluctuate between 22-30 degrees. And with the arrival of the autumn-winter period, it is necessary to ensure the temperature is not so high, but stable - 15-16 degrees. The exotic may begin a dormant period, in which some part of the foliage is dumped. In no case should you allow sudden changes in heat, otherwise the plant will drop all the foliage. It can die if it is kept in a too cold room for a long time or if it is exposed to frost.
- Air humidity when growing dorsthenia does not play a significant role, since in nature the plant can withstand at average rates and even too dry air does not interfere with it. Indoors, these indicators of humidity should be kept within 35-40%. Spraying can be omitted. In winter, it is still recommended not to put the plant pot next to the radiators.
- Watering dorsthenia. To make the plant feel comfortable, moderate soil moisture is needed. However, in hot weather, water is watered every other day or two a week, and with the arrival of winter, humidification is reduced and is carried out only once every 14–21 days. The soil from watering to watering should have time to dry out. However, the plant will not withstand drying for a long time. Water is used only soft with room temperature.
- Fertilizers for growing are not too important a condition, since many of the varieties grow on completely impoverished soils. But nevertheless, it is recommended when the plant begins its vegetative activity to make top dressing. You can use complex mineral preparations in half the dosage by diluting the agent in water for irrigation. It is better not to use organics.
- Transfer plants are carried out annually with the arrival of spring, this is especially necessary for young dorsthenii, since they will need to increase the pot. In young animals, the substrate changes completely, and in adults - only the top layer of the soil (3-4 cm), since after this procedure they recover for a long time. In a new container, a layer of drainage material must be poured at the bottom. The soil for the plant is taken light with sufficient air and water permeability. Its acidity should be in the range of 6, 0–6, 5 pH, that is, the soil becomes slightly acidic, or neutral to slightly alkaline (with a pH of 7). The substrate may not have great fertility and is mixed on the basis of universal garden soil, sod soil, leaf and river sand. Also, flower growers often add detailed limestone or granite to the soil mixture, you can add gravel or pumice. Perlite or vermiculite is sometimes added for greater lightness and permeability.
How to propagate an exotic dorsthenia with your own hands?

You can get a new unusual plant by cutting or sowing its seeds.
If a decision is made to propagate with the help of stem cuttings, then they are cut from the shoots of a tree that has reached 2-3 years of age. It is important to remember that the wounds (after cutting the cuttings) on the mother plant take a very long time to heal. Since milky juice will ooze from the cut branches, you need to remove it. To do this, rinse the cuttings under running water and use a liquid detergent. Then the sections are thoroughly washed with distilled water and planted in pots with a moistened peat-sand mixture. Rooting takes about 21 days. Then you should transplant in separate containers with soil suitable for these exotics. The young dorstenia obtained in this way begin to bear fruit and bloom as early as 5-7 years from the moment of their disembarkation.
The seeds should be collected and sown in a container filled with peat-sandy soil. If the seeds are "stale", then they are soaked in "Epin" for a day before planting. They are distributed on the surface, only slightly sprinkled on top with the same soil. And after that, the container is covered with a glass bush or wrapped in polyethylene film to create the conditions for a mini-greenhouse. Heat indicators are maintained constantly at about 25 degrees. However, seed germination is very low - for 1-2 months. When a pair of real leaves appear on the sprouts, a pick is made in separate containers with a diameter of up to 7 cm.
Difficulties in growing dorsthenia and ways to overcome them

From pests that annoy dorstenia, mealybugs and spider mites are isolated. If signs of these "uninvited guests" appear, an insecticidal treatment should be carried out.
Often, when the conditions of detention are violated (high humidity and low temperature), rotting of the root system and stems can occur. The same happens to the plant from watering with hard and cold water.
A natural natural nuisance is that dorsthenia scatters its seeds, and they can get into the pots of nearby plants and start their life there, which is not always desirable. Therefore, you will need to put on a gauze cocoon or a paper envelope on the inflorescence. After 3-4 weeks have passed, the seeds will ripen and fall into the prepared container. They are ready to sow.
During the dormant period, foliage may be discarded, but this is a natural process. If this action takes place at a different time, then it indicates insufficient watering or acidification of the soil and the beginning of putrefactive processes.
Interesting facts about dorstenia

You need to be careful when caring for the plant, since the juice, for example, the Dorstenia smelly variety, not only has an unpleasant aroma, but is also quite poisonous. Therefore, care should be taken that neither small children nor pets have access to the succulent, and care for the plant only with gloves, and then wash your hands with soap and water.
However, there is evidence that another variety - Dorstenia antidote in places of its natural growth was successfully used in folk medicine. Its juice was not only used for snake bites, which are so inundated with the tropics, and it is not without reason that it got its name. The roots of the plant served as raw materials for the preparation of the decoction, which is a good remedy for heat, as well as having a diaphoretic and diuretic effect.
Dorstenia types

- Dorstenia gigas is the largest of the whole genus dorsthenia. It grows as an endemic plant on the Socotra Islands in Yemen (that is, it is no longer found anywhere on the planet, except in these territories). Likes to "settle" on the tops of rock formations. The height of the trunk can reach up to 4 meters, with a diameter of up to 1, 2 meters. There is a caudex with a powerful outline and bulb shape. In some specimens, this part of the trunk is measured up to half a meter, while the whole plant can only grow up to one and a half meters in height. The surface of young shoots is completely covered by scars from fallen leaf plates. At the same time, the leaves have oval-lanceolate contours, and if the foliage is in the lower part of the trunk, then it quickly flies around, the remaining leaf mass forms a rosette at the top of the shoot. The color of the leaves is bright green. In the process of flowering, inflorescences are formed, rounded outlines, resembling small radial outgrowths, shaded with a light green color scheme.
- Dorstenia antidote (Dorstenia contrajerva) sometimes called Dorstenia Brazilian. This species is a frequent visitor to human premises. Its dimensions are not as huge as the previous representative, only a meter and a half, but because of its leaf plates, it seems much taller. In conditions of natural growth, it can reach up to 2-4 meters in size. The leaves have long petioles and a glossy surface, sometimes there is a slight pubescence. The petioles are arranged vertically. On one plant, leaves of a wide variety of shapes can be found - simple and unpaired pinnately dissected. The color of the foliage is pleasant green and therefore the plant is considered very decorative. The inflorescence has the shape of a rectangle or square, with edges that have a bend, bracts are not. The color is completely sustained in greenish tones. The native habitat is in tropical forests located in the Amazon basin. It is used in folk medicine.
- Dorstenia smelly (Dorstenia foetida). The plant grows in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. It has a shrub growth and compact size. The trunk can be equal in height to 5–6 cm with one and a half to two centimeters in thickness. During the period of its vegetative activity, a deciduous cap appears on the trunk, which is formed by leaf plates with lanceolate contours and a dark green or greenish-yellow color. The length of the leaf reaches 5–10 cm. There is a fine serration along the edge. The inflorescence has a discoid shape. It got its name because of the unpleasant odor that a rather poisonous juice emits, but the plant is forgiven for its attractive image.
- Dorstenia Hildebrandtii differs in significant branching at the apex. The color of the leaf plates is greenish-yellow, the edge is wavy. The inflorescence has the contours of the disc.
- Dorstenia radiata (Dorstenia radiata) has a stem of cylindrical outlines, its color is greenish-brown, there is abundant branching. The length of the trunk reaches 30 cm. The color of the foliage is greenish-yellow. The inflorescence has bracts and it itself is disc-shaped.
- Dorstenia curly (Dorstenia crispa). This plant has the same cylindrical stems as the previous species, but their height is slightly higher - about 40 cm. The leaf plates are oblong in shape, growing up to 10-15 cm in length. There is a slight waviness along the edge. The diameter of the inflorescence approaches 2 cm, and it is crowned with a long peduncle.
- Dorstenia Bornimiana (Dorstenia Bornimiana). The stem takes its origin from a tuber, which can be 7 cm in diameter. The shoots grow strong, on their tops are green leaves, which can be close to 7-10 cm in length. Inflorescences are small with a disk shape.
- Dorstenia springy (Dorstenia elata) has a stem that grows up to 10–12 cm in height. The surface of the leaf blades is glossy, bright green. Their length can vary in the range of 10-15 cm. Flowering stems originate from the top of the stem. Inflorescences crowning them with disc-oval contours.
How dorstenia looks like, see this video: