

Exotic red cucumbers: composition, calorie content and useful properties of tladiant, possible restrictions on use. Recipes from an unusual product and the ability to grow in your garden. For hypertensive patients, it is enough for 1-2 months a year to regularly consume sweet fruits in dry form, so that after 4-5 months they do not think about an increase in blood pressure against the background of climatic changes.

Compresses from a mixture of green pulp of fruits and stems of a plant eliminate pain during exacerbation of arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

Harm and contraindications to the use of tladians

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

There are contraindications to the use of tladians that must be taken into account: individual intolerance, chronic hypotension and diabetes mellitus. Fruit abuse can cause a sharp drop in blood pressure and an increase in sugar levels.

Care should be taken to treat exotic fruits to pregnant women and children under 3 years of age in order to avoid the development of an allergic reaction.

Tladiant dish recipes

Pickled tladiant fruits
Pickled tladiant fruits

The most popular way to eat tladiant, which is preferred by the inhabitants of China and the Far East, is to eat the fruits raw. But you can also prepare them for the winter, make jams and preserves from them. Despite the similarity of recipes, the taste of dishes is unusual for Europeans.

For winter preparations and preparation of snacks, the green fruits of the plant are harvested, and jams and preserves are made from ripe red "cucumbers".

Tladiant recipes:

  • Pickled fruits … The middle with hard bones is removed, the skin is removed with a sharp knife, the fruits are cut into even pieces. Do not marinate tladiany fruits with pumpkin or zucchini. Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan, pour the chopped pieces into a colander and blanch for 3-4 minutes. Leave the pieces in a colander to get rid of excess moisture. The marinade is cooked, pouring cloves, allspice peas, powdered cinnamon, sugar into boiling water. Before turning off the marinade, 6% apple cider vinegar is poured into a boiling container. The jars are sterilized, pieces of tladiant are laid out in them, poured with marinade, set to sterilize for 10-12 minutes. Then the lids are screwed on and the cans are turned over. It is desirable that the workpieces cool slowly. To do this, they are wrapped in a blanket. Number of ingredients per 1 kg of fruit: 800 g of water for the marinade, 1 g of cinnamon, 3 pcs. cloves, 2 pieces of allspice, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, half a glass of sugar.
  • Pea cutlets … An original dish that combines peas with tladianthus fruits. Peas, half a glass, boil until mushy, drain the water. During the preparation of mashed potatoes, add a little dried basil, add salt, add red pepper. Cut into about half a glass of tladiana, after peeling the fleecy skin and removing the seeds from the center of each fruit. The fruits should be of medium ripeness, that is, not quite green, but not yet soft. Pick "cucumbers" with orange peel. Chop a small red sweet onion. All ingredients are interrupted in a blender until smooth, flour and pea broth are added a little, and cutlets are formed. They are fried in a pan from 2 sides until golden brown.
  • Casserole … The casserole uses ripe red fruits with aromatic soft pulp. A pack of cottage cheese, 200 g, is rubbed through a sieve to get rid of lumps. Thick semolina is cooked in half a liter of milk. To do this, pour 3 tablespoons of semolina into boiling milk and stir constantly so that it does not burn. The porridge is left to cool. Peel the tladianthus, remove the seeds from the middle and puree with 100 g of sugar and 2-3 g of vanillin. In the bowl of a food processor or blender mix semolina porridge, cottage cheese, red cucumber puree, 2 eggs, add wheat flour. The dough will turn out to be stringy, but at the same time it should pour freely. Grease a baking sheet with butter, pour in the dough, put apple slices on top. Bake at 180 ° C for 40-45 minutes.
  • Amber jam … The fruits are cut into identical pieces, you do not need to grind much, this will happen by itself during cooking, sprinkle with sugar and leave to infuse for 40-60 minutes so that the juice stands out. Tladianta is not very juicy, so you should not expect a lot of juice release. 1 kg of fruit - 800 g of sugar. A third of a glass of fresh lemon juice is poured into a container with "red cucumber" juice, another 300-400 g of sugar is added, put on a small fire and left to simmer, stirring occasionally so as not to burn. Steamed dried apricots, 300 g, cut into small pieces, add a boiling mixture of tladiants with sugar, cook for another 20 minutes. Allow to cool completely, boil again, adding a little cinnamon and vanillin, otherwise the jam will turn out beautiful, but somewhat tasteless. The cooking process is repeated several times until the jam is completely thickened.
  • Sweet and sour jam … Ingredients for the jam: 1 kg prepared tladiana, 1 kg sugar, 1 large very sweet orange and 1 lemon. Wash the lemon and orange, grate the zest, squeeze the citrus juice, mix with the zest. They carry out the same processes as when cooking the previous jam, pour pieces of chopped fruit with sugar, leave it to get juice, put it on low heat. After the first boil, add citrus juice with zest, add vanillin and cinnamon. After each boil, the pan is removed from the heat and allowed to cool completely. When the jam is completely thickened, you can put it in the jars.
  • Yeast baked goods … Dissolve a tablespoon of dry fast yeast in 2/3 cup of milk, add a teaspoon of sugar, let it brew for 10 minutes. When the yeast begins to foam, pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the leaven, mix and temporarily set aside. Egg yolks, 2 pieces, grind, adding a tablespoon of sugar and tea salt. When the yolks turn pale, they are carefully mixed with the sourdough and the dough is kneaded. Pour flour so much that the kneading is soft, but the dough does not stick to your hands. The dough is left to rise under the towel, it should double in size. Slices of tladiants prepared in advance for cooking jam are stewed until soft in a frying pan, lightly greased with butter. As soon as the pieces become soft, knead them in mashed potatoes, add a little vanillin, cinnamon, or ground nutmeg. Everything is mixed and cooled. Roll out the dough into a layer, cut out circles with a saucer, put the filling in them and form pies. They are laid out on a baking sheet, greased with sunflower oil, and allowed to come up. Beat the whites, grease each pie, then prick with a fork. They are baked at a temperature of 180 ° C.

For harvesting tladiants for the winter, you can use recipes for pickling cucumbers. When cooking jam, regardless of the recipe, it is imperative to add a handful of vanilla or cinnamon, otherwise the taste will be bland.

Before preparing desserts, ripe tladiant fruits are peeled and hard seeds are removed from the middle.

Interesting facts about the Tladian

Doubtful tladiant plant
Doubtful tladiant plant

Growing in its own habitat, tladianta is practically a weed. It grows rapidly, reclaiming "living space" from the surrounding plants, blocking the light of the overgrowth. It is quite difficult to remove it even with the help of pesticides.

This rapid growth is due to the peculiarity of the plant. Root tubers are formed on the roots and on aerial shoots located near the soil, each of which gives its own shoot. This is approximately how indoor chlorophytum reproduces, only it does not have tubers, but grassy rosettes. However, plants that have grown outside their range do not bear fruit.

Tladianthus, despite its bright and fragrant flowers, is pollinated by one species of bee, which is not found in other natural areas. With artificial pollination, the harvest is scanty, the seeds do not ripen. It is not profitable to grow a plant only for decorative purposes.

To solve this problem, breeders cross the tladian with other types of pumpkin. For example, the Russian biologist and breeder Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin crossed the culture with zucchini and pumpkin. Unfortunately, the resulting fruits did not practically inherit the sweetness of the "red cucumber" and were similar to zucchini with a sweeter taste. However, these fruits were much more convenient to cook, as their hard seeds could be easily removed from the core.

Interestingly, the "female" and "male" flowers of a plant can be distinguished by their appearance, even without being a biologist. "Boys" are large, golden-yellow, in the form of bells with 5 petals bent back. They grow in inflorescences, forming panicles. "Girls" bloom one by one, the color is faded, rather the color of baked milk than yellow. The cone, into which insects fly in during pollination, is almost undeveloped, the calyx of the flower is flat.

The ripeness of the fruit can be easily identified by its color. When young, the cucumbers are dark green and covered with thick hair. As it matures, the pile thinns until the surface is completely smooth, like a pumpkin or zucchini, and the skin turns red.

Watch the video about the Tladian:

When planting a tladian on your site, you should not count on a new tasty dish, even if you are pollinating. Fruits that ripen outside the temperate monsoon climate do not have the desired sweetness. You can experiment, but it's still better to immediately tune in to the decorativeness of the planting.