Milk with strawberries: a delicious cocktail

Milk with strawberries: a delicious cocktail
Milk with strawberries: a delicious cocktail

A step-by-step recipe with a photo of a simple and vitamin drink at home - milk with strawberries. Useful properties of a cocktail for the body. Calorie content and video recipe.

Prepared milk with strawberries
Prepared milk with strawberries

Strawberries are a delicious berry that contains a storehouse of beneficial vitamins that bring great benefits to the body. The berry normalizes the digestive tract, slows down the aging process of the body, cleanses the body of parasites and harmful deposits in the digestive tract. The main thing is that all this vitamin richness is correctly used. It is preferable to eat fresh strawberries in season. You can eat it on its own, or add it to cream, season with sour cream, sprinkle with powdered sugar, prepare strawberry desserts and cold drinks. This review presents a recipe for a healthy milk drink with strawberries

These products can be used to make a complete meal. Depending on the proportions of the ingredients, you can make a liquid shake or a thick smoothie. In the first option, use more milk, in the second - strawberries. Such a dessert will cool in the heat and saturate with vitamins. If the drink does not seem sweet enough for you, add a little sugar, and those who are watching their weight - honey. At the same time, keep in mind that the more sugar or the fattier the milk, the less dietary the dish will be. Therefore, when preparing such a drink, pay attention to the ratio of the products that you take for the recipe.

See also How to make Strawberry Milk Smoothie.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 65 kcal.
  • Servings - 1
  • Cooking time - 10 minutes


  • Milk - 120 ml
  • Strawberry - 200 g
  • Sugar or honey - to taste and as desired

Step by step preparation of milk with strawberries, recipe with photo:

The strawberries are washed and dried
The strawberries are washed and dried

1. Take the berry for the recipe bright, dense and sweet. Sort the rotten, spoiled and dents. Wash the selected fruits under running cold water well, washing away dust and dirt. Then dry the berries with a paper towel. Remove the green stalks and cut the berries into 2-4 pieces.

Strawberries in a bowl
Strawberries in a bowl

2. Fold the strawberries into a blender bowl.

Milk poured with strawberries
Milk poured with strawberries

3. Pour cold milk into the strawberries and add sweetener if desired: honey, sugar, strawberry jam, jam … You can change the proportions of the products. According to these proportions, you get a moderately thick smoothie.

Products are whipped with a blender
Products are whipped with a blender

4. Take a blender and immerse it in the bowl of food.

Prepared milk with strawberries
Prepared milk with strawberries

5. Grind food until smooth and puree and pour into a serving glass. Milk cocktail with strawberries is ready. Decorate it with a mint leaf and serve.

See also a video recipe on how to make a strawberry milk shake.
