Calamus - a plant with a fragrant root

Calamus - a plant with a fragrant root
Calamus - a plant with a fragrant root

Caloric content and chemical composition. Why is this product considered useful? Can he harm the body. The use of the medicinal calamus root in cooking: how to eat, what to cook. If you have other special circumstances and illnesses and / or are taking serious medications, you should definitely consult with your doctor before consuming a product or using it to treat a particular illness.

Note! The first signs of calamus intolerance are various indigestion, in critical cases bronchospasm and nosebleeds can be observed. In these situations, as well as in case of other unpleasant symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor!

How is calamus root eaten?

Spice calamus root
Spice calamus root

Answering the question of how the calamus root is eaten, one should start with a reminder that Rospotrebnonadzor does not consider it an absolutely harmless product. However, it should be added that only two varieties are included in the list of dangerous ones - marsh and cereal.

But, one way or another, this plant contains many biologically active components, and therefore, whatever variety you are dealing with, we do not recommend you to eat the root fresh and in large quantities. However, not only because it can cause one or another negative reaction from the body, but also because it is unlikely to be tasty.

In cooking, calamus root is used as a spice, especially in Indian and Islamic cuisine. It has a very interesting smell, a cross between a rose and a citrus fruit, and its taste is pronounced tart. It is a very worthy replacement for the more expensive nutmeg, cinnamon, etc. Moreover, it is used quite widely - this additive can be found in the composition of cookies, and in canned fish, and in liqueur.

However, in this section, one cannot but recall the previously popular tradition of eating calamus root in a candied form. And if you want to try it as a standalone product, you can do it by pre-candying it or making jam from it. There are quite a few recipes for performing these procedures, and below we will analyze some of them.

Calamus Root Recipes

Candied calamus root
Candied calamus root

However, before we talk about the use of calamus root in recipes, we want to provide basic general guidelines for the use of this seasoning so that in the future you can include it in other dishes. Compared to other spices, it resembles ginger root and bay leaf most of all. However, it certainly has special unique taste and aroma notes.

First of all, it should be noted that this is an excellent spice for stewing meat (especially liver), potatoes and vegetables. It also complements soups well - it is in perfect harmony with fish broths. In addition, it can be added to compotes to complement them with original flavor notes and make them healthier. Seasoning also sounds great in homemade wines and liqueurs.

Well, now let's finally take a look at a few ready-made recipes:

  1. Spicy fish broth … Fillet of any favorite fish (500 grams) coarsely chop, brush with black pepper marinade (1/2 teaspoon) and sesame oil (1 teaspoon). Combine water (600 ml) with rice wine or dry sherry (150 ml) and bring to a boil. Add fish and cook for 5-7 minutes. Add calamus root (3 cm), add soy sauce (2 tablespoons) and chili sauce (1 teaspoon). Cook for another 3 minutes, remove the root. This spicy aromatic broth is great to eat with fresh crispy baguette and herbs.
  2. Pork with calamus and curry … Cut pork (500 grams) into medium-sized cubes, sprinkle with pepper to taste. Heat the vegetable oil vigorously (3 tablespoons), quickly fry the meat on all sides, add flour (2 tablespoons), mix thoroughly. After a couple of minutes, pour in hot water (150 ml) and tomato paste (2 tablespoons), pre-mixed with sour cream (3 tablespoons) and curry (2 tablespoons). Simmer for half an hour (if the water boils, add), add calamus root (3 cm) and salt the dish. After 3 minutes, take it out and the dish can be eaten. Rice is an ideal side dish.
  3. Calamus root dessert … Place the root in water for three days, change it daily. Clean it and put it in water again, this time one night is enough. Boil the calamus several times, the water must be changed at least 3 times. All these manipulations are carried out to "drive away" excess bitterness. At this stage, if you want to get dry candied fruits, just put the root, previously cut into small cubes, in jars, sprinkle with sugar, and after a few days you can taste the delicacy. If you want jam, make a thick syrup from water (250 ml) and sugar (800 grams). Put the chopped root in the syrup and cook for 10-15 minutes, then cool and transfer to jars.

It is worth noting that it is better to add the root to all dishes 3-5 minutes before its readiness, in this case the greatest benefit will be preserved and there will be no unnecessary bitterness.

Interesting facts about calamus

How calamus grows
How calamus grows

The name of the plant comes from the Greek word "acoruc", which means "a plant with a fragrant root."

There is a legend according to which the Tatars took the root with them on their campaigns of conquest in order to disinfect the water. Today, scientific methods have revealed the antiseptic properties of the plant, but one can only guess how people learned about them in ancient times.

It is noteworthy that a plant can be pollinated only at home, since only there are insects that can pollinate calamus. In a “foreign land”, the culture reproduces vegetatively by means of the root and has no fruit.

For a long time, the plant was endowed with powerful force, the roots were dried, set on fire and used in mystical rituals.

In Ancient Greece and Rome, various medicinal ointments and infusions were made from it, but in these countries it did not grow, Finnish merchants were suppliers for the ancient healers.

Since the culture grows mainly near swamps and in water bodies, it is most convenient to harvest calamus in early spring or autumn, since during these seasons the water leaves, and the root is easy to extract. Correct drying is carried out as follows: first, the root is kept outdoors or in a well-ventilated room, then it is cleaned, cut and dried either naturally or in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.

Calamus can be grown indoors, but it requires careful maintenance, the main condition of which is regular abundant watering.

An essential oil is obtained from the root, which is actively used in cosmetology. But since the smell of the oil is not very pleasant, it is usually combined with other aromatic oils - patchouli, lavender, cedar, myrtle, citrus, etc.

Watch the video about calamus root:

This is an exotic product for us, but in China it is highly respected for its healing power, and in India it is actively used in cooking. It is very healthy and has an unusual taste. Of course, if you manage to find a root in our country, be sure to try it, just do not forget to follow the rules for its use and remember about contraindications and measure.