Evolutionary training in bodybuilding

Evolutionary training in bodybuilding
Evolutionary training in bodybuilding

We reveal many secrets of experienced bodybuilders. How athletes manage to gain up to 10 kg of muscle mass with a minimum percentage of body fat. The methods of training athletes are constantly being improved due to the emergence of new knowledge about the human body and the processes taking place in it. According to the available information, over the past fifteen years, more than seven thousand new exercises have appeared in the piggy bank of athletes representing various sports disciplines.

The workload of professional athletes has also noticeably increased. It may seem that people are already on the edge of their physical capabilities, but scientists are convinced of the opposite. By improving training methods, you can achieve significantly greater results. Now we will talk about evolutionary training in bodybuilding.

How to reduce the risks in training athletes?

Athletes in the gym
Athletes in the gym

With the help of psychological training, athletes can relieve stress after hard work and get ready to continue working. It's no secret that professional athletes experience tremendous stress. To continue to improve your athletic performance through doping does not seem like a rational decision. After all, modern technologies make it possible to find various prohibited substances in the body and hide their use is practically impossible. The way out of this situation can be proper nutrition.

Athletes need a lot of energy to stay fit. Merely increasing the energy value of a nutritional program will not bring positive results. Nutrient balance is important here, as it is important for the body which source is used.

The most preferable from this point of view are carbohydrates. Compared to fat, this nutrient is able to provide energy about four times faster. Fat is a stronger source of energy, but at the same time, it reduces the performance of athletes. Thus, when organizing nutrition, it is very important to carefully think over and calculate the balance of nutrients. For example, in sports disciplines where endurance is important, the carbohydrate ratio should be at least 60 percent. But in the diet of weightlifters, the proportion of carbohydrates should not exceed 50 percent.

Basic principles of training in bodybuilding

Barbell in the gym
Barbell in the gym

Gaining mass is a very long and difficult process. It will take several months of fruitful work in the gym to achieve good results. First of all, you need to focus on increasing strength indicators, and then you can start gaining mass and giving the muscles a relief.

For decades, bodybuilding has successfully used the training principles formulated by Joe Weider. His methodology was gradually improved and optimized. According to the available practical experience, many athletes spend most of their time on developing strength, but quite often they fail to get the expected result.

To understand the reasons for this, it is necessary to consider strength training from a physiological point of view. Under the influence of physical exertion, the secretion of insulin, growth hormone and testosterone is accelerated. To gain weight, it is necessary to achieve an increase in the concentration of all these hormones. But if you work in three directions at once, then there will be no positive result. The optimal solution to this problem is the periodization of loads. While some hormones are actively synthesized, the glands that produce other anabolic substances rest.

When talking about increasing strength indicators, many athletes believe that it is enough to just increase the number of repetitions in sets. But this misconception is very easy to dispel. To obtain positive results, it is very often necessary to reconsider your approach to training and make serious changes to it. You may need to start using other exercises, as simply increasing your working weight may not be enough to make progress.

Pro-athletes work on each muscle group separately and this approach is very common in bodybuilding today. However, it is common for everyone to be wrong, and this is just such a case. It is important not just to lift weights, but to teach the muscles to work harmoniously. For this, stabilizer muscles should be trained and the quality of neuro-muscular connections should be improved. You must prepare yourself for the fact that this technique will not give immediate results. Now a very popular training method is three-time training during a week and in the first lesson it is necessary to focus on strength indicators, and the second and third, in turn, are a kind of unloading.

During the training of strength indicators, it is necessary to perform from three to six approaches in each movement and use a large number of repetitions in them, from 16 to 20. This mode of operation is used for about a month and a half, after which you should switch to pumping. Let's take a look at the most effective exercises for developing strength.

Dumbbell Squat Press

Athlete doing dumbbell press with squats
Athlete doing dumbbell press with squats

This is a fairly simple exercise from a technical point of view. You need to place the sports equipment in the area of the shoulder joints and keep your back straight. Legs are shoulder-width apart. Begin to perform squats, and at the time of lifting, about the middle of the trajectory, sharply squeeze the dumbbells up.

Dumbbell snatch

The athlete performs a dumbbell snatch with one hand
The athlete performs a dumbbell snatch with one hand

The legs are located at the level of the shoulder joints. The dumbbells should be held using a straight grip, and the legs should be slightly bent. Tighten your abdominal muscles while transferring your weight to your heels. Then, with a powerful movement, lift the dumbbells up until your arms are fully extended. It is important to remember that this movement must be performed as quickly as possible.

These are very effective exercises that will help you increase your strength and use a large number of muscles in the work.

Check out the dumbbell jerk technique in this video:
