Home Slimming Wraps

Home Slimming Wraps
Home Slimming Wraps

Find out how to properly use slimming wraps and which beauty treatments are most effective. To lose a couple of extra pounds, a wide variety of cosmetic procedures are used today. For this purpose, it is not necessary to visit expensive beauty salons, because you can do everything yourself at home. The wrapping procedures are efficient and cost-effective.

How is the wrapping procedure carried out?

Leg wrap
Leg wrap

In order for the wrap to help you lose weight and remove the signs of cellulite, you must follow the main stages of its implementation:

  1. First of all, the skin is cleansed using a scrub. For this purpose, you can use absolutely any means - for example, sea salt, coffee grounds, ready-made mixture, etc. Thanks to this procedure, the skin becomes more receptive to the medicinal compounds that will be used during the wrap.
  2. Then you can apply a product to the skin, which is used for wrapping.
  3. Above, problem areas are wrapped in plastic wrap, you can replace it with a simple food.
  4. Now you need to lie down and cover yourself with a warm blanket to create a greenhouse effect. The duration of the procedure is about 30 minutes. It is the thermal effect that has the necessary impact on problem areas.
  5. After a certain time, the film is carefully removed.
  6. To wash off the remnants of the product, you need to take a warm shower, preferably without using soap or gel.
  7. At the end of the procedure, any moisturizer is applied to the skin to prevent irritation, as in some cases aggressive products can be used for wrapping.

Features of home slimming wraps

Girl in special clothes for wraps
Girl in special clothes for wraps

These cosmetic procedures can be carried out independently at home, but to obtain the desired effect and get rid of extra pounds, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • One wrapping procedure, no matter what means will be used, does not give an instant result. That is why you need to go through a whole course, which includes from 10 to 15 wraps, depending on the severity of the problem. During one week, 2-3 wraps should be performed, but not more.
  • It is recommended to carry out wraps on an empty stomach. It is important to remember that after the procedure, you cannot eat for two hours, otherwise the desired effect will not be obtained.
  • The body wraps are based on the loss of a large amount of fluid, due to which body weight is reduced. That is why it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of liquid throughout the day in order to restore the correct water balance.
  • In order for home wraps to help you lose weight, you need to go in for sports in parallel. It will be quite enough to do morning exercises every day or just walk in the fresh air.
  • It is necessary to try to relax during the procedure and enjoy it, so as not to perceive the wrapping as a torment.
  • During the wraps, a strong and almost overwhelming feeling of thirst may appear. Therefore, you need to prepare a glass of still water or green tea in advance, but only without adding sugar. These drinks are great for quenching thirst, but do not put an increased burden on the heart.
  • During the wrapping, any liquid should be drunk slowly, not in large sips.

Contraindications for slimming wraps

Waist, hip and leg wraps
Waist, hip and leg wraps

Despite the fact that wrapping procedures are very useful for the health and beauty of the figure, they have certain contraindications and prohibitions, which include:

  • high pressure;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • allergy to individual components that make up the wrapping agent;
  • the presence of a disease such as diabetes mellitus;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • various skin diseases;
  • gynecological infections.

Slimming wraps with honey

Applying honey to the lower back
Applying honey to the lower back

Honey is very useful, as it has a strong healing and antiseptic effect, therefore it is often used during the procedure for home slimming wraps:

  • Honey has a firming and smoothing effect, saturates the skin with a large amount of useful substances.
  • To carry out a home wrapping procedure, you must use only a high-quality product - for example, fruit, nut or lime honey.
  • To enhance the tonic and rejuvenating effect, it is recommended to add a small amount of milk, fresh aloe juice or any essential oils to honey.
  • If the mixture for wrapping is done independently, only the product that contains natural honey will be beneficial.

The procedure for honey wraps at home should be carried out according to the following scheme:

  • The full course consists of 10-15 procedures, depending on the severity of the problem.
  • After completing the course, a short break is taken, for about a month, and, if necessary, is repeated again.
  • A month later, 10 wraps are again carried out.
  • Break for 2–2, 5 months.
  • Then no more than 5 wrapping procedures are done within a month.
  • In order to maintain the achieved result, it is recommended to do honey wraps several times a month.

Cinnamon and honey wrap mix

Cinnamon has pronounced antioxidant properties, enhances the blood circulation process, and has a strong stimulating and tonic effect. A mixture of cinnamon and honey helps to quickly get rid of the signs of cellulite, and there is an increased weight loss.

To prepare the mixture for wrapping, mix 2 tbsp. l. natural honey and 1 tsp. cinnamon powder. The finished mixture is applied to the skin and left for half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Mustard and honey wrap mix

The use of mustard in the mixture for wrapping helps to increase the flow of blood to the tissues. Thanks to this, the active substances penetrate much deeper and saturate the cells with useful substances. A mustard-honey wrap is very beneficial and helps to lose weight.

To prepare the mixture for wrapping, 1 tbsp is taken. l. mustard powder and diluted with a little warm water. The result should be a thick mass of pasty consistency. Then 2 tbsp is added. l. liquid honey preheated in a water bath. All components are well mixed, after which the finished composition is applied to cleansed skin and left for 25–35 minutes.

Mix for wrap with honey and coffee

The composition of coffee contains a large amount of caffeine, which promotes the activation of the blood circulation process, due to which the beneficial substances contained in honey penetrate much faster into the deep layers of the skin. Consequently, the effect of the wrapping procedure is enhanced several times, all metabolic processes are improved - the process of removing excess fluid from the body is accelerated, fats are broken down.

To prepare a mixture for wrapping, take 3–3, 5 tbsp. l. liquid honey, 2–2, 5 tbsp. l. coffee grounds. All components are thoroughly mixed, after which the resulting composition is applied to problem areas. After half an hour, you need to wash off the remnants of the mixture with warm water.

Slimming oil wraps

Applying oil to the belly before wrapping
Applying oil to the belly before wrapping

For many centuries, aromatic oils have been used in cosmetology, as they have unique healing properties. Thanks to their healing effect, amazing results can be achieved:

  • Accumulated toxins and other harmful substances are quickly removed from the body.
  • The pleasant aroma of essential oils helps to improve mood and get rid of the effects of stress, tone up and restore spent energy.
  • For slimming wraps, it is recommended to use oils of ylang-ylang, mint, eucalyptus, patchouli, mandarin. They provide complete nutrition of the skin and the filling of cells with valuable substances, microelements.
  • Essential oils can be added to various wrap mixes as well as clay.

It is imperative to use a base oil for preparing a mixture for wrapping - for example, olive, jojoba, almond, wheat germ, hazelnut, etc.

Orange oil wrap mix

You need to take 20 g of almond oil, 3-5 drops of orange oil, 2-3 drops of lavender oil (can be replaced with clove ether). All components are well mixed, then applied to previously cleansed skin and rubbed in with soft massaging movements. The mixture is washed off after 25-30 minutes.

With the regular use of this mixture, the roughness and dryness of the skin can be eliminated, and effective rejuvenation is carried out.

Jojoba oil wrap mix

To prepare the mixture, take 40–45 g of jojoba oil, 6–7 drops of orange oil, 4–5 drops of cedarwood ether, 2 drops of patchouli oil, 2 drops of vetiver oil. All components are mixed and applied to problem areas. The duration of the procedure is about half an hour.

Thanks to the use of this composition, harmful toxins are quickly removed from the skin. It is recommended to use this type of wraps for the abdominal area.

Blue Clay Wraps

Applying blue clay before wrapping
Applying blue clay before wrapping

Blue clay is a completely environmentally friendly product, therefore it has practically no contraindications and is not capable of having a negative effect, but it helps to lose weight.

The clay contains a fairly large amount of valuable trace elements and nutrients - potassium, phosphate, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, radium. Thanks to the action of clay, the pores are opened and deeply cleansed.

With the regular use of blue clay, the possibility of skin rashes and inflammation is prevented. Harmful toxins and other metabolic products are quickly eliminated from the body.

During the wrapping procedure, increased sweating occurs, the metabolic process improves, and the work of all internal organs is normalized. There is an improvement in the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Weight loss occurs due to the fact that excess fluid is rapidly excreted from the body. Subject to regular home wraps, the normalization of the functioning of the thyroid gland occurs. Also, such a cosmetic procedure helps to relieve muscle tension.

Blue clay wrap recipe

It is necessary to take 100 g of blue clay powder and dissolve in 0.5 tbsp. water. Add the liquid as slowly as possible and stir the powder thoroughly so that no lumps appear. As soon as the mixture becomes plastic, it can be applied to previously cleansed skin. The duration of the procedure is about half an hour.

Regularly performing this procedure will help you lose weight and get rid of the signs of cellulite. To enhance the positive effect of the wrap, you can add a couple of drops of citrus essential oil to the mixture. Home wraps are very easy to use, but when done regularly, they can help you achieve amazing results. To speed up the process of losing weight, it is recommended to combine this cosmetic procedure with physical activity.

For more information on the benefits of slimming wraps, see here:
