Smith Machine Front Squat

Smith Machine Front Squat
Smith Machine Front Squat

Find out the most effective exercise to train your quadriceps while minimizing stress on your knees and lower back. The result will be shocking. Front squats are a variation of the classic exercise, and the difference is that the sports equipment (barbell) is on the chest, not on the shoulders. Frontal squats are largely forgotten today, although many athletes are aware of their existence. And this is most likely due to ignorance of the peculiarities of the technique of performing the movement and underestimation of its benefits. Let's take a closer look at Smith's front squats.

What are the front squats used for?

Muscles involved in the front squat
Muscles involved in the front squat

The main load during this movement falls on the quadriceps. In addition, the muscles of the buttocks, calves and hamstrings are involved in the work. The muscles of the back of the thigh and calf act as dynamic stabilizers.

Let's note the main advantages of the front squat:

  • The lower back, hips and abdomen are excellent.
  • Reduces the load on the spinal column and knee joints.
  • Since there is no possibility of leaning forward, the exercise is safe for the back.
  • A relatively small torque is generated in the lumbar region.
  • It is easier to master the technique, since in case of errors, the projectile will simply fall.
  • Develops balance.
  • Perfectly overcomes plateaus in the development of leg muscles.
  • Accelerates fat burning.

Classic or Front Squats?

Technique for performing classic and front squats
Technique for performing classic and front squats

All athletes know that basic movements are necessary to gain mass quickly. Also, everyone knows that these include: deadlift, bench press and squats. But the moment that all these movements do not accept weak points on the body is known to a few. In other words, with increasing weight while performing these movements, all the technical flaws of the athlete become immediately obvious. This in turn increases the risk of injury. If we consider the biomechanics of these movements, then the difference in the angles at the critical points of the trajectory is immediately striking, and for this reason, it is extremely important for athletes to have mobile and healthy knee joints while performing the classic version of the movement.

It should also be remembered that the weight of the projectile should be reduced when performing front squats. However, it has a lower risk of injury and greater efficiency in building powerful muscles in the thigh and buttocks.

How to do the front squat correctly?

Girl Doing Front Squats in Smith's Car
Girl Doing Front Squats in Smith's Car

Walk up to Smith's car and, crossing the bunches, mark a sports equipment on them. In this case, the elbow joints should be parallel to the ground. The legs should be at the level of the shoulder joints, and the socks should be turned 30-45 degrees. It is also necessary to tighten the abdominal muscles.

Keep your back straight and slowly begin to lower yourself to parallel with the ground. Push with your heels and return to starting position.

Possible errors with front squats

Doing front squats in the frame
Doing front squats in the frame
  • The rapid execution of the movement does not give the opportunity to use all the muscles.
  • With full extension of the knee joints in the upper position of the trajectory, the load is removed from the quadriceps and the pressure on the joints increases.
  • The vertical position of the back is not supported.
  • When using excessive working weight, the movement cannot be performed technically correctly.
  • The projectile is held with the hands and wrists.

Useful Tips for Doing Front Squats

Free Weight Front Squat
Free Weight Front Squat

Today, few athletes pay close attention to clothing and especially footwear. But it is this part of the wardrobe that is important when doing squats and deadlifts. It is important that your shoes have a small heel.

To give yourself extra stability, you can place bars or pancakes under your heels. This is especially useful for people with flat feet. When performing front squats, outerwear is also quite important. You need to wear shirts that absorb moisture well to prevent the shell from slipping.

Become familiar with the Smith Machine Front Squat Technique. The following video will help you with this:
