How to train in bodybuilding without competitive goals?

How to train in bodybuilding without competitive goals?
How to train in bodybuilding without competitive goals?

Find out if it makes sense at all to start doing bodybuilding if you are not going to pursue a career as a professional athlete. Most people visit the gym just to be in good shape. However, they do not set themselves the goal of participating in bodybuilding tournaments. Today we are going to talk about how to train in bodybuilding without competitive goals. To get good results, you have to follow a few simple rules.

How to train?

Athlete Performs Seated Dumbbell Press
Athlete Performs Seated Dumbbell Press

Get rid of bad habits

Schematic representation of giving up bad habits
Schematic representation of giving up bad habits

Even if you are not going to perform in the future, but regularly visit the gym, then the training process should be adjusted to your lifestyle. First of all, it is necessary to reduce the use of alcohol and nicotine, and it is best to give it up altogether.

This is not even connected with the need to switch to a healthy lifestyle, but with the fact that proper breathing is very important during training. If you smoke a lot, you may experience shortness of breath, which is not conducive to training at all. In turn, alcohol has a negative effect on the nervous and vascular systems, and also inhibits the work of the heart muscle. This will slow down your progress and dramatically.

The best time for training

Dumbbell and watch
Dumbbell and watch

Here you should focus on when you work or study. When working during the day, exercise in the evening and vice versa. If your work schedule is floating, then exercise in your spare time. By and large, the time of the beginning of the classes is not of fundamental importance for the progress. The only thing you should pay attention to in this case is rest, you must get enough sleep and get enough rest.

Proper nutrition

Schematic representation of a ration on a plate
Schematic representation of a ration on a plate

Without nutrition, you will not progress. Even with a good training program, due to nutrient deficiencies, your muscles will grow slowly. You are not planning to perform and for this reason, you can not accurately calculate the energy value of the daily diet.

However, you need to know how many nutrients you need to consume during the day. You should also minimize the consumption of fried foods, and then abandon them altogether. Eat less sweets and flour products. You will have to forget about sugar, salt and fast food. The following foods should be present in your diet:

  • Any porridge other than semolina is a source of slow carbohydrates.
  • Eggs, chicken, fish and meat are the best sources of protein compounds.
  • Omega-3s and olive oil are healthy fats.

It is important to switch to at least four meals a day, eating small meals as part of the calorie content of your nutritional program. Also, on training days, you should eat about an hour and a half before the start of the training and no later than an hour after it ends.


Girl training with a barbell
Girl training with a barbell

Prepare yourself for high intensity workouts. Since you will not be performing, your entire training process can be divided into three components:

  • Volumetric strength training.
  • Strength training.
  • Volume-forming training.

For a natural athlete who is not going to participate in competitions, this will be enough to achieve good results. It is very important to understand all the technical aspects of the exercises from the very beginning. Pay attention to the trajectory of the sports equipment, which will protect you from annoying damage in the future. Working weights should be used at about 80 percent of the maximum, and the number of repetitions should be in the range of 8 to 14 in each set. Do not rest more than two minutes between sets, although most often athletes start a new set as soon as breathing is restored. If you are able to perform more than a dozen repetitions in one set, then you need to increase the weight of the projectile. These are the guidelines you should follow when working on bulk.

If you want to increase your strength, then you need to use about 90 percent of your maximum weight, reducing the number of repetitions to five or six. Also increase the pause time between sets to 3-4 minutes. To get rid of fat reserves, the weight of the shells should be in the range of 60 to 50 percent of the maximum. The number of repetitions should be increased to 15-25, reducing the rest time between sets to 60 seconds or less.

Also, do not exercise for more than 60 minutes. An hour of intensive training should be sufficient. It should also be remembered that depending on the tasks (weight gain or fat burning), it is necessary to change the nutrition program.

Sports Supplements

Girl holding a jar of sports nutrition
Girl holding a jar of sports nutrition

Sportpit should be used in accordance with your financial situation. If finances allow, then thanks to special supplements you can speed up your progress. First of all, you should pay attention to protein mixtures and creatine.

Use creatine during the strength training phase to make it possible to progress more strongly. Protein blends can be used without restrictions, and they are especially necessary if your diet contains few foods containing protein compounds. It is only important to consume protein in such quantities that the body can process.

Pharmacological support


Many hobbyists are confident that steroids will help them achieve their goals. However, if you are doing for yourself, then using AAS is not the right step. This is not an attempt to dissuade you from using anabolic steroids, and only the athlete himself decides whether he needs these drugs. It's just quite a complex matter that requires a responsible approach. If you do not control the work of the endocrine system during AAS cycles, then you can cause serious harm to the body.

How to improve neuro-muscular connections in bodybuilding?

Athlete posing
Athlete posing

Do not underestimate the importance of this factor in the training process. When you reach a certain level of development of neuro-muscular connections, you will be able to control the work of the muscles, which is very important. There are several ways to develop this skill, which we will now talk about.


The athlete performs a dumbbell press while standing
The athlete performs a dumbbell press while standing

When you perform any movement, try to mentally penetrate the target muscles and imagine the work of their fibers. For example, Arnie, while doing the exercises, closed his eyes and imagined how his muscles swell and fill all the space around him.


Bodybuilder stretches
Bodybuilder stretches

A very effective method that is very often ignored by athletes. You should stretch the muscles between sets until you get mild pain. When you move on to performing the movement, try to increase the pain in the muscles being trained.

High repetition training

Athlete performing bent over dumbbell press
Athlete performing bent over dumbbell press

Perform isolated movements in high repetition mode. In this case, the number of repetitions in the set should be at least 20. This will load the target muscle, and then "finish off" it with a basic exercise.

How to strategically plan a successful result, says Denis Borisov:

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