Even diabetes does not prevent some athletes from playing sports, observing the rules of training and nutrition. Learn how to exercise, eat in bodybuilding with diabetes. Before starting a conversation about how to exercise, eat in bodybuilding with diabetes, it is necessary to say a few words about the disease itself. Some people underestimate the severity of diabetes. However, this disease can lead to very serious consequences.
There are two types of diabetes: type one and type two. The most serious of these is the first type, and in this case, constant administration of insulin is required. With type 2 disease, insulin injections may not be necessary, since the body can produce the hormone on its own, but this amount may not be enough. In this case, injections are still required.
Complications of diabetes

People with diabetes must constantly monitor their blood sugar levels. One of the most serious complications possible with diabetes is visual impairment, which can lead to blindness. The main reason for this is retinopathy, which is an eye disease associated with rupture of blood vessels located in the eyeball and subsequent penetration of blood into it.
Most diabetics are faced with the problem of glycosylation. When the sugar level rises sharply, the glucose molecules begin to interact with the organ cells, which become sticky.
If glycosylation begins to develop in the vessels of the eye, then the capillaries harden and eventually burst. The same is the case with any arteries that have been affected by glycosylation. This is one of the main reasons why you should keep a close eye on your blood sugar levels. However, there are other, equally important reasons for doing this. When the cells of the tissue lining the walls of the arteries are glycosylated, then blood fat cells begin to attach to them. This leads to the growth of plaque on the vessels and can lead to clogging.
Some of the vascular diseases caused by diabetes can be reversible if only certain types of fibers are damaged. This can make it possible to preserve vision, although it will deteriorate.
But not only problems with blood vessels can cause diabetes. In relation to athletes with this condition, it should be said about the "springy finger", which can have a significant impact on your training. This disease affects the tendons of the fingers, on which fibrous neoplasms appear. This leads to an increase in the size of the tendons, which are located in special channels. If we talk about the hands, then these channels run along the palm in the direction of the fingers. As a result of an increase in the thickness of the tendons, the fingers are limited in movement, and pain occurs when trying to squeeze them. Moreover, these pains are very strong, which can interfere with holding a sports equipment.
An even greater danger to training is adhesive capsulitis. Because of this condition, it will be very difficult to work on the muscles of the upper body. The disease affects the shoulder joint, causing a thickening of the joint capsule. This greatly limits the mobility of the entire joint and also causes severe pain. Treatment of capsulitis takes a lot of time and cortisol and physiotherapy procedures are used for this.
According to available statistics, about 11% of diabetics suffer from adhesive capsulitis. If such joint problems have arisen, then to prevent the appearance of pain, you will have to use the same precautions as for ordinary people. For example, when performing a bench press in any direction, the shoulder blades should be reduced as much as possible. It will also help with vertical pulling movements.
How to start playing sports with diabetes?

First of all, it is necessary to take all possible measures in order to become non-diabetic. It is necessary to take a very responsible approach to the development of diabetes. As mentioned above, if left to chance, it can lead to blindness and loss of limbs. Remember that diabetes is a very serious medical condition.
First of all, you should establish constant monitoring of blood sugar levels. In addition to the complications described above, diabetes can lead to the development of various heart diseases. Most athletes know that there are two types of cholesterol: HDL (good) and LDL (bad). By and large, good cholesterol is a kind of protection of the vascular system, while bad protein significantly increases the risk of developing diseases.
When the balance between these substances shifts towards bad cholesterol, it can lead to the appearance of plaques on the walls of the arteries and their subsequent blockage. During normal functioning of the body, bad cholesterol is excreted by the liver, but this does not happen with high sugar levels.
To avoid a lot of problems, you should optimize your carbohydrate intake. It is this nutrient that contributes to a sharp rise in sugar levels. But there are two more problems here - the inability to predict the response time of sugar and the rate at which its level rises.
The digestion process begins already in the mouth, and fast sugars begin to enter the bloodstream very quickly. This fact makes it difficult to use carbohydrates as the main source of energy for the body. Thus, you need to make major changes to your diet, excluding carbohydrates from it as much as possible. This will not only allow you to exercise properly, but also reduce the risk of developing a large number of diseases.
For more information on how to correctly draw up a training schedule and diet for diabetes, see this video: