Secrets of 300 kg bench press triathletes

Secrets of 300 kg bench press triathletes
Secrets of 300 kg bench press triathletes

Learn how athletes who can bench press more than 2 of their weights train, eat and recover. The bench press is especially loved by a large number of athletes. In addition, this exercise is competitive in powerlifting. Today you will learn the secrets of the 300 kg bench press triathlon.

How to Improve Bench Press Results?

Bench press workout
Bench press workout

Let's start today's conversation with physiology. When you try to lift the burden, the brain connects to work the number of muscle fibers required to do this work. In this case, all one hundred percent of the fibers will not be involved, under any circumstances.

Thus, it can be argued with full responsibility that our muscles have a significantly greater power potential than we assume. If you perform from 8 to 10 repetitions in a set, then if you want to know your maximum result, it will be much higher.

If at a bodybuilding tournament favorites and even a possible winner can be determined even at the weigh-in stage, then in weightlifting and powerlifting this cannot be done. In these sports, the physical appearance of the athletes is quite deceiving. There are times when a giant athlete ends up with very mediocre results.

However, let's return to the topic of this article and say a few more words about physiology. The brain uses special receptors to determine the right number of fibers to do a certain job. Their task is to control the load on muscle tissue, ligamentous-articular apparatus and the degree of muscle stretching. This helps protect you from injury.

In this regard, we can assert that the main task of the strength athlete is the inclusion of additional receptor controllers. It is also possible to train the signal itself, which activates the fibers of the muscle tissue. Now we will consider several techniques that will give you the opportunity to increase strength parameters without gaining muscle mass. To get the receptors to turn off at the maximum possible load, they need to be trained. To do this, you can use the methods described below.

Press (partial press)

We will press
We will press

This technique can be successfully used in triceps training. You need to do a regular press, but the projectile should not be lowered onto the chest. You can lower the projectile low enough or just 10-20 centimeters. Of course, you should select the appropriate operating weight for each of these options. Perform 2 to 4 repetitions in a set.


Single in the bench press
Single in the bench press

Simply put, a single is one repeat. To do this, you will need to use 95 percent of your maximum weight and do three or four single repetitions. At the same time, your efforts should be close to the maximum, but not correspond to them.

Negative press

Negative bench press
Negative bench press

It should be warned right away that this is a very difficult technique, but at the same time very effective. You probably know that muscles can lower significantly more weight compared to lifting. It is on this fact that the negative bench press is based. Use a working weight between 100 and 115 percent of maximum. After removing the projectile from the rack, start lowering it as slowly as possible. It is very important that the movement is smooth and free from jerks. Then a friend helps you to raise the projectile, and you lower it yourself again. This method should be used no more than once every 14 days. Even with AAS, frequent use of negative reps can lead to overtraining.

Static projectile hold

Static holding the bar with a safety net
Static holding the bar with a safety net

Everything is very simple here, use a large weight, ranging from 110 to 120 percent of the maximum. With the help of a friend, remove the projectile from the rack and hold it in outstretched arms for about ten seconds. After that, a five-minute pause is required and the next approach is performed.

Thanks to all these exercises, you will be able to teach your ligamentous-articular apparatus and muscles to hold and lift large enough weights. But it is also possible to increase sports performance in the bench press by improving the power-speed indicators of the muscles. This will allow your brain to use as many fibers as possible for a short period of time.

If you want to achieve great results, then you should definitely introduce speed training into your training program. To do this, you will need to use 50 to 60 percent of your maximum weight, doing sets in three counts, resting 60-120 seconds between sets. The most important thing in this technique is the speed of the exercise.

You can also use plyometric push-ups. To complete them, you will need two benches for the press. Take an emphasis lying between them so that the ribcage touches the ground. Then sharply push the body up to take a lying position already with an emphasis on the benches.

In addition to performing these movements, you will need to monitor the speed of the regular presses. It is important to do this both in the lifting phase of the projectile and during its downward movement. The faster the projectile descends, the less forces will be spent on resistance, and it will be easier to push the bar up.

Also in this case, you can observe a very entertaining moment. When the projectile drops sharply, the muscles and ligaments are strongly stretched. It will also increase the threshold for the receptors we talked about above.

When you squeeze the projectile, do it as quickly as possible, as if you want to throw it away. This allows you to train your brain and make it connect more fibers to work.

Now we have talked about only a few ways to improve athletic performance in the bench press. They are all effective and used by a large number of athletes. In conclusion, I would like to remind you that you need to be careful with negative repetitions and not use them very often.

Find out how to increase your bench press result in this video from Denis Borisov:

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