How to remove freckles on your face at home

How to remove freckles on your face at home
How to remove freckles on your face at home

The article discusses methods of getting rid of freckles on the face and ways to remove them with ointments, herbal decoctions and folk remedies. Freckles on the face are pretty spots on the skin that usually appear during childhood. After 30 years, the number of brown spots decreases, and by old age they disappear completely. However, these pigments can cause many complexes.

Read the Laminary Freckle Removal Mask Review

Reasons for the appearance of freckles on the face

There are many reasons for the appearance of pigments on the face, and they differ in adults and children. Freckles usually appear at the age of three. Most of them can be found in adolescence, and, in winter, there are fewer of them than in summer.

Causes of freckles in adults

Hormonal imbalance
Hormonal imbalance

Despite the fact that most freckles appear in childhood, some people first encounter the problem as adults. In this case, it is impossible to leave neoplasms on the face unattended. In some cases, pigments can be a symptom of a serious illness.

All freckles are the wrong redistribution of melanin in the skin. Accordingly, this can be considered a hormonal ailment.

Let's take a closer look at the causes of freckles in adults:

  • Hormonal imbalance … Often occurs in women of reproductive age due to ovarian dysfunction. The appendages release insufficient amounts of progestin or estrogen into the bloodstream. In this case, the distribution of melanin is disrupted. Along with freckles, menstrual irregularities, pain in the mammary glands, "daub" between periods can be observed. This condition requires the consultation of a gynecologist.
  • Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome … This is an ailment characterized by the appearance of freckles on the body and mucous membranes. Often during ultrasound, polyps are found in the stomach or on the walls of the intestines. Benign neoplasms in 20% of cases degenerate into cancer.
  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract … In this case, freckles are directly related to the concentration of bilirubin. There is a lot of bile in the body, which appears as brownish spots on the face.

Causes of freckles in children

There is no exact age at which cannabis usually appear in children. In some babies, they occur up to a year, but in most cases it occurs at 4-6 years old. Freckles usually appear in the spring, with the first rays of the sun.

The causes of freckles in babies look like this:

  1. Prolonged sun exposure … During tanning, a lot of melanin is produced, which does not have time to be evenly distributed over the skin.
  2. Genetic predisposition. Freckles are almost always inherited. A certain gene is responsible for this. Therefore, you should not be surprised at the appearance of pigments in a baby if you have freckles.
  3. Disorders of the kidneys or stomach … This is evidenced by large dark brown freckles. They are usually round in shape and correspond to the size of the head of the pin. If such freckles are distinguished from the rest of the lighter ones, take the child to the doctor.
  4. Worms … In this case, cannabis appear near the mouth. Other symptoms of invasion may occur. The child does not eat well or, on the contrary, overeats. Sleep may be disturbed, the baby is worried. Be attentive to the child's bowel movements, pinworms often leave the intestines along with the feces.

How to get rid of freckles at home

There are a lot of ways to remove cannabis. Those who believe in traditional medicine often make herbal and food whitening masks. Someone immediately runs to the doctor and seeks to remove freckles by radical methods.

How to remove freckles at home with herbs

Rubbing the face with a decoction of elecampane root
Rubbing the face with a decoction of elecampane root

Herbs have long been used in the preparation of masks and decoctions to combat freckles. From medicinal plants, you can prepare alcoholic tinctures, ointments and lotions.

Herbal Freckle Recipes:

  • Parsley … This spice has long been known for its bleaching properties. On the basis of parsley, you can prepare a tincture, decoction or mask. The easiest way is to grind a bunch of greens with stalks in a meat grinder or blender. Transfer this porridge with a spatula to your face and stand for a quarter of an hour. If you have dry skin, you can add 30 ml of sour cream to the green gruel. If the skin is oily and there are acne, add 30 ml of yogurt into the product. Parsley can be mixed with lemon juice. To do this, chop a bunch of greens and add porridge from half a lemon to 50 g of raw materials. This mixture should be kept on the face for 12-15 minutes.
  • Dandelion … You need to collect a handful of dandelion flowers and chop them with a knife. After that, the plant mass is poured with 1000 ml of boiling water and infused for an hour. You can stand the broth in a water or sand bath for 20 minutes. The resulting liquid is rubbed onto the skin. You can make the appropriate lotions. To do this, immerse a piece of gauze in the broth and apply to the cannabis for a quarter of an hour.
  • Elecampane … Grind elecampane root with a grater. Pour a spoonful of raw materials with 220 ml of boiling water and leave in a bowl, wrapped in a towel. After the liquid cools down, strain it and wipe your face. Lotions are very effective. Moisten a rag with the resulting broth and apply to problem areas. Application time is one third of an hour.
  • Rose hip … To prepare the medicine, you will need fresh rose hips. You need to make gruel out of them. Usually it is enough to pass the berries through a meat grinder 2 times. Mix a spoonful of vitamin porridge with 30 ml of fat sour cream. Spread evenly over the face and leave to work for a third of an hour.
  • Calendula, black currant and cornflowers … This is a truly healing blend that will help you forget about unsightly blemishes on your face. It is necessary to crush a few black currant berries and squeeze out the juice. Grind the leaves of cornflower and calendula, squeeze the juice. Mix all three juices in equal proportions and dampen the resulting liquid on a cloth. Apply the applique to your face for a quarter of an hour.

How to quickly remove freckles with pharmaceutical preparations

Retin-A cream
Retin-A cream

The composition of medicines can contain both natural ingredients and chemicals. Typically, ointments, lotions and wipes contain acids that destroy the top layer of the skin.

Medicines for freckles on the face:

  1. Expigment … It is a cream containing 4% hydroquinone . Hydroquinone is a substance that inhibits the production of melanin. If you use it according to the instructions, then side effects are minimized. In most European countries, hydroquinone is banned because it breaks down skin fibers and can cause melanoma.
  2. Achroactive Max … Hydroquinone based cream. The concentration of the component is minimal (2%), in the composition of the drug there are natural substances, herbal extracts. Can be used to protect against UV rays while in the sun or in a tanning bed.
  3. Retin-A cream … It is a vitamin A product that allows melanin to be evenly distributed in the layers of the skin. Retinoid products can help lighten the cannabis and make them less visible.
  4. Adapalen … It is also a retinoid that will help lighten age spots and make them almost colorless.
  5. Akhromin … Completely natural cream. Previously, it included hydroquinone, but because of its danger, the substance was replaced with extracts of licorice root, beta-carotene and gluconic acid. The price of the cream is cheap because of the natural composition. Effective for light age spots.
  6. Blender FX arbutin cream … This substance is a phenol derivative, a glycoside. Contained in mulberry, lingonberry leaves. The cost of the drug is high, since it is not easy to extract arbutin from plants. Despite this, arbutin creams are a great alternative to hydroquinone products.

How to remove freckles forever in a beauty salon

Cryodestruction of the face
Cryodestruction of the face

Modern beauty salons and cosmetology clinics offer many techniques that allow you to remove cannabis in a short time. But with internal ailments, it will not work to eliminate cannabis forever. It is necessary to remove the cause, to cure the liver, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. In addition, the skin is prone to regeneration, and over time, freckles may reappear.

The methods of dealing with freckles in the salon are as follows:

  • Laser … This is an affordable technique that allows you to get rid of pigments in 1-5 sessions. The essence of the procedure lies in the coagulation of "wrong" hyperpigmented cells with a laser beam. Accordingly, the melanin cell is destroyed. During the session, unpleasant sensations and tingling sensations are possible. Thanks to modern cooling systems, the manipulation is practically painless.
  • Cryodestruction … This is a procedure in which liquid nitrogen is applied to areas with hyperpigmentation using a special nozzle. Manipulation is reverse laser vaporization. Melanin cells are destroyed by freezing. Several procedures may be required.
  • Phototherapy … Effective pigment removal technique. During the manipulation, light pulses are applied to the skin. In the process of a flash of light, the temperature rises greatly, which destroys the accumulation of pigment cells. After that, the freckles disappear. There are no unpleasant sensations, and there are no burns either. Light rays act exclusively on "diseased" cells. This is possible thanks to the use of light filters that illuminate dark areas. The method is non-contact.
  • Chemical pilling … During the procedure, special products containing acids and active chemical components are applied to the skin. These are usually fruit acids and phenol. The upper layers of the skin are simply burned with chemicals. It turns out a burn, after which the upper layers of the skin along with freckles peel off. This method is effective and allows you to get rid of pigments in just one procedure. But it is better to give preference to safer methods.

Is it possible to remove freckles with folk remedies

Applying pumpkin puree
Applying pumpkin puree

Many women prefer to fight cannabis using folk recipes. They do help as some masks contain retinoids and hydroquinone analogs. Folk recipes for freckles:

  1. Melon … Cut the melon flesh into small pieces and pour in 210 ml boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes. Refrigerate the solution. Saturate the cheesecloth with liquid and attach to the cannabis. Application time is a quarter of an hour.
  2. Starch … You need to make black currant puree. Crush the berries until juice appears and fold over cheesecloth. Squeeze out the juice and add the starch to it. You should get a liquid porridge. Apply it to problem areas for exposure. Application time is one third of an hour.
  3. Salt … It is necessary to dissolve 20 g of salt in 220 ml of warm water. Take salt without iodine. Dampen cotton wool with the solution and wipe your face before bed. You cannot wipe off the liquid or get it wet. Wash yourself with warm water in the morning. Repeat the procedure in the evening. After 14 days of using the product, you can see the result.
  4. Lemon … It is a common treatment for age spots and freckles. There are many ways to use citrus. The easiest way is to grease your skin with a greasy cream and put thin circles of lemon on it. The application is left for no more than 10 minutes. You can make lemon lotion. To do this, mix 20 ml of lemon juice, water and vinegar. This liquid is used to wipe the skin after and before bedtime.
  5. Onion … This vegetable is often used to combat cannabis. Just split the onion in half and rub it over your skin. Do not rinse off the juice, but apply kefir on top of it. Leave the mask for a third of an hour. Rinse with warm boiled water.
  6. Cucumber … The vegetable is suitable for dry skin. It is necessary to cut the fruit into thin circles and leave it on the skin for half an hour. You can prepare a tincture. To do this, chop the peel of a cucumber in a blender. For three tablespoons of green porridge, take 100 ml of alcohol. Pour over the porridge and leave for 7-10 days. Strain the lotion and rub it over your face.
  7. Tomatoes … Lubricate the skin with glycerin and apply thin slices of tomatoes. Take not greenhouse, but ground fruits. Put the applique on for half an hour. Rinse off with cold milk rather than water. Saturate a cotton pad with it and wipe the dermis from the remains of tomato juice.
  8. Pumpkin … Make pumpkin puree. Peel and seed the fruit, cut into cubes and cover with cold water. Boil for a quarter of an hour and rub through a sieve. Put the resulting puree on cheesecloth and fold it several times. Leave the application on the skin for a third of an hour. Rinse off with sour milk and then water.
  9. Viburnum … Mash the berries until puree. For two tablespoons of the berry mixture, 150 ml of water is needed. Place the saucepan over the heat and simmer for 2 minutes. Saturate the fabric with broth and apply to problem areas. The exposure time is one third of an hour.

How to remove freckles on the face - watch the video:

Freckles are not a disease, they are a piquant facial feature that sets you apart from the crowd. Do not be complex about this, but try to remove stains using folk recipes or pharmacy remedies.
