How to peel your face with baking soda at home

How to peel your face with baking soda at home
How to peel your face with baking soda at home

Soda peeling: benefits for acne and contraindications. The most popular recipes for mixtures for various skin conditions, the method of its implementation. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) or sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, that is, the acidic sodium salt of carbonic acid. Due to its availability, it is a versatile product used in food production and medicine.

The benefits of baking soda peeling for acne

Facial skin: before and after peeling
Facial skin: before and after peeling

Soda peeling is one of the most elementary methods of skin cleansing, used only at home, but with a very noticeable effect. After all, soda is a substance that is part of the blood plasma, neutralizing acids in the body, increasing its alkaline reserves, maintaining a normal acid-base balance.

The benefits of soda peel for acne:

  • Cleans the skin … Abrasive soda particles exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis, cleanse the pores, and regulate the release of fat.
  • Treats acne and blackheads … Possessing anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties, it promotes effective skin healing.
  • Does not injure the skin … Unlike deeper peels, soda water acts only on the surface of the dermis, excluding its traumatic damage.
  • Simple to implement … The procedure is easy to carry out on your own. It does not require complex skills and preparations.
  • Effective … Visible results can be obtained after the first application.
  • Painless … During the conduct, only a slight tingling is possible. After the procedure, slight redness disappears within an hour.

Peeling your face with baking soda will be especially effective if you are worried about wrinkles, oily skin, freckles and pigmentation, and, of course, acne and inflammation.

Contraindications to soda peeling

Dry skin of the face
Dry skin of the face

Peeling with sodium bicarbonate, like any home cosmetic procedure, undoubtedly has its limitations. You need to know and remember about them before you expose a person to a certain effect, even one that has proven itself in many cases.

Contraindications to the use of peeling baking soda:

  1. Excessively dry skin … The dermis, which is prone to peeling and especially dryness, can acquire an even more unpresentable appearance and condition, since soda has a drying effect.
  2. The presence of open wounds … In this case, many cosmetic procedures are contraindicated due to the risk of aggravating the injury and infection of the existing wound.
  3. Soda intolerance … If sodium bicarbonate in any form has ever caused you an allergic reaction, the procedure should be abandoned.
  4. Hot season … In sunny weather, it is recommended to limit the use of soda peels for oily and especially dry skin. This directly applies to situations when the skin is tanned. There is a risk of drying it out beyond measure.

To ensure that the procedure does not lose its effectiveness, it is recommended that it be carried out no more than 1 time per week. Twice a week, peeling baking soda can be used in cases of excessive oiliness and susceptibility to frequent inflammation.

Recipes for mixtures with soda for face peeling at home

Any peeling involves effective exfoliation of dead cells from the surface of the skin. Such cells are an obstacle to the renewal of the epidermis, normal metabolism, and therefore cause premature aging. With age, the process of natural renewal slows down, and outside help is especially needed for facial care.

Facial peeling with baking soda and salt for acne

Rubbing baking soda into your face
Rubbing baking soda into your face

Soda is a mild abrasive substance that effectively fights acne, acne and irritation, optimizes the acid-base balance. Its effect can be enhanced with the same simple and inexpensive ingredients, the most accessible of which is table salt.

Acne Soda Peel Recipes:

  • Classical … Soda and salt are taken in a 1: 1 ratio. You can use fine sea salt or table salt to avoid damaging your skin. They just cleanse the face.
  • With gel or foam … A little gel or foam for washing is poured into the palm and foamed, adding 10 g of soda and salt each, everything is mixed. The resulting product is rubbed into problem areas for 1-2 minutes, then washed, and a moisturizing cream is applied. Peeling tightens pores, relieves inflammation.
  • With peroxide … 10 g of soda and salt are mixed with 3% hydrogen peroxide to a pasty state. This remedy should be used as in the previous recipe. The effect of the composition can be enhanced with a couple of drops of tea tree oil.
  • With sour cream … Mix 10 g of sodium bicarbonate with the same amount of crushed sea salt (you can take iodized) and 50 g of low-fat sour cream. Apply for 10 minutes, lightly massage the face and rinse with warm water.
  • Brutal … Mix 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate, very fine table salt and shaving cream. In a circular motion, gently rub the resulting composition into the face, hold for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. After rinsing the face with cooler water and rubbing with lemon. Effectively cleanses pores.

Experience shows that much can be done for radiant beauty and true health at home, without resorting to professionals. Soda peeling is one of the real leaders in terms of accessibility and effectiveness in the fight against acne.

Soda peeling for blackheads

Applying a mixture with baking soda to the face
Applying a mixture with baking soda to the face

Comedones are cysts formed due to clogging of dilated sebaceous glands with dust, dead cells and sebum, they create the effect of "black dots" on the face. With their presence, the skin of both women and men looks very unpresentable. Peeling can be effective here.

Soda Mix Recipes Against Blackheads:

  1. With water … A slurry of soda and water is applied to a prepared face in the problem T-zone, left for 20 minutes, then massaged in circular motions for 2 minutes, washed with warm water. The procedure is recommended 1-2 times a week.
  2. With soap … A damp, clean face is lathered with baby soap. A wet finger is dipped in soda, then the problem areas are carefully rubbed with it. Leave the composition for 10 minutes, then wash off.
  3. With baby cream … Sodium bicarbonate is mixed with baby cream to the state of gruel and the "blackheads" zones are wiped. After 15 minutes, wash with heated water.
  4. With orange juice … Sodium bicarbonate is mixed with orange juice to the consistency of thick homemade sour cream. Apply, massaging, for 10 minutes on the face, then rinse off.
  5. With flour … 10 g of sodium bicarbonate and 70 g of wheat flour are mixed. Dilute with water to thicken the paste. For 15 minutes, cover a clean face with the mixture, rub the "black spots", rinse with warm water. Frequency - once a week, the optimal number of procedures is from 6 to 8.
  6. With honey … Mix 10 g of warm homemade honey and 10 g of sodium bicarbonate. Apply to the skin gently with massage movements. After 10 minutes, wash off without soap or gel. Soda here cleanses the dermis, honey restores and nourishes. Recommended to be done weekly.

Although there are a significant number of home peels and other folk remedies that help in eliminating "blackheads", it is still believed that the most effective way to remove them is provided only by cleaning with a professional beautician. But folk methods with soda will come to the rescue of those who cannot afford such a procedure.

It must be remembered that the fight against comedones with peeling does not negate the elimination of other causes of this unpleasant phenomenon. It is also important to regularly and correctly cleanse your face, eat rationally, use good cosmetics, monitor hormonal levels, and consult a dermatologist.

Soda peeling for different skin types

Face peeling with baking soda
Face peeling with baking soda

Absolutely perfect skin is the dream of most modern women. But age, illness, environment often make this dream unattainable. Nevertheless, every housewife has soda in stock, and you can always get rid of sore flaws with her help.

Soda peel recipes for skin with specific problems:

  • For oily skin … For 25 g of 6% vinegar, take 10 g of sodium bicarbonate. The foam obtained by mixing is applied to the skin, rubbed gently, rinsing off after 15 minutes.
  • For porous skin … 20 g of sodium bicarbonate is mixed with 20 g of oatmeal, chopped and steamed in warm milk. Keep the mixture on the skin for 20 minutes, massage, rinse.
  • For inflamed skin … It is recommended to mix 25 g of soda with aloe juice until pasty, then rub gently into problem areas. Soak for 20 minutes and rinse gently.
  • For mature skin … Dilute 25 g of sodium bicarbonate with whipped egg white until thick sour cream. Apply the product on the face, gently massaging, let stand for 10 minutes, wash. The skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • For dry skin … Dilute 25 g of sodium bicarbonate to a creamy state with warm milk. If there is no allergy, it is recommended to add a little natural honey to improve the consistency and antibacterial effect. The composition is distributed over the face with gentle cleansing movements for 20 minutes, then washed off.
  • For loose skin … Stir soda (15 g), chopped oatmeal (25 g) and fresh cucumber juice (volume - if necessary) until a mushy state. For the scent, it is suggested to add rose oil (3 drops). The face is gently massaged with the mixture, which is left on it for 10 minutes, and later washed off with warm clean water.
  • For combination skin … Sodium bicarbonate (10 g) is combined with ground rolled oats (50 g), one yolk and honey (10 g). Applying peeling, massage the face, then rinse.
  • For pigmented skin … Knead boiled beans (25 g), add sodium bicarbonate (10 g) and olive oil, necessary to bring the mixture to a paste state. The resulting mass is applied to the face with rubbing movements for 3 minutes, then rinsed with cool water.
  • For irritated skin … Ground oatmeal flakes (25 g) and soda (25 g) are mixed with a composition of equal amounts of kefir and lemon juice until sour cream is thick. Apply, massaging, for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Baking soda is a very effective skin care routine at home. Peeling compositions can include not only this miraculous powder, but also other components that relieve the face of many imperfections and enhance the result of its impact.

Soda peeling technique

Washing after peeling
Washing after peeling

The preparatory stage for any peeling is skin warming up. A steam bath will do. For dry dermis, take dried mint and linden (25 g each), for oily dermis - the same amount of sage and chamomile. Pre-wash your face, apply a greasy cream around the eyes. Boil 2.5 L of water in a wide bowl and boil the herbs. Steam your face over a bowl for 10 minutes, covered with a bath towel. Blot it with a soft cloth and proceed to cleaning.

Soda peeling rules:

  1. The composition for the procedure should be applied to a cleansed and steamed face.
  2. To avoid harm, do not use sodium bicarbonate on overly thin or overly sensitive skin or around the eyes.
  3. Test the composition on your wrist before applying. Redness or irritation is a signal to cancel the procedure.
  4. First, the mixture is applied to the fingertips, then with massaging movements on the face.
  5. The cleanser should only be applied to problem areas or areas with comedones.
  6. It is recommended to wash off the composition first with warm, and then with cool water.
  7. After the peeling procedure with baking soda, even with oily skin, a nourishing cream is applied to the face or moisturized with cosmetics.

Numerous positive reviews about soda peeling can be found in popular women's magazines or on Internet forums. Women note that the skin really becomes softer, softer, problems disappear. But this budgeting procedure should be done correctly.

How to peel your face with baking soda - watch the video:

Peeling soda is an extremely affordable and effective remedy that allows you to get rid of impurities, acne, unkempt blackheads, cope with oily skin, and heal problem areas. Formulations with salt, oatmeal, flour, honey, eggs and other common ingredients can make cleansing a real pleasure for the epidermis. Compliance with the necessary rules will make the procedure pleasant and truly effective.
